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Nato ex-commander warns Pakistan on porous border

Well yeah its not am issue for you.The 80 killed in a madrassa,who were they?With whom did PA sign a ceasefire?Why was Bugti killed?
Not an issue i see....

You have no money,well your GDP has doubled,per capita income has doubled, you have build a port in Gwadar thats going to work wonders, and you saying to me you dont have money to put up a fence.

When we dont have to pay for it. Why should we pay for it?

Do not drag India in the middle. The fence issue is between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan has money to blow on importing yellow cabs, awacs, F-16s but no money for building a sturdy fence to protect it's citizens ??

Taliban is not a threat to our citizens, it is a threat to the government, and we have the resources to protect the government, and please dont back up your claim with the few F-16s, AWACs development, and importing yellow cabs. Do you even have an idea how much it will take to fence?

Don't even get me started., you people blowing money on weapons also, how come ur not feeding your 400 million poor ?!?! Atleast were not poverty stricken.

You can do better than this. :wall:
It is impossible to seal 1750 Kilometre border specially in a mountainous region. You could fence parts only. India has already fenced most of their side of Kashmir border; why is India still creating all the noise about 'Cross Border' terrorism??.

Well if you were watching news lately, ISI has started using Nepal and B'desh as launching pads.

The issue is not whether Pakistan can fence or not? T

he issue is that pakistan has become the epicentre of terror exports.Kashmir to the east and Afghan to the west and GOP is saying that its impossible to control or stop it even without putting an effort.

You cannot blame Afghanis for the mess created by your country and ur masters.They are being attacked by people using your land/support.

Its a shame that you people admit that your land is used for killing innocents across the border and still says its not ur responsibility to stop it. If you dont stop this then you will see more cross border bombings by US, and next time they might not stop with just one bomb.
Bull, Pakistan is playing the waiting game. One Nato and the US troops leave Afghanistan, Pakistan will flood the country with Wahhabi-inspired-sunni-dominated Taliban.

Taliban-Pakistan Army, they are the two faces of the same kind. India needs to start pumping in arms and money to Northern Alliance. We have influence, we need to build on it. Who says the great game is over ??
Well if you were watching news lately, ISI has started using Nepal and B'desh as launching pads.

The issue is not whether Pakistan can fence or not? T

he issue is that pakistan has become the epicentre of terror exports.Kashmir to the east and Afghan to the west and GOP is saying that its impossible to control or stop it even without putting an effort.

You cannot blame Afghanis for the mess created by your country and ur masters.They are being attacked by people using your land/support.

Its a shame that you people admit that your land is used for killing innocents across the border and still says its not ur responsibility to stop it. If you dont stop this then you will see more cross border bombings by US, and next time they might not stop with just one bomb.

Firstly, it is nothing new that every time a canary farts, Indians blame it on
ISI. Wouldnt be surprised that after Nepal and Bangla Desh, next time Indians accuse ISI of infilteration from the moon. Your people have already killed dozens of poor falcons who strayed across the border in Rajsathan thinking they were ISI agents.

Secondly, why blame Pakistan alone. It was your new erstwhile friend US who created Mujahideen to fight Soviet Union and then left them to fend for themselves. Didn't you know that Osama bin Laden was trained by CIA? The mujahideen simply took up new causes to fight.

Finally, why ignore the fact the biggest victim of terrorism is Pakistan, or you clap your hands each time RAW financed Bugti and Mari henchmen blow up gas pipeline and electricity pylons.

There are always some disgruntled elements who want to take on the establishment and they find their sympathisers from within the community.
Naxalites are a case in point. How did the great Indian military might allowed Veerappan to terrorise South India for years?

I can understand your point of view but there is really no difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter, it all depends whether you are winning or on the losing side. You have not negated my point that it is impossible to fence/seal off a long border. Your comments were just an emotional outburst.
Bull, Pakistan is playing the waiting game. One Nato and the US troops leave Afghanistan, Pakistan will flood the country with Wahhabi-inspired-sunni-dominated Taliban.

Taliban-Pakistan Army, they are the two faces of the same kind. India needs to start pumping in arms and money to Northern Alliance. We have influence, we need to build on it. Who says the great game is over ??

Well US wnt leave afghan,if they had to they would have run out of Iraq by now.
Secondly, why blame Pakistan alone. It was your new erstwhile friend US who created Mujahideen to fight Soviet Union and then left them to fend for themselves. Didn't you know that Osama bin Laden was trained by CIA? The mujahideen simply took up new causes to fight. .

Trained by Cia with the help of pakistan.You helped them without thinking about the repurcassions, US was operating many a miles away from their home they could have left anyday.Your leaders were **** that they failed to see that happening.Dont blame the US for that.

