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Negative attitudes toward Iran increasing among Turks, survey shows

Dear professor I put the link to the original us govrnment document there . Because I knew it may be hard for you to find it . Go and look at it and see if you can find any proof of those allegations

About the second question I don't care about the answer because I knew it and it was you who were supposed to answer it not me . But let explain the situation for you. The fact that only the name of the countries who have problem with usa is in the list is the clear sign that the person who wrote it only did a political job and didn't care about the real facts

And about the third part . I guess it's clear that the person who resort to personal attacks and don't even read his article and even don't try to read the source of his posts is the idiot

if you don't know how to use internet, it is not my problem. There's a chapter we call "References" in wiki. But it's natural for ya huh :rofl:

wow you have a section:omghaha:.Ultracrepidarian: :blah:

good luck with israel.

yes he has a section which there aren't any terrorism supporters
if you don't know how to use internet, it is not my problem. There's a chapter we call "References" in wiki. But it's natural for ya huh :rofl:

yes he has a section which there aren't any terrorism supporters

And if you don't knew how to use that section , well I put the direct link to that source .

Go read the source and you see you can't find any proof only allegations.

By the way next time if you want to tell me gi read somewhere else please help yourself and read that source first .
I told this Iranians months ago, if Iran continues like this, eventually Turkish public opinion will turn against you, and here you have it. If Iran continues like this, the government will have a very easy job convincing to have a war against Iran.

Maybe we will not enter it, but we will actively support Israel/US attacks and invasion.

Well if you want a war , well we can't stop you . But be warned we have always said and never was shy about it . You can start a war with us anytime you like, but be assured it's iran who decide when the war end . Not you and we already proved that .

About supporting an invssion agaunst us we also already said if any country open its land or airspace for a third party to attack us we consider it declaring war on us.
if you don't know how to use internet, it is not my problem. There's a chapter we call "References" in wiki. But it's natural for ya huh :rofl:

yes he has a section which there aren't any terrorism supporters

you should use i or we.are you Nervous?;)
I told this Iranians months ago, if Iran continues like this, eventually Turkish public opinion will turn against you, and here you have it. If Iran continues like this, the government will have a very easy job convincing to have a war against Iran.

Maybe we will not enter it, but we will actively support Israel/US attacks and invasion.

Cool story brah. :coffee:
And if you don't knew how to use that section , well I put the direct link to that source .

Go read the source and you see you can't find any proof only allegations.

By the way next time if you want to tell me gi read somewhere else please help yourself and read that source first .

haha. And that comes from a "trustworthy" Iranian who is a "source master" that only he can decide which one's right or wrong. About declaring war. Yes we always see how your toyshop revolution guards bark but never be able to bit. Even without assistance you know that it'd be the greatest kick-a$$ parade that Iranian History can imagine. Too bad for ya

you should use i or we.are you Nervous?;)

me nervous bro? Nahh. I just enjoy my day with dealing a bunch of trolls :D
Just a few years ago, Iran was a potential ally for Turkey. They screwed it up. Now they can enjoy the consequences.
Well if you want a war , well we can't stop you . But be warned we have always said and never was shy about it . You can start a war with us anytime you like, but be assured it's iran who decide when the war end . Not you and we already proved that .

About supporting an invssion agaunst us we also already said if any country open its land or airspace for a third party to attack us we consider it declaring war on us.

You decide when the war stops? HAHAAHAAHAH, do you think you are stronger than Turkey? Plus Israel and US?

Good joke. We DECIDE when the war stops and what happens with Iran and its land. Not you, we have the stronger army. Iran has made to many enemies. It will bare the consequences.

Before the end, Iran will know that it was a mistake to become enemies with Turkey. Iran has supported terrorism against us. They have done everything to hurt us. Iran will pay the check.
haha. And that comes from a "trustworthy" Iranian who is a "source master" that only he can decide which one's right or wrong. About declaring war. Yes we always see how your toyshop revolution guards bark but never be able to bit. Even without assistance you know that it'd be the greatest kick-a$$ parade that Iranian History can imagine. Too bad for ya

Me source meter ? God forbid that I'll accept any source if it sow proofs of what is claimed there . but on other hand it seems you are a source meter that accept some sources and say some other are not trust worthy .

by the way why not look at your source and see if you can find any proof for your claims ?

me nervous bro? Nahh. I just enjoy my day with dealing a bunch of trolls :D

is there any troll going on ? can i join ? :whistle:

well we have some celestial terol here who claim to reside in one of our neighbor countries who even fail to read his own sources , you can have fun with him/her
You decide when the war stops? HAHAAHAAHAH, do you think you are stronger than Turkey? Plus Israel and US?

