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Nation to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day today: February 5th

Sir i was not being sarcastic. They can compare their standard of living against the Kashmiris in Pakistani Kashmir. They know the difference.

And India has no need to hold a plebiscite of any sought inside it's own territory. Why don't Pakistan hold a plebiscite in Balochistan then.
The Indian, Pakistani and British leadership agreed upon the use of a plebiscite to resolve accessions of states that were disputed. This occurred in Junagadh and Hyderabad, and was specifically accepted in the case of Kashmir as well, and teh Indian leadership made clear statements that they woudl respect that agreement.

Then came the UNSC resolutions - the GoI agreed with and accepted the UNSC determination that Kashmir was disputed territory, and that a referendum in Kashmir was the means to resolve the issue. None of this applies to Baluchistan - Balochistan is not disputed territory. To bring Balochistan into this discussion is like bringing Tamil Nadu and Kerala into the discussion, and if you were even half-informed you would realize that.

Therefore both your arguments are invalid - India does indeed have an obligation to conduct a plebiscite, and there is no comparison with Baluchistan.

Again, if the living conditions in India and IK were really that much better than Pakistan and PK, the choice for the Kashmiris would be easy.
Pakistan should Free P.O.K and get all the Pakistan Punjabi and other non kashmiri out who have settled in P.O.K then India will hold plebiscite otherwise you can mark the solidarity till eternity still Kashmir will be part of India.
Pakistan should Free P.O.K and get all the Pakistan Punjabi and other non kashmiri out who have settled in P.O.K then India will hold plebiscite otherwise you can mark the solidarity till eternity still Kashmir will be part of India.

You obviously have no clue as to the demographic makeup of the territory - there are Punjabis who are native to the region as well. A large number of Kashmiris have also moved out of Kashmir and settled in other parts of Pakistan.

The balance is if anything more towards people moving out than in.

I think what needs to be done first is for India to start fulfilling her international obligations by accepting the disputed status, as she did in the UNSC, and then working with Pakistan and the UN to identify and rectify, if needed, any conditions in the valley that might have been drastically altered compared to fifty years ago.

The rest of your rant we are aware of, that India considers immoral and illegal actions shamelessly acceptable, and many Indians here shamelessly accept that it is illegal and immoral - hence why I have n qualms about calling India comparable to a thief. After all a thief shamelessly resorts to stealing, and justifies it as being in his benefit.

Successive Pakistani regimes, activists in the Northern Areas have long complained, have also been engaged in engineering large-scale demographic changes in the region. In violation of both United Nations resolutions and Jammu and Kashmir's pre-independence state-subject laws, the large-scale settlement of ethnic Punjabis and Pashtoons has changed the pre-independence non-local to local population ratio from 1:4 to worse than 3:4

Violence has often broken out as a consequence of the large-scale settlement of Sunnis, often supported by Islamist neoconservative groups, and the region's Shia natives. In 1988, Pakistan's President, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, then a Brigadier, helped put down a violent insurrection that claimed hundreds of lives. Again, in 2003, violence erupted after Shia groups complained about school textbooks propagating neoconservative Sunni Islam.

The Hindu : Front Page : Pakistan asserts new claims on Kashmir's Northern Areas

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has changed the demographic composition of Pak occupied Kashmir by systematically settling outsiders there. This was stated by Mumtaz Khan on behalf of the EU at the 55th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights inGeneva. The session witnessed many representations by people of *** where human rights has degenerated to its lowest level, the EU said.

The European Union of Public Relations alleged that through another policy, Pakistan was brainwashing the Kashmiri school children of their culture, language and history.

Things are worse in Gilgit and Baltistan, where though there is no insurgency or terrorism, there are Intelligence agencies and the Army all over. This is one region where people have no civil or constitutional rights, the EU alleged and said protests against this state of affairs are crushed by security forces and through sectarian clashes

How interesting. The real demographic change happened in Pakistani Kashmir, unlike the imaginary changes occuring in Indian Kashmir.
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The Indian, Pakistani and British leadership agreed upon the use of a plebiscite to resolve accessions of states that were disputed. This occurred in Junagadh and Hyderabad, and was specifically accepted in the case of Kashmir as well, and teh Indian leadership made clear statements that they woudl respect that agreement.

Hi AM, i have always wondered abt this. Can u give me some authentic source?

