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Netanyahu thanks Erdogan for aid

You can say instead; Allah or nature turned the table but no insulting words in such situation..

It's simply a timely support, which shows the good nature of Turkish people.

It is also matter of capacity.... and Allah has given them this capacity to carry out humanitarian activities beyond its borders and they did not hesitate in responding.

You are right Batman it is ironic that a country who denied and massacred Turkish humanitarian flotilla is now in need of help from same people and allows them to fly in their air-space which is far more strategic than some lonely naval boundaries. Long live the Turks!

Shame on Erdogan.

You mean shame on you?? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
According to the Israeli human rights group Gisha.org, items barred from Gaza by the blockade include:

“sage, cardamom, cumin, coriander, ginger, jam, halva, vinegar, nutmeg, chocolate, fruit preserves, seeds and nuts, biscuits and sweets, potato chips, gas for soft drinks, dried fruit, fresh meat, plaster, tar, wood for construction, cement, iron, glucose, industrial salt, plastic/glass/metal containers, industrial margarine, tarpaulin, sheets for huts, fabric (for clothing), flavor and smell enhancers, fishing rods, various fishing nets, buoys, ropes for fishing, nylon nets for greenhouses, hatcheries and spare parts for hatcheries, spare parts for tractors, dairies for cowsheds, irrigation pipe systems, ropes to tie greenhouses planters for saplings, heaters for chicken farms, musical instruments, size A4 paper, writing implements, notebooks, newspapers, toys, razors, sewing machines and spare parts, heaters, horses, donkeys, goats, cattle, and chicks”

Why Did Israel Attack the Gaza Flotilla? SpeakEasy

Pics taken in Gaza in January 2009:



You can see store is full with goods, Pringles and Lays chips.

September 2008:


November 2009:



Sweets and cakes.
It shows Turkey doesn't keep on about petty issues. Right now they are helping Israel in spite of the flotilla incident. In the same way they harbour no enmity to Palestinians who stabbed them in the back during WWI. Great nation. Great people.
Israel has killed everyday innocent and unarmed child, woman and old Palestinian People. Israel never allow the humanist helping to Palestinians. Israelis says we give food to them. But Palestines say to us " We haven't money and food" what is that! world people are silly? and israel so clever?? come on Jews, this is bull ****.
Its burning every day in Gaza. Who helps them???
We didnt forget to phosphor bombs that dropped
on little kids and burn them up!! Stupid hypocrites.
Its burning every day in Gaza. Who helps them???
Nothing burns in Gaza. Their life standards are pretty high for third world.

We didnt forget to phosphor bombs that dropped
on little kids and burn them up!! Stupid hypocrites.
There was not any "phosphor bombs".


[TR]AHMET;1314529 said:
Israel has killed everyday innocent and unarmed child, woman and old Palestinian People. Israel never allow the humanist helping to Palestinians. Israelis says we give food to them. But Palestines say to us " We haven't money and food" what is that! world people are silly? and israel so clever?? come on Jews, this is bull ****.
Even according to Palestinian sources some 96% of killed are male. Since Gaza war two years ago conflict intensiity drastically dropped and very few are killed. As I said Israel supplies massive humanitarian aid daily even when Palestinians fire rockets at us.

It shows Turkey doesn't keep on about petty issues. Right now they are helping Israel in spite of the flotilla incident. In the same way they harbour no enmity to Palestinians who stabbed them in the back during WWI. Great nation. Great people.
Yes Turks are known for their warmth and hospitality.
Nothing burns in Gaza. Their life standards are pretty high for third world.

There was not any "phosphor bombs".


What the hell?? Why would they use smoke bombs in the night?
Why would they use smoke bombs on civilians??



Look at that, right on a ambulance:


Look what a simple smoke bomb did to a little boy:

So what are you talking about 500??
You Israelian guys can go with no problem to school, to
beach, to live your life and what about gaza?? You say
that their life standards are pretty good but nobody can go out or in
gaza, Israel just drops bombs like there is no civilians etc.
So what are you talking about man?

Look good at these kids. What did they do to you?
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Some day I hope I will be able to thank Pakistanis for providing humanitarian aid to Israel.
Israel always say lie but only they fool themselves. They are killed innocent people why ? for holy land. We are all going to die one day. All world people same, why do you killed innocent people? You know to Turks. We are leaving with hundred years. We never harmed to Jews or other nations, Jews know to this!
But now Jews killed innocent people. why ? for holy land. is this something good?
Please stop for humanity you are wrong way.
What the hell?? Why would they use smoke bombs in the night?
Night vision devices you can buy today even in shops. So you need smoke cover at night too.

Why would they use smoke bombs on civilians??
Because Hamas terrosists hide in civilian areas, store rockets in civilan areas and fire rockets from civlian areas.

What u suggest to use in civilian areas? High explosive rounds?

Look at that, right on a ambulance:

Thanks for posting this pic. Now look at same place several minutes later:


As you can see, there is not even scratch on that ambulance that was standing in the middle of "terrible phoshor bomb attack". The guy that was standing near is not harmed either.

Because it is M825A1 smoke round.

It is standard NATO smoke round. It is only function is produce smoke. It is absolutely legal according to all conventions.

Now imagine what would happen if it was not "terrible phosphorus bomb" but conventional 155mm high explosive round? Everyone would be dead there and instead the ambulance there would a large crater.
I believe its best that we stay on topic,and focus more on Turkey/Erdogan's aid instead of the usual bull about IDF and Geneva Convention violations

Personally i think its a really noble act that Turkey had done
Turkey planes drops water over a forest fire in the village of Ein Hod near the northern city of Haifa



It shows Turkey doesn't keep on about petty issues. Right now they are helping Israel in spite of the flotilla incident. In the same way they harbour no enmity to Palestinians who stabbed them in the back during WWI. Great nation. Great people.
I am very much a pro-Zionist. I also know some history. In general, the forefathers of the Arabs we call "Palestinians" today were pro-Turk in WWI. It was the British-supported Husseins and Sauds who betrayed the Turks and became rulers of Transjordan and Arabia, respectively.

I understand the Turkish water-bomber has made the decisive difference in bringing the fires on the Carmel under control. :tup:
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