Finally, why ignore the fact the biggest victim of terrorism is Pakistan, or you clap your hands each time RAW financed Bugti and Mari henchmen blow up gas pipeline and electricity pylons..

Victim is pakistan? Culprit is also pakistan.

Your land and govt were/are mere pawns in the hands of US and now in the hands of China.

There are always some disgruntled elements who want to take on the establishment and they find their sympathisers from within the community.
Naxalites are a case in point. How did the great Indian military might allowed Veerappan to terrorise South India for years?.

Veerappan terrorised whom?

I can understand your point of view but there is really no difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter, it all depends whether you are winning or on the losing side. You have not negated my point that it is impossible to fence/seal off a long border. Your comments were just an emotional outburst.

Emotional outburst, i have no tears are shed for Pakistan.
Trained by Cia with the help of pakistan.You helped them without thinking about the repurcassions, US was operating many a miles away from their home they could have left anyday.Your leaders were **** that they failed to see that happening.Dont blame the US for that.

Don't blame the US??

Your land and govt were/are mere pawns in the hands of US and now in the hands of China.

Really? I guess India is still the champion of NAM right? India is in a much faster American embrace and each day you also become pawns in their intricate game (let the Growler or Shornet find its way in :rolleyes: ...did you forget the shameful Indian acquiescing to Iranian referral to the UNSC just bacause US doled out the Nuclear incentive? Pawns are made in such ways..so before you regret what you write with such conviction about Pakistan, realize that India is not going to fare much better as Chinese pressures increase and India has to look more and more towards the US to lessen the Chinese pressure. Your leadership even in the times of most avowed Non-alignment turned to the US and begged them to bomb the Chinese back to the stone-age when the 62 conflict occurred. So maybe you should stick to humility instead of your never-ending bruhaha about how Pakistan is such a pawn etc. (it actually stinks of misplaced arrogance).
Fencing, mining from next month

By Syed Irfan Raza

ISLAMABAD, Dec 28: Pakistan will start mining and fencing of its border with Afghanistan next month after addressing all reservations of the United Nations, Interior Minister Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao told Dawn on Thursday.

The minister said the Geneva Convention prohibited the laying of landmines, but it was not prohibited if an area was ‘marked properly’. “We will not violate UN resolutions and mark the area where landmines will be planted. We will educate tribal people on both sides of the border about the presence of landmines.”

The UN has criticised Pakistan’s plans to erect fence and lay landmines along some portions of its border to stop militants from crossing into Afghanistan. The world body has expressed fears that such a step would add to civilian casualties.

As many as 3,500 people have been killed in Afghanistan this year — the bloodiest year since US-led troops ousted the Taliban five years ago. Afghanistan has already rejected Pakistan’s plan and instead called for “serious efforts to tackle terrorists”.

However, Mr Sherpao said: “We are doing our best to stop the cross-border movement of terrorists as we have deployed 80,000 troops, established over 800 check-posts and now fencing and land mining are being put in place. This is the best we can do, but the Afghan government is still indulging in a blame game instead of appreciating Pakistan’s efforts to stop infiltration of terrorists into Afghanistan.”

The interior ministry and the foreign office have announced that land mining and fencing would help prevent militants from Pakistan crossing into Afghanistan to fight troops of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

Officials of the two departments said as the fence and mines would be on the Pakistani side of the 2,430-km border, an agreement with the Afghan government was not required.

Afghanistan had rejected Pakistan’s previous offers to fence the border, saying it would divide the tribal population. However, Mr Sherpao brushed aside this apprehension.

“Pakistan will create exit and entry points in the fence to ensure the cross-border movement of tribal people.” An exit point has been created in Chaman, Balochistan and three more points have been identified, the minister said.

Mr Sherpao said the process of establishing exit and entry points would be completed next month.
Karazi rejects, Pakistan defends border mining

KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai rejected on Thursday a decision by Pakistan to mine and fence the frontier between the neighbours, saying this was not the way to cut back cross border “terrorism”.

Pakistan said this week it had tasked its Army with working out ways to fence or mine parts of the rugged 2,500-kilometre frontier to stop Taliban militants entering Afghanistan to carry out attacks. But Karzai told reporters this was no solution and would only hamper the movement of people in the ethnic Pakhtun area, with some families and tribes separated by the colonially demarcated border drawn up more than a century ago.

“It is only going to prevent, hinder all movements by civilians, families, same tribes,” Karzai said at a media briefing at the presidential palace in Kabul. “If they need the separation of people that is the way, if they need the prevention of terrorism that is not the way.”

