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Need to prevent return of Taliban post 2014: India

US is stationing 6 to 8 thousand of its special forces, India should also send 3 to 4 thousand of its special forces to assist ANA and to ensure defence of our strategic interest there.....
My post was not to justify the statement of Ms Nirupama Rao, i was just extending the scope of fellow forumer Ignited mind's statement. In my view the Taliban will come back in to power again may be with more representation of other ethnic groups and with more international recognition.

I think it will be a mess and there will be a civil war in Kabul and other town centers of Afghanistan after 2014, between the taliban and ANF/NA, It will be bloody and long drawn out with lot of civilian deaths. the US and allies have another two years to weaken the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the intensity and scope of the operations in these two years will define how strong the left over taliban are to face the ANF and NA fighters who will enjoy global support and direct assistance from the US, India and possibly Russia.

There will be numerous attacks on foreign consulates, kidnappings, bombs going off in civilian areas. As far as Taliban coming back to power - they might look at a compromise after a lot of fighting - I doubt they will enjoy international support - other than Pakistan's. Afg could be in a mess again.
I think it will be a mess and there will be a civil war in Kabul and other town centers of Afghanistan after 2014, between the taliban and ANF/NA, It will be bloody and long drawn out with lot of civilian deaths. the US and allies have another two years to weaken the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the intensity and scope of the operations in these two years will define how strong the left over taliban are to face the ANF and NA fighters who will enjoy global support and direct assistance from the US, India and possibly Russia.

There will be numerous attacks on foreign consulates, kidnappings, bombs going off in civilian areas. As far as Taliban coming back to power - they might look at a compromise after a lot of fighting - I doubt they will enjoy international support - other than Pakistan's. Afg could be in a mess again.

Last time Nothern Alliance did not have enough funding but still gave Taliban a tough fight. This time, ANA will be well-equipped backed by $4 billion per year defence budget and guided by special forces of US even after 2014. The U.S airforce will have a presence. ANA will have the support of most countries including Russia, Iran and even China(as China needs to protect its investments and will not want Taliban due to Xinjiang insurgency) . And this time Saudi Arabia or UAE will not support Taliban. Taliban will be fighting the insurgency as it does now but will not capture power like last time.
How about a proxy war in Afghanistan?

Arm Afghan forces to the teeth to prevent complete takeover of Afghanistan by Talibs, while giving funds to talibans to fight a shadow war in Pakistan. In front of Indian funding, puny Pakistani funding will be like peanuts.

Death by thousand cuts. :D
How about a proxy war in Afghanistan?

Arm Afghan forces to the teeth to prevent complete takeover of Afghanistan by Talibs, while giving funds to talibans to fight a shadow war in Pakistan. In front of Indian funding, puny Pakistani funding will be like peanuts.

Death by thousand cuts. :D

Lol you are talking like India is not already doing this.....
so what has US-Nato done in 11 years if they fear that Taliban can make a comeback.
How about a proxy war in Afghanistan?

Arm Afghan forces to the teeth to prevent complete takeover of Afghanistan by Talibs, while giving funds to talibans to fight a shadow war in Pakistan. In front of Indian funding, puny Pakistani funding will be like peanuts.

Death by thousand cuts. :D

I was only talking about Chanakya; you seem to be PhD in Chanakya Niti, my friend. :D
Last time Nothern Alliance did not have enough funding but still gave Taliban a tough fight. This time, ANA will be well-equipped backed by $4 billion per year defence budget and guided by special forces of US even after 2014. The U.S airforce will have a presence. ANA will have the support of most countries including Russia, Iran and even China(as China needs to protect its investments and will not want Taliban due to Xinjiang insurgency) . And this time Saudi Arabia or UAE will not support Taliban. Taliban will be fighting the insurgency as it does now but will not capture power like last time.

correct, there will be a civil war for sure, with Afghanistan divided between pro Taliban and anti taliban forces. There will be a peace accord later on after the deaths of numerous Afghani's.
I think it will be a mess and there will be a civil war in Kabul and other town centers of Afghanistan after 2014, between the taliban and ANF/NA, It will be bloody and long drawn out with lot of civilian deaths. the US and allies have another two years to weaken the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the intensity and scope of the operations in these two years will define how strong the left over taliban are to face the ANF and NA fighters who will enjoy global support and direct assistance from the US, India and possibly Russia.

There will be numerous attacks on foreign consulates, kidnappings, bombs going off in civilian areas. As far as Taliban coming back to power - they might look at a compromise after a lot of fighting - I doubt they will enjoy international support - other than Pakistan's. Afg could be in a mess again.

Still the most powerful and organized politico- military block in Afghanistan is Taliban and a pragmatic thinking suggests us that, what US & NATO could not achieve in past 10 years that cannot be achieved in next 2 years time too. Now come to the point of post withdrawl scenario, the world has changed a lot and now no one is going to buy the Bush’s terminology of “either you are with us or with them”, If Taliban can manage the support of other ethnic groups by putting forward a reconciling formula with Uzbeks Tajiks & Hazaras and form a unity government with substantial representation of all the sections then only the peaceful transition can be achieved. Diplomatic recognition of the next government by community of nations will give the room to negotiate with them and no one wants political isolation whether it is Taliban or anyone else.
I was only talking about Chanakya; you seem to be PhD in Chanakya Niti, my friend. :D

Lol, i'm an investor since the age of 17 (officially from 18 yrs of age). I know how to use your assets, and when to discard them.

If Pakistani forces crush the Talibs uprising in their tribal region, then pay a little to Human Rights Commission to make a foul cry about their human rights violation in Pakistan. :D
How about a proxy war in Afghanistan?

Arm Afghan forces to the teeth to prevent complete takeover of Afghanistan by Talibs, while giving funds to talibans to fight a shadow war in Pakistan. In front of Indian funding, puny Pakistani funding will be like peanuts.

Death by thousand cuts. :D

That's one of the reasons why Pakistan fears Indian influence in Afghanistan, also there will be more support to gain back Afghan territory which they claim from Pakistan.
How about a proxy war in Afghanistan?

Arm Afghan forces to the teeth to prevent complete takeover of Afghanistan by Talibs, while giving funds to talibans to fight a shadow war in Pakistan. In front of Indian funding, puny Pakistani funding will be like peanuts.

Death by thousand cuts. :D

Something that Gen Gul once said, India has bigger cities with bigger populations, they will suffer much bigger losses.

A simple series of blasts at sensitive points, like the Indian stock exchange and where Indian investors would leave rapidly would send shivers down India's spine, so please dont become arrogant because your economy is growing strong, as reality checks can be very rude
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