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Need to prevent return of Taliban post 2014: India

Still the most powerful and organized politico- military block in Afghanistan is Taliban and a pragmatic thinking suggests us that, what US & NATO could not achieve in past 10 years that cannot be achieved in next 2 years time too. Now come to the point of post withdrawl scenario, the world has changed a lot and now no one is going to buy the Bush’s terminology of “either you are with us or with them”, If Taliban can manage the support of other ethnic groups by putting forward a reconciling formula with Uzbeks Tajiks & Hazaras and form a unity government with substantial representation of all the sections then only the peaceful transition can be achieved. Diplomatic recognition of the next government by community of nations will give the room to negotiate with them and no one wants political isolation whether it is Taliban or anyone else.

They were fighting in the wrong place all this while, it's just recently possibly since 2008 that the US has figured out the real hot spot. Taliban are in no mood for dialogue, the US tried that as a last resort by engaging them in talks and have failed. It's important to know that the Taliban want nothing to do with sharing power, they want Afg and Pak to be Islamic states with implementation of Sharia, they oppose all other forces foreign and domestic who prevent them from establishing their goals.

26 NATO countries have tried reconciliation with them, under the Taliban Afghanistan will be back to square one.

Allegations doesn't have any value unless you have substantial evidence to support it. ;)

We in Pakistan spend lot of money on your allegations but what have you done to the murderers of samjhota express.

As i remember, Hemant Karkary was furbished with evidence and later he was killed by Indian Army.
They were fighting in the wrong place all this while, it's just recently possibly since 2008 that the US has figured out the real hot spot. Taliban are in no mood for dialogue, the US tried that as a last resort by engaging them in talks and have failed. It's important to know that the Taliban want nothing to do with sharing power, they want Afg and Pak to be Islamic states with implementation of Sharia, they oppose all other forces foreign and domestic who prevent them from establishing their goals.

26 NATO countries have tried reconciliation with them, under the Taliban Afghanistan will be back to square one.

with due respect to your point of view, i think this problem arises from over consumption of western world view and India has the ability to mend the ties with any future Government in Afghanistan run by Taliban & we should not toe the line of Uncle Sam on that.
They were fighting in the wrong place all this while, it's just recently possibly since 2008 that the US has figured out the real hot spot. Taliban are in no mood for dialogue, the US tried that as a last resort by engaging them in talks and have failed. It's important to know that the Taliban want nothing to do with sharing power, they want Afg and Pak to be Islamic states with implementation of Sharia, they oppose all other forces foreign and domestic who prevent them from establishing their goals.

26 NATO countries have tried reconciliation with them, under the Taliban Afghanistan will be back to square one.

26 countries, along with Pakistan on its own soil and the Taliban could not be stopped, and why is that exactly? ......... Its because the people support them otherwise their insurgency/freedom struggle would have ended on day one.

Reconciliation............. tell that to the dead children who were exterminated in a genocide by American 10T daisy cutters and to those entire families wiped out.........

Below is a simple photo of dead children through US drone strikes, the scratch of the surface of the genocide these 26 countries have committed and you want them to reconcile.......

We in Pakistan spend lot of money on your allegations but what have you done to the murderers of samjhota express.

As i remember, Hemant Karkary was furbished with evidence and later he was killed by Indian Army.

LoL, Who told you that? Batman or Bruce Wayne?

Don't mind me asking, do you have some serious childhood issues? Because what it seems, your disease of staying in a world of delusion is incurable.
Indians along with its partners in Afghanistan, need to increase attacks on NATO and this will force them to stay.

If Indians won't raise threats US & NATO might leave soon.

Hurry up Indians do some thing to show monsters out of shadows.

One thing is sure, after US leave, slowly Pashtoons will demand their share in rule and minority warlords and profit maker Indians would not like it, which will lead to civil war as in past.

Principally, Indians shall go home and keep their hands clean of Afghanistan... its Pashtoon land and will always be.

Warlords of northern Alliance can go to India if they like and can help Indians in making fair & lovely.

LoL, Who told you that? Batman or Bruce Wayne?

Don't mind me asking, do you have some serious childhood issues? Because what it seems, your disease of staying in a world of delusion is incurable.

This is totally out of context... and don't get too obsessed with individuals from Pakistan.

We are simply advising you... evil is destined to fail.
We wont fight them but we will train and equip afghan forces so they can clean their country from those taliban scumbags
America has failed doing it and you Indians think you can do it Man wake up Afghans never accept any occupations and specially Non Muslim force and if India tries to train them the day Taliban get rid of America they will put their foucs on India and you what few Taliban can you just haven't forgotten a previous attack
^^ How can Afghans fight without arms?
Last time it was US arms and Pakistani guidance, which lead to USSR collapse.

Attacks on NATO are fake and are carried out by collaboration of Indians and northern alliance warlords, who risk to loose ultimate control of Afghans, without US soldiers.
Ruling elite is a foreigners from Tajikistan and not ethnic Afghans.
Since last 10 years Pashtoons are being, raped, sold, murdered but they can't do any thing against it.
Today.. Afghans are mere slaves of Indians who are stealing US aid to Afghanistan and minerals of Afghanistan.
It all depends on what happens near to and post-withdrawal. Although I believe there is no yearning for the return of the strict Taliban form of governance by the majority, the security, law and order situation and rampant corruption might tilt things.

One thing that is obvious from interviews of the general public I see, they all comment how there was stability, law and order in check when the Taliban was in power. A certain sense of nostalgia prevails.

