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Nations that were never conquered, occupied, governed by foreign powers

No...we were brits....we didn't become USA til after we severed the ties. In the US....it was brits ruling brits....in india it was brits ruling Indians...

Read Churchill sometime....the US revolution was a civil war.

And read our constitution....it's in English

True, breaking away from England was a last resort that would not have happened had King George the third not been an idiot.
Idiot, I know they did....just as I know the German bombed London. And JP Jones burned a British Port....and we burned Toronto. The war was a stalemate....no one gained any territory. Not real clear on the meaning of "conquered and ruled" are we? Name who the British installed to rule the US after they burned Washington? What laws did he enact?
Idiot, I know they did....just as I know the German bombed London. And JP Jones burned a British Port....and we burned Toronto. The war was a stalemate....no one gained any territory. Not real clear on the meaning of "conquered and ruled" are we? Name who the British installed to rule the US after they burned Washington? What laws did he enact?

Ok, our capital was occupied...but not the entire country. That make you feel better?
by sayin Turkey, i didn't only mean the current Republic. Simply the Turks were never conquered by any nation. ;)

What about the Romans? Constantinople was not named after Turks.


Brits are not the original occupants of the Americas. Would you consider England never occupied? If you only count the Normans.

Besides US is young, give it time, everyone else had at least 2000 years of history, this is like saying the 2 year old has never been beaten up. That's not an accomplishment dude.


Japan is occupied even today.....
What about the Romans? Constantinople was not named after Turks.


Brits are not the original occupants of the Americas. Would you consider England never occupied? If you only count the Normans.

Besides US is young, give it time, everyone else had at least 2000 years of history, this is like saying the 2 year old has never been beaten up. That's not an accomplishment dude.


Japan is occupied even today.....
No....Brits weren't. But as I am not indian (red kind)....and the US didn't come from any native tribe....irrelevant.
There is only 3 nations I believe.

1. Nepal
2. Thailand
3. Bhutan

Although all these 3 nations

Care to add Russia to the list? I don't think anyone was ever interested in conquering the Himalayan countries, possessing little to no strategic value to the conquerers. Thailand on the other hand was too "weak and submissive" to need conquering during the colonial era.
Turkey is a weird one because it is relatively 'new'. But there have been many people in control of that area, Byzantines, Venetians, Romans etc

China was under control of Japan for few years around WW2. :)

China was invaded by Japan primarily in the eastern region, but not under the control or administration of Japan in ww2.
No...we were brits....we didn't become USA til after we severed the ties. In the US....it was brits ruling brits....in india it was brits ruling Indians...

Read Churchill sometime....the US revolution was a civil war.

And read our constitution....it's in English

You guys weren't even in America 500 years before! The native Indian tribes of America are testament to the fact that America has been well and truly conquered.
China was invaded by Japan primarily in the eastern region, but not under the control or administration of Japan in ww2.
Half was controlled and administered. Plus Manchus, Mongols, etc.

You guys weren't even in America 500 years before! The native Indian tribes of America are testament to the fact that America has been well and truly conquered.
The Sioux were conquered, Cherokee, etc. They are not the United States. The country of United States of America has never been controlled or conquered. What you were saying is like me saying Turkey was Conquered because the Hittites used to live there.
Half was controlled and administered. Plus Manchus, Mongols, etc.

The Sioux were conquered, Cherokee, etc. They are not the United States. The country of United States of America has never been controlled or conquered. What you were saying is like me saying Turkey was Conquered because the Hittites used to live there.

Then how can any one say India was conquered when the Republic of India came into being only in 1947? To me, the subjugation of it's original inhabitants is proof of conquest. Even though the Mughal empire,Maratha empire etc were conquered by the British, don't we say India was conquered? Similarly, subjugation of the Apache, Shawnee, Sioux, Cherokee etc is equivalent to subjugation of America.
Care to add Russia to the list? I don't think anyone was ever interested in conquering the Himalayan countries, possessing little to no strategic value to the conquerers. Thailand on the other hand was too "weak and submissive" to need conquering during the colonial era.
Russia was occupied by the Mongols-Tatars in the 13-15 centuries (except North). And part of Russia was occupied by Polish and Lithuanians 15-18 centuries.
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