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Budgetary Comparison (Static): Development Strategies of Punjab & KPK

The political competition between the two provincial governments (Punjab & KPK) has expectedly or unexpectedly resulted in an apparent convergence across the two budget papers. At the aggregate level there does appear to be certain differences, however, they do not stand much ground when accounting adjustments are made for a consistent comparison. The first impression is that of an uncomfortable similarity. Nonetheless, there are major priority differences at the micro level - distinctly reflecting respective party manifestos - which can only be inferred through a careful analysis of the allocations under annual development expenditure.


Table 1: The %ages have been calculated using corresponding tables (on General Revenue and Expenditure 2014-15) in both the budget documents (given at the end).
Two key adjustments are to be noted when looking at Table 1. Firstly, the apparent difference across the two provinces under the heading of General Public Services (GPS) and Education Affairs & Services (EA) is only due to how the district level education expenditure is treated. Punjab government has divided the education expense into provincial (82bn) and district level (181bn). I infer that the Punjab government has recorded all of the district level expenditure under the GPS since this is where 236bn worth of transfers are made to 'the district government.' This is contrary to the KPK who appear to have recorded the corresponding expense under the EA. Therefore, I have taken this out of the GPS and placed it under EA to ensure consistency and facilitate comparison. An identical adjustment has been made for health. 37bn of the health related district level spending is taken out of the GPS and moved under 'Health.' Secondly, the entry for Punjab under 'B' has been adjusted by eliminating the double counting (related to state trading + repayment of commercial bank loan) - in line with the KPK format.

After the aforementioned adjustments, the only difference at the aggregate level is the negligible allocation for 'social protection' by the Punjab government arguably compensated by the higher spending under health. Other than this, higher level of Development expenditure (C) in KPK is mostly due to a relatively higher proportion of foreign assistance (most of which is grants). With these points in mind, the potential difference across the two provinces can therefore only be observed in how the annual development expenditure (ADE) is allocated.
In what follows, I start with a breakdown and cross-comparison of Education and Health. I then move on to the breakdown of the annual development expenditure (ADE) which is where the respective development strategies are reflecting themselves.


Note that there are two primary heads under which the sectoral expenditures fall: Current expenditure (CE) in the form of salaries etc; and, annual development expenditure (ADE). I give estimates for each of these to allow you for self-reflection.

i) CE: Allocation of 228bn for education (20.8% of the Budget) and 91bn for health (8.3% of the Budget).
ii) ADE: Allocation of 45bn* for education (13% of total ADE and 4.1% of the Budget) and 31bn for health (9% of total ADE and 3.6% of the Budget).
*I have taken out the 2.9bn for 'Sports and Youth' from education to stay consistent with the KPK allocation.
Summary: Total allocation of 24.9% and 8.5% (of the budget) for education and health, respectively.
i) CE: Allocation of 87bn for education (21.6% of the Budget) and 21bn for health (5.2% of the Budget).
ii) ADE: Allocation of 25bn for education (18% of total ADE and 6.1% of the Budget) and 11bn for health (8% of total ADE and 2.7% of the Budget).
Summary: Total allocation of 27.7% and 7.9% (of the budget) for education and health, respectively.

While there is little difference at the aggregate level, some significant differences can be observed in the development strategies of the two provinces:
i) One of the contributing factor (education) has already been pointed out. Education has a share of 18% in ADE for KPK whereas it is 13% for Punjab.
ii) Industry & commerce gets an allocation of 3.7% by KPK. For Punjab it is 2% of the ADE.
iii) 13.4% of the ADE in KPK is going to district/regional development. For Punjab it is only 5.3%.
iv) Water & Senitation gets 7.6% and 5% (of ADE) in KPK and Punjab, respectively.
v) Infrastructure development gets a major 43% of the ADE in Punjab. For KPK it is only 24%

a) Roads: 9.2% of ADE for Punjab; 12.4% of ADE for KPK.
b) Irrigation: 10% of ADE for Punjab; None
c) Energy: 9% of ADE for Punjab; 4% for KPK
d) Buildings: 2.3% of ADE for Punjab; 1% for KPK
e) Urban Development: 12.2% of ADE for Punjab; 6.3% for KPK
vi) For Punjab, 9.5% of the ADE is going the 'Special Initiatives.' For KPK, an almost similar heading of 'Pro-poor initiatives' has an allocation of 5.7% of the ADE. It is less clear as to what these initiatives are.
vii) Lastly, KPK also has a significant allocation of 8.9% going to 'Home' and 'Finance.' I am uncertain about their explanation.

