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Nawaz Sharif, 'very much Saudi Arabia's man' in Pakistan | Prince Al-waleed Bin Talal

We probably should protect Saudi Arabia by having facilities there which would be ours to keep and operate, like NATO has agreements with its members. Pakistan cannot afford a proliferation disaster. No freaking way !
The same old Afghan strategic depth syndrome. Why do we need to protect KSA when they can do it themselves? Why can't we be just Pakistan and let go our obsession with being the Godfather of the region. We have many other more important things to do than being the landlords and security guards of others. And yes,how much of Pakistan's nuclear program involves civilian involvement, we all know that very well.

That's the main issue with Pakistanis, If they had to love other countries more than Pakistan than why Pakistan is required at first place, they can do it better as minority in Akhanad Bharat.
Because Pakistan wasn't made by the current Pakistanis, they got in the platter from those who sacrificed their whole families for ensuring that their future may breath freely in Pakistan being a Pakistani.
Then probably we should also be man enough to return the SAAB-2000s back to KSA since they footed the bill....But here our constraints will make us hypocrites, no? But wait, we don't even have the money to repair the ones damaged in Kamra. Big talk suits only when one's own home is in order.

So in simple words, you are trying to say that you are fine with being a beggar and being a puppet of some foreign country? IK rightly said about NS, Nawaz Sharif is exactly same as Zardari, the only difference is, he becomes innocent in front of general public and makes them fool perfectly.

And what NS used to say before elections, Tahir-e-LaJOOTI, remember? Hypocrisy, no??
The sad part is how OK the bearers of the 'Ummah' our fellow Pakistanis are with this.

This blind 'ummah' love has given us nothing except $$ and some military equipment along with insurgencies,proxy wars,blood and fire...
Anyone who has studied history of Baghdad,and jalaluddin Khwazam Shah's struggle to 'unite ummah' will understand current scenario very well.
This 'ummah' may give you some dollars and 'Iron birds' but do not expect any strategic/warfare support from them.
I request ummah lovers to wake up and realize the reality,if there would be that much unity amongst them then Palestine wouldn't be in such mess today,nor other Muslim countries will be in such a mess.
If Mr.Sharif is here to safeguard 'saudi' interest,then we don't need his goddamn democracy nor we need any 'pro-Iranian' lobby to do so.
We need a man with steel nerves who has enough sense to sustain policy between Iran and Arab.
This is the key factor due to which we are failed to engineer neutral pro-Pakistan policy,@Secur is right at this point.
My Iranian and Arab brothers do not conclude that I have some paranoia against them,I love and respect them like any other Pakistani,and their prosperity pleases me too,however I persist that Pakistan must also think of provision of safeguards to her own interest and by implementing neutral policy,thus declaring that Pakistan has nothing to do with their personal fight.
Pakistan is not in a position to afford any disturbance with Iran or Saudi Arab due to WOT.
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So in simple words, you are trying to say that you are fine with being a beggar and being a puppet of some foreign country? IK rightly said about NS, Nawaz Sharif is exactly same as Zardari, the only difference is, he becomes innocent in front of general public and makes them fool perfectly.

And what NS used to say before elections, Tahir-e-LaJOOTI, remember? Hypocrisy, no??
I am trying to say that if we should not be hypocrites to keep accepting Saudi Money quietly when it suits us and keep yelling us where it doesn't. I think my message was in simple English and easier to comprehend.
And who is famous and who is not, we will have a fair idea in upcoming local body elections.

