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Transforming Agriculture in Pakistan into a Dynamic Part of Our Economy

Transforming Agriculture in Pakistan into a Dynamic Part of Our Economy

Agriculture in Pakistan employs about half of the population of Pakistan and contributes about a quarter to our GDP. One of the major reasons behind the slow growth in agriculture are low literacy level in the villages, employing backward and inefficient techniques in agriculture, very slow modernization and very little value addition in the raw agricultural produce. The purpose of this blog is to give suggestions towards a better, coherent and organized model of agriculture as opposed to current haphazard agricultural practices.

God has given our country a very fertile land. He also gave us a great weather — temperature, winds and rainfall pattern change quite dramatically across the country and along various seasons. And as we go from one corner of our country to the other corner, the varied mix of the weather parameters changes from one extreme to the other extreme. And we also have one of the best irrigation systems in the world.

All of the above factors decide what would be the optimal set of crops, vegetables, or fruit that would give maximum returns to the farmers and landowners. And if we want to make the best of our land and our enterprising people, we must take into account the benefits of value addition and processing of the raw agricultural produce.

Since most of our farmers are uneducated, in the world of information and technology, they usually cannot make the best decision about what to grow in their lands, and mostly just copy the more successful farmers in their area. This leads to inefficient haphazard agricultural practices that are mostly suboptimal when it comes to benefit to the farmer and rest of the community.

I am trying to give ideas about more organized agriculture. To describe the gist of my suggestions in a nutshell, I will try to give the following ideas and explain them later in the article.

1. The government must actively help the farmer with expert advice throughout the crop cycle including the choice of crop that the farmer would grow on his land.

2. The government will strongly encourage value addition and processed food preferably close to rural areas where the raw crop is grown.

3. The government will try to encourage microfinance banks and agricultural banks to work closely with the farmer.

4. The government will encourage formation of cooperative companies run by people with technical and industrial talent and business acumen who would work to add value and process the raw food grown in the villages. Farmers would also have a stake in these cooperatives.

5. There will be some form of insurance that would protect farmer from extreme crop damage from the calamities of the weather. The insurance would not cover man-inflicted losses.

6. The government will ask vocational institutes to impart skills related to food processing and value addition. They will also introduce programs related to culinary skills especially for women.

7. All of the above different but related operations must build on each other and work seamlessly together.

I would also suggest that large number of teams comprising three professionals will visit the farmer and his lands every week or two weeks. The members of the team would be

a. Technical Advisor related to agriculture.
b. Financial Advisor
d. Agricultural/Microfinance bank advisor

The teams will periodically visit each farmer and discuss with him and among themselves the developments and progress related to his crops and the related financial and logistics matters.

I start by defining the role of the Technical advisor. He will inform the farmer and rest of the group regarding technical issues regarding farmer’s crop. This would include everything from choice of crop, weather and temperature, pest control, optimal watering times and other factors to achieve a good yield.

Financial Advisor will help the farmer in financial decision making at the micro level. He will also discuss with the farmer the risks and rewards related to both his decisions and vagaries of the nature/weather. He will advise the farmer how to cope with financial problems and related difficulties keeping in mind the farmer’s financial standing. He will also explain how loans or aid from the government and loans from the Microfinance bank can help him throught the crop cycle and later. Financial Advisor will give possible projections of costs of input to the agriculture cycle of the crop and will also project most probable scenarios of how much his crop would fetch in the market. He would also help the farmer on practicalities of buying inputs for his crop and when to sell his harvest.

Microfinance Advisor will discuss with rest of the group how his bank can help in different scenarios and he will also try to protect the interests of his bank and will try to counter any possibility of deception and fraud.

All of the three categories of professionals mentiond above would be rigorously trained to help the farmer and would be taught through case studies of hundreds of possible and real world scenarios.