The above breakdown (plus health) accounts for around 90% of the ADE for both the KPK and Punjab. The higher spending by Punjab under v) and vi) can explain all of the spending difference between the two provinces under i), ii), iii), iv) and vi).

The difference between the two development strategies can be adequately attributed to the varying priorities across Social Development Spending and Infrastructure Development Spending. While KPK is more focused on education and district level social spending in an attempt to directly target the middle and lower-middle class, Punjab has its emphasis on large scale infrastructure projects in both energy and road network. Which one is better? It is a subjective question. In the end what matters without any ambiguity is the institutional mechanism through which the funding is directed.

finding a Highway to HOPE: Budgetary Comparison (Static): Development Strategies of Punjab & KPK


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Why is there soo much confusion on the budget amounts. Pathetic by both PTI and N media cells. PTI media cell needs to get its act together and promote the works and budget of PTI and N media cell needs to grow up and stop spreading such lies. I read in the newspaper Pervaiz rashid barking abt PTI budget spreading the same lies i see here.

The shocker is he is our information minister. Unbelievable.
Still if I am not mistaking KPK has the highest percentage and per capita allocation. Would have loved it if it were a 100 billion as expected before the budget though.

i think it is 80 billion + 30 billion for schools destroyed by terrorists =110 billion
Typical response from a blind PTI supporter.
These are actual figures reported in all newspaper of yesterday. Go and do some homework before making baseless comments.

Go and take this ratios to the same elementary school in which u studied. Seems like Ganjas hard work is visible in individuals like you with no brains
I wonder why the response from PTI kids are always same, full of utter nonsense.
Typical response from a blind PTI supporter.
These are actual figures reported in all newspaper of yesterday. Go and do some homework before making baseless comments.

I wonder why the response from PTI kids are always same, full of utter nonsense.

No need for personal insults. I shared the link as did @ajpirzada Sb. Let's have a discussion like grown ups that we all claim to be and prove our points with facts and figures and logic. If your point is right than I am more than glad to accept it.

Multilateral Agreement for a Free Trade Alliance

I propose formation of an economic block MAFTA composed of Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Bangla Desh, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, CARs, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Venezuella, Japan, Cuba, Bolivia, Ireland, Brunei Dar as Salam and Palestinian Authority for free trade without or reduced customs duties.

A MAFTA secretariat should be formed in Istanbul or Kuala Lumpur to coordinate all the activites.

Pakistan and Afghanistan in particular can benefit from adaptation of the advanced technologies from brotherly countries. An example is the recent Metro Bus project in various cities of Punjab with the help of Turkey.

Malaysia and Indonesia are rich in Palm oil and can meet the needs of member countries. Malaysia is also ahead in technology.

Pakistan is a big exporter of Textile and Leather goods.

Brazil is an important member of BRICS group and the biggest exporter in south America.

Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela are major exporters of crude oil. Russia is also a big exporter of gas and can supply Pakistan through its purchased gas from Turkmenistan.

Japan is the technological giant of the East and is already helping Pakistan in various projects.

Cuba is known for its independent policy and is the leading voice of the leftist world and will help us in gaining more space and allies diplomatically. The Cuban doctors performed selflessly during the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan.

Republic of Ireland is known for its independent foreign policy on the European mainland as opposed to Britain which is always toeing the American line.

Iran has patched up its differences with America and is emerging on world stage as a mature power.

Turkey is leading the Muslim world in moderate thought, technology, foreign investment and outreach.
PESHAWAR: Chief Minister Pervez Khattak on Wednesday formally inaugurated the first school of investigation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police in Peshawar, which was established to build the capacity of investigation officers and ensure conviction of those involved in different cases of serious nature, particularly terrorism.

According to police officials, a strong need was felt to build the capacity of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police investigation wing keeping in view the increased use of technology in modern day crimes.

They said that the training imparted in this school, opened in Hayatabad, would enable the police investigators to conduct investigations on scientific lines which in turn would have positive effects on the conviction rate and the overall working of police.

The school is first of police training institutes being set up in KP
The school of investigation, established by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police from its own resources, will be headed by a director administration while an officer of the rank of DIG has been appointed to look after the training affairs.