I have on question here - if pakistan and these extremist terrorist organisations like jud, let are so caring about right of kashmiri. then why were they sleeping when kashmiri pundits were killed beaten in Their own homes and they were forced out of their region isnt that genocide and terrorism. Why didn't the organization like U.N and world leader dare to speak a word on it???
I tell you if somebody come up with the idea that kashmiri dont like to share their land with kashmiri pundits that a big mistake. i can tell you most family had no issue with kashmiri pundits. May be pakistan as a helping nation can help those homeless kashmiri people as well as first start and then point to rest of kashmiri to prove many a things to india -say what ?
Unholy solidarity...
One billion Indians should start showing solidarity with poor,opressed ,Baluchistan people..:pop:
Sir i was not being sarcastic. They can compare their standard of living against the Kashmiris in Pakistani Kashmir. They know the difference.

And India has no need to hold a plebiscite of any sought inside it's own territory. Why don't Pakistan hold a plebiscite in Balochistan then.

And rest was proved by the recent elections when voter turnout was higher than states like Delhi, Rajhastan, etc. This tells how eager Kashmiris are to participate in Indian democratic system.

I have personally met Kashmiris as I live in Jammu, joining Pakistan is the last of three options for them. Independence of Kashmir was not a part of solution in the UNSC resolutions, so for them better choice is to be with India, and thats what they are doing and will be doing.

And for Pakistan, you can try and keep spending your valuable resources on kashmir issue. Best of luck :cheers:

wat a stupid argument. balochistan is not a disputed territory lik how kashmir is. there is a united nations resolution on it. if u r so confident that they will not go for pakistan then y not give them a chance to prove us wrong???? we wont mind if they join india. the only thing we want is plabecite which was being promised to them by ur own leaders and is also a demand of UN.
Pakistan should Free P.O.K and get all the Pakistan Punjabi and other non kashmiri out who have settled in P.O.K then India will hold plebiscite otherwise you can mark the solidarity till eternity still Kashmir will be part of India.

lollll......... just another excuse. pakistan is ready for that. we have said that thousand times. we are ready to give them their right. that is y we havent even made them a part of pakistan. they have got their own assembly with their own PM.
Unholy solidarity...
One billion Indians should start showing solidarity with poor,opressed ,Baluchistan people..:pop:

once again balochistan is not a disputed territory

I have on question here - if pakistan and these extremist terrorist organisations like jud, let are so caring about right of kashmiri. then why were they sleeping when kashmiri pundits were killed beaten in Their own homes and they were forced out of their region isnt that genocide and terrorism. Why didn't the organization like U.N and world leader dare to speak a word on it???
I tell you if somebody come up with the idea that kashmiri dont like to share their land with kashmiri pundits that a big mistake. i can tell you most family had no issue with kashmiri pundits. May be pakistan as a helping nation can help those homeless kashmiri people as well as first start and then point to rest of kashmiri to prove many a things to india -say what ?

so wat happened to those pundits is genocide and terrorism while wat ur army has been doin their for last 60 yrs is ok???? u kill them beat them and then when they attack ur ppl, u start cryin
so wat happened to those pundits is genocide and terrorism while wat ur army has been doin their for last 60 yrs is ok???? u kill them beat them and then when they attack ur ppl, u start cryin
Absolutely not by the way i am kashmiri and i have a few kashmiri pundit friends. As for me i was strong enough to find my own path and don't need anybody's help to go ahead. What i asked here was - its great that pakistan think of Kashmir's citizen but i wish they can think of this at a broad level without religious bias like mullah do. Kashmir should be there for all kashmiri which shouldnt depend on their religion.
Absolutely not by the way i am kashmiri and i have a few kashmiri pundit friends. As for me i was strong enough to find my own path and don't need anybody's help to go ahead. What i asked here was - its great that pakistan think of Kashmir's citizen but i wish they can think of this at a broad level without religious bias like mullah do. Kashmir should be there for all kashmiri which shouldnt depend on their religion.

yes kashmir is for all kashmiris. but would you not expect us to show sympathy to those who are suffering rather than those who are not
i tell you both hindu and muslim were suffering there only people who were enjoying were politician and currpt C.R.P.F. We all know india will never give up on kashmir. the only way forward is a better and transparent system which leads to development of kashmir.
i tell you both hindu and muslim were suffering there only people who were enjoying were politician and currpt C.R.P.F. We all know india will never give up on kashmir. the only way forward is a better and transparent system which leads to development of kashmir.

just thinkin that india will never give up kashmir, we are not gonna back out and stop supportin kashmiris. however if kashmiris decide that on their own that now they should move on and accept the situation then we have no problem.

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