If it transpires that security worsens, corruption continues, then demands for a hardline no-nonsense govt will increase to remove the dysfunctional system in place.

It's a case of a lesser evil to some, and by no means the ideal solution. However, the people will dictate who comes into power. Whether one likes it or not, the Taliban and its supporters do form a part of the national fabric, and will need to be accomodated when it comes to a long-term political solution - especially when the US isn't there to guard the disastrous Karzai regime like it does now.
Well neither US nor India con do $hit if afghans want taliban in power.Taliban still holds 70% of AF while indian's wet dreaming friend karzai is known as the mayor of kabul. Pustoons are majority in AF and even that donkey
panetta admitted that taliban is part of the afghan political sphere and reconciliation process. But Indian wet dreams of
Taliban knows no bounds. :lol:
26 countries, along with Pakistan on its own soil and the Taliban could not be stopped, and why is that exactly? ......... Its because the people support them otherwise their insurgency/freedom struggle would have ended on day one.

Reconciliation............. tell that to the dead children who were exterminated in a genocide by American 10T daisy cutters and to those entire families wiped out.........

Below is a simple photo of dead children through US drone strikes, the scratch of the surface of the genocide these 26 countries have committed and you want them to reconcile.......


So according to you the Taliban are fighting the good fight - the good Taliban huh, OK I understand where you are coming from and also acknowledge the civilian deaths in the WOT, again they can be counted as victims of cross fire.

There are two ways the world can look at it,

1) For the benefit of Afghanistani's the world needs to see a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan, I don't think the Taliban way of life / their form of governance is acceptable to the Afghanistani's, any support on ground that they receive in Afg could be out of fear of the Taliban - not exactly an embrace of their rule. If Pakistani's are so keen on advocating the Taliban and promoting them then it is fitting that they should accept the Taliban into their society first as an example and show the world their good side. Where is the justice in putting innocent Afghani's through the experiment.

2) The world can easily look away and let Afghanistan fall back into the Taliban's hands as was the case in the 90's and we all know what happened then, but the issue is under them Afghanistan becomes a safe haven for all terror organisations who operate and conduct terrorist acts in other countries, who can ensure that it wont happen again? - who can ensure that Afghan soil will not be used to fuel terrorism? We can easily leave Afghani's and Afghanistan to its fate - will not make much of a difference to anybody. but the terrorists operating out of a talibanised Afg will conduct terror strikes all over the world.
Well neither US nor India con do $hit if afghans want taliban in power.Taliban still holds 70% of AF while indian's wet dreaming friend karzai is known as the mayor of kabul. Pustoons are majority in AF and even that donkey
panetta admitted that taliban is part of the afghan political sphere and reconciliation process. But Indian wet dreams of
Taliban knows no bounds. :lol:

If Talibans control 70% of Afghanistan than why do they need to hide any where?

Afghanis are not super natural beings that they can fight bare handed with an armed and full protected soldier backed with Apache and settelite guided missiles.
It is stupid to perceive any such scenario.

Please, its about time people get out of such illusions of invincible creatures.

If ever resistance take roots in Afghanistan it will be totally new and in response to 10 year long rapes, killings and kidnappings of Pashtoons.
^^ How can Afghans fight without arms?
Last time it was US arms and Pakistani guidance, which lead to USSR collapse.

Attacks on NATO are fake and are carried out by collaboration of Indians and northern alliance warlords, who risk to loose ultimate control of Afghans, without US soldiers.
Ruling elite is a foreigners from Tajikistan and not ethnic Afghans.
Since last 10 years Pashtoons are being, raped, sold, murdered but they can't do any thing against it.
Today.. Afghans are mere slaves of Indians who are stealing US aid to Afghanistan and minerals of Afghanistan.
Sir they have arms and just today 4 French soldiers were killed in Afghanistan and enough to prove that without any country support they are defeating American and Nato Power combined and if India alone have to deal with them what will happen to India just Imagine

If Talibans control 70% of Afghanistan than why do they need to hide any where?

Afghanis are not super natural beings that they can fight an armed and full protected US soldier backed with Apache and settelite guided missiles.

Please, its about time people get out of such illusions of invincible creatures.

If ever resistance take roots in Afghanistan it will be totally new and in response to 10 year long rapes, killings and kidnappings of Pashtoons.
Sir their leaders are hiding so they can lead the war and they are controlling 70 % of Afghanistan that is accepted by the whole world and if Americans are winning why the hell they are asking Taliban for talks and why their soldiers are getting killed in such great numbers
with due respect to your point of view, i think this problem arises from over consumption of western world view and India has the ability to mend the ties with any future Government in Afghanistan run by Taliban & we should not toe the line of Uncle Sam on that.

For that India needs to first recognize the Taliban - give them legitimacy to conduct official diplomatic relations with them, I doubt that will happen. Even if Taliban come into power India is with the NA so is Russia and the US. Not sure about the chinese but doubt they will be interested to conduct business with the Taliban.
Sir they have arms and just today 4 French soldiers were killed in Afghanistan and enough to prove that without any country support they are defeating American and Nato Power combined and if India alone have to deal with them what will happen to India just Imagine

Sir their leaders are hiding so they can lead the war and they are controlling 70 % of Afghanistan that is accepted by the whole world and if Americans are winning why the hell they are asking Taliban for talks and why their soldiers are getting killed in such great numbers

No Sir... it is beyond logic that Taliban survived carpet bombing.

On top of that, no one Afghanistan has witnessed Taliban regime, how come they be warriors after growing as house servants of uneducated indian laborers, stealing gold from Afghanistan.
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