The officials said that the KP police had engaged highly qualified specialists from across the country to deliver lectures to the participants in the school. They have started different capacity building courses for the investigators, including crime scene preservation, evidence collection and preservation, cellular forensics, geo-tagging and geo-fencing for planning crime control, preparation of case file and interview/interrogation techniques.

DIG training Azad Khan briefed the chief minister about the working of various sections of the school, content of modules being taught their and the faculty. Besides visiting various sections of the school Mr Khattak interacted with the first batch of 25 police officers undergoing training in the school.

IGP Nasir Khan Durrani informed the chief minister of the initiatives taken for the capacity building of police and the future plans of police training wing.

This school is the first of a series of training institutes being established as part of capacity building initiative of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police. Mr Khattak was informed that the KP police would soon launch a school of intelligence, bomb disposal school, school of traffic management, police training college, Swabi, and police training college, Malakand. The school of intelligence in Abbottabad will be made operational by end of this month.

The IGP told the chief minister that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police had become the first police force in the country to establish specialised training institutes for capacity building of its human resource.

The chief minister lauded the vision of KP police leadership and hoped that they would continue to work with the same zeal. Terming police training as priority of his government, Mr Khattak agreed with the IGP’s request for provision of additional classrooms and pledged his government’s continued support to the police department.

Published in Dawn, June 19th, 2014

PESHAWAR: The local police on Wednesday claimed to have arrested eight people, including a woman, for extortion, kidnapping for ransom and other crimes, and seized arms and explosives. The arrests were made during raids in various localities, said a police official.

The official said four people, including Javed Khan, Irfanullah, Aslam and woman Shin Khalai, were arrested for threatening a citizen for extortion.

Rizwanullah of Garhi Rajkol area informed Paharipura police that he had received threatening calls from unidentified people, who demanded Rs2million extortion.

The complainant is stated to be an employee of the Chief Minister’s House in Peshawar.

The official said the police had arrested Javed Khan during a raid on his house, while his three accomplices were taken into custody from different areas afterwards.

He said the arrested woman disclosed she used to lure wealthy people for kidnapping them with the help of his associates for ransom.

The official said the group had received the Rs0.8 million ransom for the safe release of Peshawar’s Amir Mohammad kidnapped earlier this year.

He said contractor Khalid Khan was also kidnapped by the group in Paharipura area by the same group and police had recovered him.

Also in the day, police chased a group of suspected persons riding a motorcycle after they refused to stop at a Khyber Bazaar checkpost and arrested them after a brief encounter.

He said Faheem of Sardar Ahmad Jan Colony and Mohammad Iqbal of Dalazak Road locality were arrested on the spot, while Farhat of Kishwarabad area and Sher Zaman of Charsadda Road locality were taken into custody afterwards.

The official said police recovered three improvised explosive devices, one unlicensed pistol, four cellphones, over Rs58,000 cash and a motorcycle from the arrested men’s possession.

He said Mohammad Yousaf of Wazir Bagh area had complained to the Khan Raziq police that the suspects had issued him death threats in case of non-payment of ransom.
Published in Dawn, June 19th, 2014
75 foreigners held in Peshawar swoop

PESHAWAR: The city police on Thursday arrested 75 foreign suspects, including Uzbeks, Tajiks and Afghan nationals, from a hotel during a grand operation.

The Superintendent of Police (City), Syed Mustafa Tanveer, confirmed to The News that the city police during a grand operation against the suspects arrested 75 foreign suspects, including 17 Uzbeks, 14 Tajiks and several Afghan nationals from the Kamran Hotel, located in the famous Khyber Bazaar.

The SP City said that the arrests were made during a grand search operation at the city’s hotels and inns. He added that the police also arrested and booked Iqbal Khan, the manager of the hotel.

The SP City said the police took the foreign suspects into custody and started interrogating them.A police official said that DSP Mushtaq and police personnel had conducted the operation.

The SP city said that a grand operation against the suspects at the city’s hotels and inns was being conducted due to an increase in the cases of extortion, target killings and terrorism.“We have issued notices to the owners and managers of all hotels and guest houses to inform the police about the suspects staying at the hotels,” the SP City said, adding the manager of the Kamran Hotel had not informed the police about the foreigners lodged at the hotel. He said the operation against the suspects at the city’s hotels would continue.

The city police have tightened security in the provincial metropolis after the launch of the military operation in North Waziristan. Besides the search operations at the hotels, the police personnel have also been conducting body search at checkpoints in the city.
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