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Nawaz Sharif: If Pakistan is to prosper, we must stop bashing India

Mate, he isn't saying that out of the goodness of his heart or soul, the guy hates the armed forces, and he keeps deep grudges. Trust me, his true intentions are pure evil, if he could somehow neutralize the present leadership of armed forces, and gain absolute control over them, you'll have another Zaid Hamid at your hands, the difference being this time he will have a nuclear trigger to go with it.

All politicians have their reasons whether they want to go down in history, win a peace prize....anything...there is always a reason. However let me tell you coming from a country with a slightly longer history of electoral politics, the thinking that drives a politician most is self-preservation. Most politicians will go with the flow, not against it, especially when the weight of the opinion of their electorate is in a completely different direction. We have plenty of politicians who all want something but if it actually came up against going against the opinion of the electorate, they would quickly change their tune. I have little respect for those Indian politicians of whatever party who indulge in cheap politicking on this (Indo-Pak) issue. There is a military response that is being played out & politicians need to get behind that but must limit their own talking as much as possible. Competitive bluster gets us nowhere. It is in this context that I appreciate NS's statement. Whatever his reasons, he is going against an immediate opinion. That takes courage. It goes against the strongest instinct of a politician - that of self preservation.
You know what, we were addicted to a guy like Musharraf, sitting in uniform, giving interview to any Indian journalist on national television, bashing him...threatening him.....threatening whole nation...while whole world knew his hollowness...his empty words...and his lies after lies after lies.. Welcome to the political era my friends....where every thing is done in the interest of the people with the consent of all the key segments of the state, ...including the military. Yesterday, meeting of "The Defense Committee of the Cabinet" was presided by PM was held in Islamabad in which COAS, CJCSC, Interior Minister, Defense Minister, Special Advisers, Federal Defense Secretory were present in which it was decided that despite ALL THE CEASEFIRE VIOLATIONS, PAKISTAN WILL REMAIN COMMITTED FOR DIALOGUE.....Now please curse them all, because we love to have dictators smoking cigars in uniforms, with loud mouths, with no common sense at all giving policy statements in TV interviews...
You are mistaken. Jinnah had something to say about the matter > “Do not forget that the armed forces are the servants of the people. You do not make national policy; it is we, the civilians, who decide these issues and it is your duty to carry out these tasks with which you are entrusted.”

Army will give its input, decisions will be made by the elected government. Keep following the news, they are setting up National security apparatus for this.

Sir,jinnah days are long gone sad but true we dont have anyone llike him thats why you are in such a mess, and we always gave the right to the elected to rule the government properly but they do not , there is a reason why NS was kicked again and again, There is something called LEARNING FROM YOUR MISTAKES and he is not in them, What goes around comes back around.. WE shall see soon.
Dude, if Jinnah ever knew that a fat f*ucks such as Shareef bradran would come to power and hold leadership positions, then he would have wished to remain with India. The thing is you don't get it, he had high hopes for us "Pakistani's", never in his wildest dreams he could have envisioned people like you (followers of Ganja bradran) would exist in this land.... Furthermore, if the great leader had lived the day to see people such as Yahya Khan, Zia-ul-Haq and other imbeciles that came afterwards.... he surely would've committed suicide.....

Never ever compare or interpret the sayings of Jinnah, for the present ***** rulers...... none of them deserve the honor.... btw, Armed forces are full of **** as well.... they are a self serving, power hungry, commercial institution just like the rest of them..... who are high on slogans of "shahadat", however, are unwilling to sacrifice one drop.... it's all a facade........

You are mistaken. Jinnah had something to say about the matter > “Do not forget that the armed forces are the servants of the people. You do not make national policy; it is we, the civilians, who decide these issues and it is your duty to carry out these tasks with which you are entrusted.”

Army will give its input, decisions will be made by the elected government. Keep following the news, they are setting up National security apparatus for this.
Sir,jinnah days are long gone sad but true we dont have anyone llike him thats why you are in such a mess, and we always gave the right to the elected to rule the government properly but they do not , there is a reason why NS was kicked again and again, There is something called LEARNING FROM YOUR MISTAKES and he is not in them, What goes around comes back around.. WE shall see soon.

Coups were simply for power struggle. We lost East Pakistan when an Army general was dictator, we lost Siachen during another Martial law under a dictator. Civilians have kept Pakistan intact in face of all opposition. Jinnah might be dead but his vision is still alive today. Pakistan will remain Jinnah's Pakistan, TTP and PA can conquer new lands and practice their shoddy nation building there. Jinnah is enough for us. Thank you.

Plus we don't need the right to elect a government of our choosing from PA. Wherever you got the notion from.
I will give credit to Nawaz Sharif no matter how suspect his intention are thought to be in India. The guy has guts to keep treading this peace path. Especially in an environment like now. So much easier to take a hard line. My respect for this guy went up a notch.

Yeah you should give him respect he's speaking your mind.

He's a pet of his own interest....:flame:
PAKISTAN : If pakistan is to prosper, noora must go

No elected govt will go anywhere. PMLN has the legal right to govern for five years and thats exactly what they will do. Slogans of 'IF Pakistan' and 'IF Islam' won't work. Army has a job to do and that job is done from barracks not from PM house.
Mate, I get it.. I know exactly where you're coming from, however, you give too much credit to NS by comparing him to some of your seasoned politicians or by assuming that logic and/or courage drives his decision making or what he utters... the guy is a complete imbecile puppet, whose strings are moved from far away lands....... his cumulative thought(s) before making a statement are:

If I make this statement:

1. Will I **** the armed forces?

If yes.....

a) Are they capable of hanging me?

If not-----> i) Do it.

That's about it........

All politicians have their reasons whether they want to go down in history, win a peace prize....anything...there is always a reason. However let me tell you coming from a country with a slightly longer history of electoral politics, the thinking that drives a politician most is self-preservation. Most politicians will go with the flow, not against it, especially when the weight of the opinion of their electorate is in a completely different direction. We have plenty of politicians who all want something but if it actually came up against going against the opinion of the electorate, they would quickly change their tune. I have little respect for those Indian politicians of whatever party who indulge in cheap politicking on this (Indo-Pak) issue. There is a military response that is being played out & politicians need to get behind that but must limit their own talking as much as possible. Competitive bluster gets us nowhere. It is in this context that I appreciate NS's statement. Whatever his reasons, he is going against an immediate opinion. That takes courage. It goes against the strongest instinct of a politician - that of self preservation.
You are mistaken. Jinnah had something to say about the matter > “Do not forget that the armed forces are the servants of the people. You do not make national policy; it is we, the civilians, who decide these issues and it is your duty to carry out these tasks with which you are entrusted.”

Army will give its input, decisions will be made by the elected government. Keep following the news, they are setting up National security apparatus for this.

servants to the people not some loteras and rapists who rig elections and lot the country.....
servants to the people not some loteras and rapists who rig elections and lot the country.....

Election rigging was a false accusation look at the result of by-elections. Jinnah specifically pointed out the role of civilians and role of Armed forces. There is not much left to say really.
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