Since the success of the farmer rests on the successful working of the group, I will state again that the group will help the farmer in his choice of the crop/fruit/vegetable considering weather, nature of the land, availability of water, farmer’s savings, and potential reward from the crop grown on his land while taking into account government’s loans and aid and microfinance bank’s loans. The group will also consider the benefits to the farmer from any possibility of value addition and food processing.

After working towards the optimal and successful harvest in a properly planned manner, the next step for the government is to work towards value addition by industrial processing and preservation of the agricultural produce. There are several traditional and some other novel ways to achieve this objective. The traditional approach would be to make jams, pickle and ketchups etc. A slightly better way that complements the first approach would be to preserve the fruit and vegetable in cans. Since canning is both expensive and environment unfriendly, we could use tetra pack like boxes and pouches with several aluminimum linings to preserve the fruit and vegetable while pasteurizing them in the industrial process of packing in the boxes/pouches. I am very confident that such aluminium lined boxes and pouches can easily be made that would preserve the freshness of processed fruit and vegetables. This approach will be cheaper than traditional canning of fruit and vegetables.

Even more novel and innovative approach to value addition would be to prepare great classis Baluchi, Pashtun, Punjabi and Sindhi meals under supervision of some of the best chefs, and package them in aluminium lined tetra pack boxes and sell them in both local and export markets. These specially prepared meals would be liked by Pakistani, Indian, Afghan, Iranian and Turkic diaspora abroad in western countries. I am very confident that this new line of business would become very successful quite soon if we could execute it with tact and competence. In Europe, there are a large number of very small family held companies that prepare high quality exotic food and this category makes significant enough part of trade within European nations. Though this would be misleading that we could come at par with those companies in a few years, we can certainly establish food brands that start to get noticed everywhere in the world and start gaining some popularity.

One could also suggest that several clusters of villages could make value addition cooperative companies with some help from the government. These cooperative companies would compete with other domestic privately held companies in the area of food processing. These cooperatives would run the industrial operations of preserving raw food and preparing processed food and later market them in national and international markets. Farmers, the farmers advisory group, industrial workers, technical staff and management would be given appropriate holding of shares in these cooperatives while some stock of shares will be floated on national stock exchanges. If the cooperatives become successsful, they could help in social uplift of the areas by building good schools, and hospitals.

I also suggest that Vocational schools would be set up to teach skills related to food processing and preservation. This kind of training is virtually non-existant in current vocational schools and if the government takes steps to promote organized and value added agriculture, this line of training must be a special priority in the vocational schools. The schools might also teach culinary skills and encourage their students to learn and experiment with local and international cuisine at some special vocational centers located in larger cities.

Another suggestions is to do some sort of crop protection insurance for the farmer against extremem damage to crops by the weather.

I would like to end this article by saying that people of Pakistan have great hope for their future and they do think that both political parties must do whatever they can to eradicate poverty and take our country towards a better future. If the current governments systematically take action for better future of Pakistan, we will indeed emerge as a successful nation and we look towards these political parties for that.

To our leaders, I quote some lyrics from a Coke Studio Song by Alamgir.

Steer it most cautiously, boatman
This boat of mine with a broken rim
The river seems endless as if there were no shore
Whether rainclouds rumble
Take us across to the other end, boatman
However loud these river ******** roar
Help me get my boat to the shore, boatman
Take us across to the other end, boatman

The Blog can be read at:Transforming Agriculture in Pakistan into a Dynamic Part of Our Economy | ahsanamin2999
For my other blogs, please see:ahsanamin2999 | Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever

you need to share this on insaf.pk
you need to share this on insaf.pk

@Leader, Thank you for guiding me. I just became a member of Insaf Forum and posted my blog. They had a category for suggestions and brainstorming in their forums and I found that category a natural place for my new thread. It is awaiting moderation there.

Thanks again.
@Leader, Thank you for guiding me. I just became a member of Insaf Forum and posted my blog. They had a category for suggestions and brainstorming in their forums and I found that category a natural place for my new thread. It is awaiting moderation there.

