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Nawaz Sharif approves lifting of ban on underage marriage

Social sciences can prove you wrong on that , better than I ever can . Maturity has nothing whatsoever to do with puberty , but with age . Underage marriages have adverse effect on a girl's physical and psychological health and remains the reason , for the largest number of deaths during pregnancy . How does that not figure in your equation ?
I never said that maturity comes with puberty.

But it also isn't determined by age.

Can you back your statement with any credible study ???
Did they even consider health and illiteracy issues of the girl child?

Just when you thought it couldnt get lower than this, there's something retarded like this to prove that one can hit rock bottom every other day.

I was listening in the early afternoon , to a T.V. interview of the chairman of the Islamic Ideological Council - Maulana Sherani . It will be available soon here , I am sure .

Now basically , this guy like all Mullahs , doesn't have an iota of understanding about the modern world and its requirements , neither science and social issues . He just insists all interview long , that these things are Islamic and hence should be permissible . Doesn't care about any girl or her health , or even that as a matter of fact , underage marriages and subsequent pregnancies are so dangerous that they are the leading cause of death for pregnancy related deaths in Pakistan . All he was worried about is that the girls will go " astray " and thus it is good to marry them young and fresh . All education , health issues and societal issues can go to hell , just because he cant control or trust the opposite gender . Declared that it is advisable to marry a second women whilst your first wife is pregnant and there's no concept of " family planning " in Islam , so we can all breed like rabbits and never care about the life of the child , we are bringing in the world . So , basically the message is that exploitation of females should continue , they should be restricted to home and well are nothing more than baby producing factory . Hilarious was the part when he said that he read a story in a book in which an American 15 year old girl was dancing , during the act she went inside a room , gave birth to a child , threw it in a dustbin and returned to continue dancing , when the interviewer told him that it isn't possible , he replied that he can get that book for him to support his " early age marriage " stance . Ironically , when asked about the terrorism or the suicide blasts in the country , he refused to comment .

@Oscar @Talon @Armstrong @Developereo @blain2 @DESERT FIGHTER @guluchulo @KingMamba
Ganja unfortunately also have to cater to religious thugs. I hope SC step in.
I was listening in the early afternoon , to a T.V. interview of the chairman of the Islamic Ideological Council - Maulana Sherani . It will be available soon here , I am sure .

Now basically , this guy like all Mullahs , doesn't have an iota of understanding about the modern world and its requirements , neither science and social issues . He just insists all interview long , that these things are Islamic and hence should be permissible . Doesn't care about any girl or her health , or even that as a matter of fact , underage marriages and subsequent pregnancies are so dangerous that they are the leading cause of death for pregnancy related deaths in Pakistan . All he was worried about is that the girls will go " astray " and thus it is good to marry them young and fresh . All education , health issues and societal issues can go to hell , just because he cant control or trust the opposite gender . Declared that it is advisable to marry a second women whilst your first wife is pregnant and there's no concept of " family planning " in Islam , so we can all breed like rabbits and never care about the life of the child , we are bringing in the world . So , basically the message is that exploitation of females should continue , they should be restricted to home and well are nothing more than baby producing factory . Hilarious was the part when he said that he read a story in a book in which an American 15 year old girl was dancing , during the act she went inside a room , gave birth to a child , threw it in a dustbin and returned to continue dancing , when the interviewer told him that it isn't possible , he replied that he can get that book for him to support his " early age marriage " stance . Ironically , when asked about the terrorism or the suicide blasts in the country , he refused to comment .

@Oscar @Talon @Armstrong @Developereo @blain2 @DESERT FIGHTER @guluchulo @KingMamba

Lets not go into what Maulana Sheerani has been caught doing. ....
But it also isn't determined by age.
Can you back your statement with any credible study ???

Since you were supporting the Mullah decision , I thought you would know that they want the girls to be married as soon as they hit puberty , which is precisely what remains the bone of contention here , maturity doesn't come with age or puberty , but for legal purposes it has to be defined , else everyone has their own interpretation which makes for a messier act and misuse of the laws . Think of it here , what 9 , 12 or 14 year old girl or boy is going to refuse his parent's choice or decision ? Where's the free will ? Is the purpose of the life , merely to breed and produce children ? Is that what Islam teaches us ? Where's the heath of the people and education fit in here ? Where are the other important things in life ? Where are the requirements of the era being taken into consideration ?

In the last decade, a growing body of longitudinal neuroimaging research has demonstrated that adolescence is a period of continued brain growth and change, challenging longstanding assumptions that the brain was largely finished maturing by puberty [13]. The frontal lobes, home to key components of the neural circuitry underlying “executive functions” such as planning, working memory, and impulse control, are among the last areas of the brain to mature; they may not be fully developed until halfway through the third decade of life [2].

Adolescent Maturity and the Brain: The Promise and Pitfalls of Neuroscience Research in Adolescent Health Policy

Systems responsible for logical reasoning mature by the time people are 16, but those involved in self-regulation are still developing in young adulthood. This is why 16-year-olds are just as competent as adults when it comes to granting informed medical consent, but still immature in ways that diminish their criminal responsibility, as the Supreme Court has noted in several recent cases. Using different ages for different legal boundaries seems odd, but it would make neuroscientific sense if we did it rationally.

Adulthood: What the Brain Says About Maturity - NYTimes.com

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14.