Good joke. We DECIDE when the war stops and what happens with Iran and its land. Not you, we have the stronger army. Iran has made to many enemies. It will bare the consequences.

Before the end, Iran will know that it was a mistake to become enemies with Turkey. Iran has supported terrorism against us. They have done everything to hurt us. Iran will pay the check.
if you can decide when the war stop , why your dear uncle Sam and uncle Israel are so wary of starting a war ? or you think you are so powerful that if you enter the war the tip of balance magically change dramatically in their favor?

Israel had the stronger army but they had to beg Hamas and Hezbollah to stop the war .

and please show the proof that Iran support terrorism in Turkey on other hand it seems there are such intresting news about your dear friend Israel
Israeli Herons give intelligence to PKK, intelligence officers say

Me source meter ? God forbid that I'll accept any source if it sow proofs of what is claimed there . but on other hand it seems you are a source meter that accept some sources. @JEskandari

by the way why not look at your source and see if you can find any proof for your claims ?

Designated as a State Sponsor of
Terrorism in 1984, Iran remained
an active state sponsor of
terrorism in 2011 and increased
its terrorist-related activity, likely
in an effort to exploit the
uncertain political conditions
resulting from the Arab Spring,
as well as in response to
perceived increasing external
pressure on Tehran. Iran also
continued to provide financial,
material, and logistical support
for terrorist and militant groups
throughout the Middle East and
Central Asia. Iran was known to
use the Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-
QF) and terrorist insurgent
groups to implement its foreign
policy goals, provide cover for
intelligence operations, and
support terrorist and militant
groups. The IRGC-QF is the
regime's primary mechanism for
cultivating and supporting
terrorists abroad.
In 2011, the United States
discovered that elements of the
Iranian regime had conceived
and funded a plot to assassinate
Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to
the United States in Washington
D.C. Mansour Arbabsiar, an
Iranian-born U.S. dual-national
working on behalf of the IRGC-
QF, was arrested in September
2011 for his role in the plot; also
indicted in the case was an IRGC-
QF officer who remains at large.
Arbabsiar held several meetings
with an associate whom Iranian
officials believed was a narcotics
cartel member. This associate, in
fact, was a confidential source
for U.S. law enforcement. The
thwarted plot underscored anew
Iran's interest in using
international terrorism –
including in the United States –
to further its foreign policy goals.
Despite its pledge to support the
stabilization of Iraq, Iran
continued to provide lethal
support, including weapons,
training, funding, and guidance,
to Iraqi Shia militant groups
targeting U.S. and Iraqi forces, as
well as civilians. Iran was
responsible for the increase of
lethal attacks on U.S. forces and
provided militants with the
capability to assemble explosives
designed to defeat armored
vehicles. The IRGC-QF, in concert
with Lebanese Hizballah,
provided training outside of Iraq
as well as advisors inside Iraq for
Shia militants in the construction
and use of sophisticated
improvised explosive device
technology and other advanced
Qods Force provided training to
the Taliban in Afghanistan on
small unit tactics, small arms,
explosives, and indirect fire
weapons, such as mortars,
artillery, and rockets. Since 2006,
Iran has arranged arms
shipments to select Taliban
members, including small arms
and associated ammunition,
rocket propelled grenades,
mortar rounds, 107mm rockets,
and plastic explosives. Iran has
shipped a large number of
weapons to Kandahar,
Afghanistan, in particular, aiming
to increase its influence in this
key province.
During the wave of pro-
democracy demonstrations in
Syria, Iran provided weapons
and training to assist the Asad
regime in its brutal crackdown
that has resulted in the death of
more than 5,000 civilians. Iran
also continued to provide
weapons, training, and funding
to Hamas and other Palestinian
terrorist groups, including the
Palestine Islamic Jihad and the
Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine-General Command.
Since the end of the 2006 Israeli-
Hizballah conflict, Iran has
assisted in rearming Hizballah, in
direct violation of United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1701.
Iran has provided hundreds of
millions of dollars in support of
Hizballah in Lebanon and has
trained thousands of Hizballah
fighters at camps in Iran.
In 2011, Iran remained unwilling
to bring to justice senior AQ
members it continued to detain,
and refused to publicly identify
those senior members in its
custody. It also allowed AQ
members to operate a core
facilitation pipeline through
Iranian territory, enabling AQ to
carry funds and move facilitators
and operatives to South Asia and
Since 2009, the Financial Action
Task Force (FATF) has called for
its members and the
international community to
institute countermeasures to
protect their respective financial
sectors as well as the global
financial system from the risks –
in particular the terrorist
financing threat – posed by Iran.
In October 2011, the FATF
strengthened its language and
again called for countermeasures
against Iran. Iran has had some
limited engagement regarding
anti-money laundering/
counterterrorist finance and has
responded to overtures by
multilateral entities such as the
UN's Global Programme against
Money Laundering.
Last edited by a moderator:
Me source meter ? God forbid that I'll accept any source if it sow proofs of what is claimed there . but on other hand it seems you are a source meter that accept some sources. @JEskandari

by the way why not look at your source and see if you can find any proof for your claims ?