The Afghan president said he would use “every method” to stop mines being planted on the border. “We will use every method, every way of peaceful means, of dialogue and of friendly cooperation to prevent the laying of mines on the border because the laying of mines is not going to get us anywhere,” he said. The United Nations in Afghanistan echoed the concern. “The UN is opposed to the use of landmines,” spokesman Aleem Siddique told AFP. “Afghanistan is already heavily mined and a lot of its civilians, mainly children, have been killed and maimed. “From a UN point of view, fencing or mining the border is not a way to build trust and confidence among Pakistan and Afghanistan.”

Karzai said if Pakistan were serious about curbing the Islamic militancy, it should address its roots. “Then we must remove their sanctuaries, then we must remove the places where they get training, the sources of finances and equipment and training. That is the best way and that is what our view is,” he said. Karzai also said that Afghanistan had suffered enough from mines within its borders. Afghans “have suffered and we are very much for the removal, prevention of mines than laying of mines,” the president said. –-Agencies

Mariana Baabar adds from Islamabad: Pakistan on Thursday stood by its decision of mining its border with Afghanistan, saying the Army will ensure that the border areas selected for the purpose of mining are appropriately marked and the public dully informed.

“We are not happy to take this step but as the foreign secretary said these are extraordinary times for which extraordinary measures have to be taken. Basically, the fencing will take a long time to finalise and it is also a very expensive exercise. While mining some areas we are fully aware of human rights and the requirement of the people in the area who should continue to have the right of movement. We realise that we will be unable to either fence or mine the entire border,” the Foreign Office spokesperson told The News.

In the eighties when the Soviet forces were withdrawing from Afghanistan the leadership had handed over the maps of the mined areas to the then Afghan president Najibullah. At that time diplomatic sources had told this correspondent that the United Nations was unable to lay its hands on these crucial maps. Hence over the decades hundreds of Afghans and others have lost their lives or have been crippled because of the Soviet mining.

“Yes, the mines inside Afghanistan left from the war have still not been cleared and there are continuing casualties. We will be mindful of the areas that are to be mined and there will be clear indications to avoid accidents,” the spokesperson added.

Interestingly, while both India and Pakistan had laid mines in different areas of the international border, foreign observers told The News that it is rare for any accident to have taken place on this border because of the excellent cooperation between the two states which also relates to exchanging information about the areas which have been mined.

On Thursday the UN criticised Pakistan’s plan to mine selective parts of the Pak-Afghan border saying they feel concerned from a human rights perspective. “Well, the UN should look at other areas on the globe, especially in areas of conflict where mining takes place. In fact India has illegally fenced and mined large areas near the Line of Control (LoC), which is in fact a disputed territory. How come all these voices which have criticised Pakistan’s plans are quiet on this,” the spokesperson questioned.

However, there appears to be no plan to enforce an international border with Afghanistan because there is realisation of the fact that the tribes straddling these border areas essentially need to frequently cross the frontier.

Thankless Karzai :devil: can go to hell.........
Taliban-Pakistan Army, they are the two faces of the same kind.

You mean, like how Hindutva terrorists:devil: -Indian Army, they are the two faces of the same kind?;) :?:

India needs to start pumping in arms and money to Northern Alliance.

Who said they haven’t already done that?:coffee:

We have influence, we need to build on it. Who says the great game is over ??

Then I am sure you are all for the Kashmiri insurgency, right?:bunny:

Pakistan has been interefering in Kashmir from 89 and nothing has happened.

Remember 71 when India interefered for just 6 months ???

If we start giving even 10% of support now, you will have one more independent country carved out of Pakistan.

Remember 71 when India interefered for just 6 months ???

If we start giving even 10% of support now, you will have one more independent country carved out of Pakistan.

What if Pakistan starts giving support to the ppl of Kashmir ( supply weapons), then imagine what will happen.
Remember 71 when India interefered for just 6 months ???
Yeah, tough task to isolate and shut off part of the country seperated by 1600km of hostile territory. :thunbsup:
Kashmir is a different story, is better accessable from our side than yours.

If we start giving even 10% of support now, you will have one more independent country carved out of Pakistan.
KGB-RAW created and funded BLA failed miserably and India hasn't been able to do anything in Azad Kashmir now.
Can't wait to see how future efforts will fail even with 200% support. :disagree:

Btw, has it occurred to you that a united Pakistan is in favor of India and her existence?

Anything happens to Pakistan will backfire on India and set up a disintegration a la USSR.

Pakistan has been interefering in Kashmir from 89 and nothing has happened.

Remember 71 when India interefered for just 6 months ???

If we start giving even 10% of support now, you will have one more independent country carved out of Pakistan.

Sweetheart, then enlighten us what’s stopping you? For sure it couldn’t be the Chankyia teachings, right?;)

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