Thanks again.

no problem, anything good for Pakistan. also if you dont have a twitter account. make it and share your thought there too with different PTI leaders and workers, it will go viral and likely to be read and shared. many of my ideas got across, despite that I didnt get any credit for suggesting, but im okay, as long as its benefiting our country.. hope you would think the same..
no problem, anything good for Pakistan. also if you dont have a twitter account. make it and share your thought there too with different PTI leaders and workers, it will go viral and likely to be read and shared. many of my ideas got across, despite that I didnt get any credit for suggesting, but im okay, as long as its benefiting our country.. hope you would think the same..

Thanks again @Leader. Yes, I will get a twitter account and try to tweet my blogs. In the meantime, if you like, you can tweet my blogs since you already have a good following. If you find anything interesting at ahsanamin2999 | Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever , please tweet it to friends.

Really if there is a problem and KPK or other provincial/central govt wants to find a solution and you know it, please email me at ahsanamin2999@gmail.com or discuss it at defence.pk and I might possibly suggest some unique angle. I also share your sentiment to ask for nothing in return, just good of my country.
Thanks again @Leader. Yes, I will get a twitter account and try to tweet my blogs. In the meantime, if you like, you can tweet my blogs since you already have a good following. If you find anything interesting at ahsanamin2999 | Smile! You’re at the best WordPress.com site ever , please tweet it to friends.

Really if there is a problem and KPK or other provincial/central govt wants to find a solution and you know it, please email me at ahsanamin2999@gmail.com or discuss it at defence.pk and I might possibly suggest some unique angle. I also share your sentiment to ask for nothing in return, just good of my country.

how do you know?

Yes, brainstorming as we discuss issues.
PESHAWAR: A fund of Rs288 million has been approved to procure two units of GSM locators along with other necessary equipment to help Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) police crackdown on extortionists and other criminals.

Insiders said the procurement of 300 units of GSM jammers, seven bulletproof rostems (one for each zone), 25 metal detector units, 24 non-metal detector units, 16 portable low frequency jammer units, 10 explosive detector units and 100 computer liability units besides the two units of GSM locators are included in the package.

“These days a mobile phone is the primary tool for criminals like extortionists and kidnappers and it is an uphill task for the police to locate them, unlike the past when landlines were used and tracking them was easy,” shared a police official. He added the decision to buy GSM locators and hire technical staff, along with procuring other necessary equipment, was taken last year, and the government has finally approved the funds for it.

“It will prove to be a real boon, or rather a big leap, for the K-P police, who in the past, had to look towards the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) or Intelligence Bureau (IB),” said the official. With the help of these GSM locators, police will be able to locate a mobile phone with acute accuracy in no time at all, while it took the FIA and IB at least 24 hours to locate a mobile phone, he added.

“These criminals will not be able to change their locations after making calls from their mobile phones and would be tracked within a few minutes which will discourage kidnappers and extortionists,” he stressed, saying the police are eagerly waiting to get their hands on the gadgets.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 23rd, 2014.
PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has sought Rs50 billion from the federal government, making a case for extra financial help to meet its security cost and police department’s needs, according to officials.

A senior finance manager told Dawn that the centre had been informed that the province needed the money to buy modern gadgetry for its police force, improve surveillance and meet security cost in the wake of militancy. “The request for the extra financial support was made at the highest level,” he said.

The provincial government has moved the federal government after, according to sources, police department sought funds from it to materialise plans vis-à-vis modernisation of the force.

“The police high-ups have got a long wish list of buying modern weapons for the force, installing closed-circuit television cameras at important public places, imparting training to the force and alike,” said another official, privy to the matter.

According to one official account, the provincial finance department received a request some months ago for providing Rs25 billion for the police establishment to materialise its plans.

Since the province didn’t have an ample fiscal space to provide the funds, said the official, the matter was taken up with the federal government.

In this respect, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervez Khattak made a formal request to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during a meeting between the two in the last week of January this year.