Designated as a State Sponsor of
Terrorism in 1984, Iran remained
an active state sponsor of
terrorism in 2011 and increased
its terrorist-related activity, likely
in an effort to exploit the
uncertain political conditions
resulting from the Arab Spring,
as well as in response to
perceived increasing external
pressure on Tehran. Iran also
continued to provide financial,
material, and logistical support
for terrorist and militant groups
throughout the Middle East and
Central Asia. Iran was known to
use the Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-
QF) and terrorist insurgent
groups to implement its foreign
policy goals, provide cover for
intelligence operations, and
support terrorist and militant
groups. The IRGC-QF is the
regime's primary mechanism for
cultivating and supporting
terrorists abroad.
In 2011, the United States
discovered that elements of the
Iranian regime had conceived
and funded a plot to assassinate
Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to
the United States in Washington
D.C. Mansour Arbabsiar, an
Iranian-born U.S. dual-national
working on behalf of the IRGC-
QF, was arrested in September
2011 for his role in the plot; also
indicted in the case was an IRGC-
QF officer who remains at large.
Arbabsiar held several meetings
with an associate whom Iranian
officials believed was a narcotics
cartel member. This associate, in
fact, was a confidential source
for U.S. law enforcement. The
thwarted plot underscored anew
Iran's interest in using
international terrorism –
including in the United States –
to further its foreign policy goals.
Despite its pledge to support the
stabilization of Iraq, Iran
continued to provide lethal
support, including weapons,
training, funding, and guidance,
to Iraqi Shia militant groups
targeting U.S. and Iraqi forces, as
well as civilians. Iran was
responsible for the increase of
lethal attacks on U.S. forces and
provided militants with the
capability to assemble explosives
designed to defeat armored
vehicles. The IRGC-QF, in concert
with Lebanese Hizballah,
provided training outside of Iraq
as well as advisors inside Iraq for
Shia militants in the construction
and use of sophisticated
improvised explosive device
technology and other advanced
Qods Force provided training to
the Taliban in Afghanistan on
small unit tactics, small arms,
explosives, and indirect fire
weapons, such as mortars,
artillery, and rockets. Since 2006,
Iran has arranged arms
shipments to select Taliban
members, including small arms
and associated ammunition,
rocket propelled grenades,
mortar rounds, 107mm rockets,
and plastic explosives. Iran has
shipped a large number of
weapons to Kandahar,
Afghanistan, in particular, aiming
to increase its influence in this
key province.
During the wave of pro-
democracy demonstrations in
Syria, Iran provided weapons
and training to assist the Asad
regime in its brutal crackdown
that has resulted in the death of
more than 5,000 civilians. Iran
also continued to provide
weapons, training, and funding
to Hamas and other Palestinian
terrorist groups, including the
Palestine Islamic Jihad and the
Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine-General Command.
Since the end of the 2006 Israeli-
Hizballah conflict, Iran has
assisted in rearming Hizballah, in
direct violation of United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1701.
Iran has provided hundreds of
millions of dollars in support of
Hizballah in Lebanon and has
trained thousands of Hizballah
fighters at camps in Iran.
In 2011, Iran remained unwilling
to bring to justice senior AQ
members it continued to detain,
and refused to publicly identify
those senior members in its
custody. It also allowed AQ
members to operate a core
facilitation pipeline through
Iranian territory, enabling AQ to
carry funds and move facilitators
and operatives to South Asia and
Since 2009, the Financial Action
Task Force (FATF) has called for
its members and the
international community to
institute countermeasures to
protect their respective financial
sectors as well as the global
financial system from the risks –
in particular the terrorist
financing threat – posed by Iran.
In October 2011, the FATF
strengthened its language and
again called for countermeasures
against Iran. Iran has had some
limited engagement regarding
anti-money laundering/
counterterrorist finance and has
responded to overtures by
multilateral entities such as the
UN's Global Programme against
Money Laundering.

Well now that you looked at the source is some sort of improvement . But honnestly don't you think this post is just a composition of several allegations weaved together and the writer even don't manage to provide a single evidence and proof for his claims.
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Well now that you looked at the source is some sort of improvement . But honnestly don't you think this post is just a composition of several allegations weaved together and the writer even don't manage to provide a single evidence and proof for his claims.

so the whole world is wrong but You guys are right?
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