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Netanyahu thanks Erdogan for aid

edrogen why. well it makes some strategic sense at least

is edrogen something like hydrogen ? no offense : )))))


and about the topic...
when i saw the pictures above which 500 posted, ones about international coorperation, turkish russian greek planes fly together for an israeli fire.. even palestinian fire department.. they just made me dream about our world with handfull of optimism.. i dreamt a world that our generetion cant able to reach. maybe next 5-6 gen as well..a world that there is topics on forums "A country vs B country".. a world without weapon deals..wars.. and conflicts..All humanity focused on the meaning of life.. science ..etc

then i woke up..
Ps i dont want go offtopic but that ziyonist making me angry by talking easy like they are not fault. Israel has the worlds best technology but cant hunt hamas without killing little babys and kids and womans.
* Over 96% of killed Palestinians are male.
* Gaza is one of the most dence populated areas in the world. Even couple meter miss can cause dozens of innocent casualties.
* Hamas and other groups fire rockets from these dence populated areas.
* Palestinian militants dont wear uniforms during the combat.
* Very often kids run around militiamen.
* Mistakes happen. Israel killed own soldiers many times.

Overall compare to other similar conflicts death toll is not high. During recent war of Sri Lanka against Tamil tgers number of civilian casualties was much higher (10-20 thousands), I am not talking about Chechnya (100 thousands).
This is humanitarian aid so it is a good thing.

Israeli soldiers may kill civilians because their rabbis telling their soldiers that palestinians are animals.There is a guy named Ovadia Yossef,he is hilarious:lol:
Dont read too much of propaganda news or some partial blogs. I can also start one blog blabbering anything I want. Th status of Palestinians are much better than many of the surrounding people. While reading anti Israeli news, take them with a pinch of salt

The highlighted part of your post is something i do not agree with at all and so do many other members, it is best that you refrain from such comments on this thread since this is all off topic and with such entirely dismissive comments you are also adding fuel to fire.
Ps i dont want go offtopic but that ziyonist making me angry by talking easy like they are not fault. Israel has the worlds best technology but cant hunt hamas without killing little babys and kids and womans.

Let us focus on the thread topic and leave this argument for the relevant Palestine conflict threads which have a lot of heated debate going on.
Going off topic here will only give way to a lot of flame wars.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Let us focus on the thread topic and leave this argument for the relevant Palestine conflict threads which have a lot of heated debate going on.
Going off topic here will only give way to a lot of flame wars.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Can you give me the link of that thread bro so i can give a answer to that jew ''500''
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