While the details behind the changes in volume on scans are not completely clear, the results push the timeline of brain maturation into adolescence and young adulthood. In terms of the volume of gray matter seen in brain images, the brain does not begin to resemble that of an adult until the early 20s.

The scans also suggest that different parts of the cortex mature at different rates. Areas involved in more basic functions mature first: those involved, for example, in the processing of information from the senses, and in controlling movement. The parts of the brain responsible for more "top-down" control, controlling impulses, and planning ahead—the hallmarks of adult behavior—are among the last to mature.

NIMH · The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

Suit yourself .

Lets not go into what Maulana Sheerani has been caught doing. ....

You know that is exactly , what I want to hear right now . What happened and when , I only know some members of IDC were caught after returning from the American embassy for ingesting C2H5OH .
You know that is exactly , what I want to hear right now . What happened and when , I know they were a caught bunch after returning from the American embassy .

Oh cmon.. it was all in good fun that the CII fellow was caught having had more than his fair share of Umm-ul-Khabais by the Isb Police.. and his aide insisted he was unwell while he kept doing the roly poly in his car.
Oh cmon.. it was all in good fun that the CII fellow was caught having had more than his fair share of Umm-ul-Khabais by the Isb Police.. and his aide insisted he was unwell while he kept doing the roly poly in his car.

"Pakistan ka matlab kya??...........Musalmano! Tukka Lagao!!!"

Now that should explain it .
"Pakistan ka matlab kya??...........Musalmano! Tukka Lagao!!!"

Now that should explain it .
You have to hand it to this nation though. At one end you have this

And on the other you have polio vaccines as Haram and underage child marriages.

Perhaps you and I need to see it the other way.. as in Variety is the spice of life. :-)
"Pakistan ka matlab kya??...........Musalmano! Tukka Lagao!!!"

Now that should explain it .

You're reading @Oscar 's signature the wrong way; hes just jealous of that Alim Online/Inam-Ghar's fellows suave & panache but had his hopes dashed when he stood in line hours at a stretch to get his autograph but the 'something' Liaquat guy didn't even acknowledge Oscar's presence ! :(

Waisee why the heck do we have a Council of Islamic Ideology ? :what:
why do u think polyandry is not good.....
you can have more husbands to work and please a woman.......:D:D
Sorry I prefer remaining loyal to one...even if I was a man I would have supported monogamy.
We are human beings....not animals.
You know what i'm implying.
Noo i am confused.

Btw you sure that you wrote "levina" correctly in your avatar ???
I was listening in the early afternoon , to a T.V. interview of the chairman of the Islamic Ideological Council - Maulana Sherani . It will be available soon here , I am sure .

Now basically , this guy like all Mullahs , doesn't have an iota of understanding about the modern world and its requirements , neither science and social issues . He just insists all interview long , that these things are Islamic and hence should be permissible . Doesn't care about any girl or her health , or even that as a matter of fact , underage marriages and subsequent pregnancies are so dangerous that they are the leading cause of death for pregnancy related deaths in Pakistan . All he was worried about is that the girls will go " astray " and thus it is good to marry them young and fresh . All education , health issues and societal issues can go to hell , just because he cant control or trust the opposite gender . Declared that it is advisable to marry a second women whilst your first wife is pregnant and there's no concept of " family planning " in Islam , so we can all breed like rabbits and never care about the life of the child , we are bringing in the world . So , basically the message is that exploitation of females should continue , they should be restricted to home and well are nothing more than baby producing factory . Hilarious was the part when he said that he read a story in a book in which an American 15 year old girl was dancing , during the act she went inside a room , gave birth to a child , threw it in a dustbin and returned to continue dancing , when the interviewer told him that it isn't possible , he replied that he can get that book for him to support his " early age marriage " stance . Ironically , when asked about the terrorism or the suicide blasts in the country , he refused to comment .

@Oscar @Talon @Armstrong @Developereo @blain2 @DESERT FIGHTER @guluchulo @KingMamba
Mentally retarded...Such Mullahs should be stoned to death for even thinking let alone passing such shit!
Sorry I prefer remaining loyal to one...even if I was a man I would have supported monogamy.
We are human beings....not animals.

Noo i am confused.


What about before marriage?
What's "under age"???
How do law makers decide one age for ALL cultural segments???

Well versed members of that segment of society. One country can have variety of circumstances. One "age" decided by central government does NOT fit ALL.

Puberty must be the ultimate criteria. Other factors like "maturity", financial status requirements should be left for elders of family\community to decide.
If following could be of any help in understanding human nature:
Rate of pregnancies in 14 year old and younger in USA.

So what does the science say on "the age" for marriage??? Give us the "details"?

You did not answer my question that you quoted? Also you used the generic rhetoric "maturity comes with age"...
Since we all have gone retard but you were spared by God's special blessing so tell us retards What age does "science" tell you is the age of maturity?

Read following post, your ideal country USA, the beacon of "science", permits marriage as early as 13... How can you set age at 18 in a culture, a country that lags behind USA big time...!!!

I agree child bearing age can be young...But twisting this for horny old bastards is shameful!!!
Sorry I prefer remaining loyal to one...even if I was a man I would have supported monogamy.
We are human beings....not animals.

Lets ask Mr.Levina instead what he thinks about Polygamy ! :p:

He was telling me the other day that he envies the Arab Sheikhs who've got a conveyor belt of wives ! :whistle:
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