“The demand for providing Rs50 billion made part of a long list of issues that the provincial chief executive raised at the meeting with Mr Sharif, underlining Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s growing needs to improve its security apparatus,” said the finance manager.

He claimed that the request for additional funds did not draw an instant blank reaction from the premier. “He asked Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar to have a meeting with the provincial government and look into the matter,” said the official.

He, however, said that the finance minister had not yet responded to the request even after two months of the meeting between the prime minister and the chief minister.

Officials holding important positions, in their background interviews with Dawn, did not appear optimistic about the requested money coming from the federal government.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been receiving a hefty amount every year from the Federal Divisible Pool (FDP) to meet its growing security costs in line with a decision of the current National Finance Commission award.

As per the provincial government’s budget for the current fiscal, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will receive over Rs22 billion as one per cent subvention from the FDP this year. Similarly, the province is projected to receive around Rs25 billion in the financial year 2014-15 under the same head.

“With this subvention money coming, I don’t think the centre would give another Rs50 billion amount for beefing up security,” said a knowledgeable source. There also exists a discord among different departments of the provincial government about the police’s actual requirements.

“They need money for training, that sounds a genuine need, but buying modern guns, vehicles, CCTV cameras, and other modern gadgetry is a grey area in view of the under-trial former IGP Malik Naveed episode,” said an official holding important position.

The former IGP is accused of his involvement in a multi-billion rupees corruption case that also involves a brother and brother-in-law of former chief minister Ameer Haider Khan Hoti.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police’s annual budget registered a seven time growth during the past eight years. “Its budget has gone up from around Rs4 billion to Rs5 billion in the financial year 2004-05 to close to Rs30 billion this fiscal,” said an official.

However, the home and tribal affairs department holds a different opinion, making a case for the force to be equipped and trained well.

“Their needs have to be determined and fulfilled by analysing the growing security needs of the province in the post US-withdrawal Afghanistan,” said an official of home department. He said that after the US withdrew its majority troops from Afghanistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had a potential to see a surge in its Afghan refugee population. Another refugee influx from Afghanistan, according to the official, can’t be ruled out after the US forces’ departure from Afghanistan.

“A further surge in militancy and terrorism in the province stands a strong possibility in the months to come after the US forces’ departure from Afghanistan,” said the official, holding important post.
KP seeks Rs50bn from centre for security needs - DAWN.COM
I would like to see the Green campaign , flowers and beautification project details in KPK certainly a great project and pictures of Hospitals and clinics improvements
PESHAWAR: The provincial government has resolved to make the process of procurement for education departments more transparent so that its opponents do not get an opportunity to level allegations.

On Monday, while addressing the inauguration of a training course on procurement of supplies arranged for officials of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Elementary and Secondary Education Department, Minister for Education Muhammad Atif Khan said the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-led government’s main purpose is to facilitate the people. “Until government employees are equipped with proper training, they will not be able to deliver as required,” said Khan.


The minister further said non-governmental organisations have been putting all their efforts into improving the sector because the budget of the education department is usually insufficient to meet all requirements.

“However, the education department has planned to allocate a separate budget for holding training sessions for its employees and to equip them with modern techniques,” maintained Khan. Professional training is necessary to improve the performance of government-run institutions, he added.

According to the minister, the provincial government is spending millions of rupees on teachers’ trainings and is taking initiatives for capacity building of the department’s officials. “There should be a transparent system in place to gauge the performance of trainees before and after the training concludes,” said Khan.

The training course is being held in Peshawar in collaboration with the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development and is a part of K-P Education Support Programme (KPESP).

The KPESP is a five-year programme designed to help the provincial education department realise the objectives of its education sector plans, including strengthening public financial management and procurement system.

Out of the 17,500 employees of the education department, around 250-300 have been selected for the course which will conclude at the end of May. The government also plans to conduct the training in Swat and Abbottabad.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 25th, 2014.
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