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Nepal had offered to join Indian Union in 1947: Sudershan

Nepal is smart.. they know they have future without India. We should take Nepal by force like we did to Goa. After Nepal we should go after Pakistan, Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Bhutan to remake the glory of British India.

calm down, we have to wait until we achieve our aims. our country is still developing. btw u forgot afghanistan ;)
calm down, we have to wait until we achieve our aims. our country is still developing. btw u forgot afghanistan ;)

We should take over our neighborhood first and then move into the Middle East, but only if America allows it or else we should just stick to our neighborhood.
Ooorrr...Better idea...Let's not?? Leave them alone. Keep growing on our end. Only involve ourselves with them if they hinder our growth.
Nepal is smart.. they know they have future without India. We should take Nepal by force like we did to Goa. After Nepal we should go after Pakistan, Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Bhutan to remake the glory of British India.

Ooorrr...Better idea...Let's not?? Leave them alone. Keep growing on our end. Only involve ourselves with them if they hinder our growth.
We should take over our neighborhood first and then move into the Middle East, but only if America allows it or else we should just stick to our neighborhood.

You sound more like Pakistani. They believe in what you have written. If you are actually an India try to find your nut bolts.
Nepal is smart.. they know they have future without India. We should take Nepal by force like we did to Goa. After Nepal we should go after Pakistan, Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Bhutan to remake the glory of British India.

False flagger....!Pls dont appreciate these kinda posts...
Mr shudershan told us a historical incident. We should discuss the credibility of his discussion. Rather than trolling over Balochistan and Sikkim. If any Pakistani feels he is wrong, then please go ahead and prove it wrong...

If Indian National (traitor) Kongress feel, he is talking lie against there Baap (Father) they sould sue him. But please don't derail the thread...

Don't raise K issue every where...

Firstly Mr. Sudarshan must support his argument. As long as the saffron brigade lives in the past(vandalising Gandhi's and Nehru's image) and in fantasies(Hindutva based India), BJP is going to sit in the cold. What is the harm if Nepal is independent now?
Nepal is smart.. they know they have future without India. We should take Nepal by force like we did to Goa. After Nepal we should go after Pakistan, Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Bhutan to remake the glory of British India.

LOL we all know you are a false flag bigot
Truth hurts doesn't it? I've never met a Nepali in China but there are quite a few in Britain. Nepalis don't like India because India occupies Nepalese territory acquired through British imperialism.

Those above are anecdotes, even if true, how many Nepalis could you have met? 100, 1000, 10000?

They want Sikkim back, among others.

Sikkim was Nepali? :woot:

Also, stop stealing Buddha from them - he was Nepali, not Indian.

No matter how much you people whine or attempt to distance Buddha from India, whether you like it or not, Buddhism is a Dharmic religion and will always be associated with India.
Nepal is smart.. they know they have future without India. We should take Nepal by force like we did to Goa. After Nepal we should go after Pakistan, Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Bhutan to remake the glory of British India.
I thought India is a peaceful country...:hitwall:
what is wrong with you???
Those above are anecdotes, even if true, how many Nepalis could you have met? 100, 1000, 10000?

Sikkim was Nepali? :woot:

No matter how much you people whine or attempt to distance Buddha from India, whether you like it or not, Buddhism is a Dharmic religion and will always be associated with India.

Except for the fact that Hindu's finished off Buddhism from India from 0-1000 AD, copy pasting Buddhist practices into Hinduism. Islam put nails in the coffin by sacking the Buddhist Vihara's, which helped Hinduism further to finish off Buddhism completely. Many former Buddhists who became lower castes, accepted Islam to escape from clutches from twice born upper caste Hindu's oppression. Buddhism was revolution for caste free equality and Hinduism was a counter revolution to bring back caste oppression.
Except for the fact that Hindu's finished off Buddhism from India from 0-1000 AD, copy pasting Buddhist practices into Hinduism.

So one adopts/inculcates practices or values with intentions of finishing off another faith :woot:

Islam put nails in the coffin by sacking the Buddhist Vihara's,

Seriously! , you are eqauting the acts of some plundering barbarians to that of a faith Islam?

Many former Buddhists who became lower castes, accepted Islam to escape from clutches from twice born upper caste Hindu's oppression.

First, give a source , not some shitty blog, a real proper source, like a university paper.

Then can you a number , for this many?

Buddhism was revolution for caste free equality and Hinduism was a counter revolution to bring back caste oppression.

Buddhism was a revolution indeed, but Buddha himself didn't lay an emphasis on the evils of Hinduism, but rather escaping the maladies of life and attaining Moksha.
Except for the fact that Hindu's finished off Buddhism from India from 0-1000 AD, copy pasting Buddhist practices into Hinduism. Islam put nails in the coffin by sacking the Buddhist Vihara's, which helped Hinduism further to finish off Buddhism completely. Many former Buddhists who became lower castes, accepted Islam to escape from clutches from twice born upper caste Hindu's oppression. Buddhism was revolution for caste free equality and Hinduism was a counter revolution to bring back caste oppression.

Buddhism has not finished in india.There are millions of buddhists in india.And lower caste hindus converted to buddhism and not islam as you have stated.
Buddha himself was a hindu and buddhism originated in present day india.From here it spread to tibet,china,japan and korea.
In short,Buddhism is an offshoot of hinduism.
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