This blind 'ummah' love has given us nothing except $$ and some military equipment along with insurgencies,proxy wars,blood and fire...
Anyone who has studied history of Baghdad,and jalaluddin Khwazam Shah's struggle to 'unite ummah' will understand current scenario very well.
This 'ummah' may give you some dollars and 'Iron birds' but do not expect any strategic/warfare support from them.
I request ummah lovers to wake up and realize the reality,if there would be that much unity amongst them then Palestine wouldn't be in such mess today,nor other Muslim countries will be in such a mess.
If Mr.Sharif is here to safeguard 'saudi' interest,then we don't need his goddamn democracy nor we need any 'pro-Iranian' lobby to do so.
We need a man with steel nerves who has enough sense to sustain policy between Iran and Arab.
This is the key factor due to which we are failed to engineer neutral pro-Pakistan policy,@Secur is right at this point.
My Iranian and Arab brothers do not conclude that I have some paranoia against them,I love and respect them like any other Pakistani,and their prosperity pleases me too,however I persist that Pakistan must also think of provision of safeguards to her own interest and by implementing neutral policy,thus declaring that Pakistan has nothing to do with their personal fight.
Pakistan is not in a position to afford any disturbance with Iran or Saudi Arab due to WOT.
But who are you telling this to? some college going kids, they haven't come of age to understand this.
I am trying to say that if we should not be hypocrites to keep accepting Saudi Money quietly when it suits us and keep yelling us where it doesn't. I think my message was in simple English and easier to comprehend.
And who is famous and who is not, we will have a fair idea in upcoming local body elections.

But who are you telling this to? some college going kids, they haven't come of age to understand this.

What I don't understand is a Saudi prince calls the elected Prime Minister of a nation "his man" and there is callousness at such a statement in Pakistan -

if it was India and a foreign country's prince had said the same about our PM then there would have been blood bath in the media, opposition, Public, Judiciary and Bureaucracy and the said PM would have been booted out if true and if he is unable to prove his innocence.

What's with the callousness? is it that Pakistani's accept it as a normal practice?

I for one am totally surprised at this callousness and the saleability of Pakistani leaders.
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That's the main issue with Pakistanis, If they had to love other countries more than Pakistan than why Pakistan is required at first place, they can do it better as minority in Akhanad Bharat.

Sorry but they don't even prefer another country on Pakistan they would prefer anything that ensures them both power and money and a safe exit at the end they can easily sell their souls to the devil for that so no genuine affiliations to anybody on their part.

He is not a Saudi price. Kindly recheck your info.
He is a prince no doubt.
I am trying to say that if we should not be hypocrites to keep accepting Saudi Money quietly when it suits us and keep yelling us where it doesn't. I think my message was in simple English and easier to comprehend.
And who is famous and who is not, we will have a fair idea in upcoming local body elections.

But who are you telling this to? some college going kids, they haven't come of age to understand this.

Age never matters mate,age never does,it is your approach and bravery that matters the most-
My friends must wake up and identify the clear horizon between facts and hypothesis.The day when they will identify the fine line between these two,that day will bring new dawn for us,Inshallah
Nawaz is Saudi-Arabia man, but than again he is also the US man and India's man. If anything he is not is being Pakistan's man, but then we knew this yet chose to bring him back to Power. The curse of Pakistan lies in Punjab who cant see beyond this man and Sindh who cant see beyond the so called shaheeds and so the country continues to suffer or should i say burn.
"Nawaz Sharif, specifically, is very much Saudi Arabia's man in Pakistan," Mr. Alwaleed says


Extract from the interview:

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who returned to power in June, lived in Saudi exile after a 1999 military coup. "Nawaz Sharif, specifically, is very much Saudi Arabia's man in Pakistan," Mr. Alwaleed says.

The Weekend Interview with Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal - WSJ.com

@Jazzbot @mafiya @pkuser2k12 @Aeronaut @nuclearpak @Aamna14 @Marshmallow @airmarshal :)
Not surprised at all even if Imran Khan would have come into power he could have messed with USA and India but no chances of him saying anything to Saudi Arabia so nothing new
Not surprised at all even if Imran Khan would have come into power he could have messed with USA and India but no chances of him saying anything to Saudi Arabia so nothing new

Why do you think that?
Not surprised at all even if Imran Khan would have come into power he could have messed with USA and India but no chances of him saying anything to Saudi Arabia so nothing new

just like Iranians, one should be just pro-pakistani.
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