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Btw Balixd believes that there are US spec ops operators, a Marine expeditionary force roaming about in Pakistan? :blink: Even Hype seems to concur.

And did Hussain Haqqani actually issue 4000 passports to unknown Americans, for what joy?

The joy of being able to sit comfortably in Washington and join a Think tank to earn money for making a mix of blabber and sense depending on what is asked of him by Washington.

And Spec Ops yes... there is a lot of activity needed to identify key Pakistani nuclear location in case of the very planned and thinkable scenarios.. but I seriously doubt a MEU sits in Pakistan.
The joy of being able to sit comfortably in Washington and join a Think tank to earn money for making a mix of blabber and sense depending on what is asked of him by Washington.

And Spec Ops yes... there is a lot of activity needed to identify key Pakistani nuclear location in case of the very planned and thinkable scenarios.. but I seriously doubt a MEU sits in Pakistan.

Unh, Nuclear sites, what sites...the missile and warhead storage sites? Surely the PA will move them around since they will know what's up? What plan, they want to throw a JDAM at said sites, that would be open war!:laughcry:
@Oscar Also what are these "scenarios" contingent upon? Please don't tell me they want a reluctant Nawaze to shift back to Mushy's policies and initiatives wrt the US and perhaps even us? It seems a lot like fiction, we are talking of something that has never been done at this scale.
@Armstrong you're the worst brother a guy can have!
@RAMPAGE Liquefy Buttsy!!
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@Spring Onion

are you still using the yahoo ID you gave me ..... :)??

I will try to download the song and send it to you.
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@Dillinger how do you think Iran would counter a U.S. Aircraft carrier, plz reply !!!
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@Ravi Nair

An AEW&C platform is meant for the very purpose that its' expanded acronym denotes, "airborne early warning and control".

One basic fact, two radars operating in the same band and with the same attributes will show different range performances when one is based on the ground and the other is airborne. Also the airborne system is imminently mobile and as is guarded by escorts.

Now onto the functions- detect hostile platforms at long ranges, perform command and control functions of the battle space and AO, provide vectors for friendly ACs, transferring detection and target data to said ACs and directing them towards the enemy at extreme ranges (in relative terms) ergo allowing for dominance of the OODA loop and "first sight, first kill". An AC becomes harder to detect if it controls its electronic emissions, "switches off" its radar, the AEW&C can track/detect ACs at ranges that outstrip the range performance of x-band fighter radars, add all of this and the side with the AEW&C will mop up the opposition. Its all about information superiority and awareness of the battle-space.
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@Dillinger how do you think Iran would counter a U.S. Aircraft carrier, plz reply !!!

Not even in its dreams. They have at least one AEW&C on patrol at any given time (detection of bogies and inbound sea skimming CMs) and a BARCAP that is quite formidable. Even the Russians decided that you would need a massed attack from extreme ranges by long distance strat. platforms. No one at the moment can "counter" a Carrier. What significantly potent navies or air forces can do is to limit the potency of a carrier, to engage it and try and restrict its dominance over the battle-space. For all the chest beating on ASBM systems one needs only look at even the PLAAF's force deployment in its various MraFs to figure out how serous a threat an American CBG is. There are various ways, as I stated, by which one can try and deter a CBG or minimize its potential as a threat but no credible solution till date. You can try SSKs but today you would run into towed ultra-low frequency sonars and BAMS systems not to mention a P-8 (depending upon where the AO is), lets not even get started on the Aegis. And the Americans never rest, just look at the concepts like the Huntington Ingalls BMD ship with 288 missiles per ship. At the moment the only way to fight one is to meet it with overwhelming force in terms of aircraft with long legs and good survival features and a good number of subs out in the blue waters. Till date the best one can think of is the Oscar+Granit combo.
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@Ravi Nair

An AEW&C platform is meant for the very purpose that its' expanded acronym denotes, "airborne early warning and control".

One basic fact, two radars operating in the same band and with the same attributes will show different range performances when one is based on the ground and the other is airborne. Also the airborne system is imminently mobile and as is guarded by escorts.

Now onto the functions- detect hostile platforms at long ranges, perform command and control functions of the battle space and AO, provide vectors for friendly ACs, transferring detection and target data to said ACs and directing them towards the enemy at extreme ranges (in relative terms) ergo allowing for dominance of the OODA loop and "first sight, first kill". An AC becomes harder to detect if it controls its electronic emissions, "switches off" its radar, the AEW&C can track/detect ACs at ranges that outstrip the range performance of x-band fighter radars, add all of this and the side with the AEW&C will mop up the opposition. Its all about information superiority and awareness of the battle-space.

I've heard that the Israelis transferred Five of these aircraft to us.

What are the possible benefits, if any you can think of in terms of Indian military use?
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What about the DF-21D ????

Not that either. Unless they want to try and cover a very specific and very limited area. Listen, the Chinese will have to try and better the Upravlyaemy Sputnik Aktivnyj, that's 33 nuclear powered sats in low earth orbit and even then it won't be enough for an ASBM. At the end of the day one needs to be cognizant of the fact that continuous coverage and high res monitoring (requiring polar orbit and multi-band surveillance- not nearly met by current crop of Chinese naval surveillance sats) is required. Add to that that the Aegis BMD is now up and running with 4 Tics and 21 ABCDs going all out on missile defense (as of October 2012).

There are other issues with the kill vehicle in question itself. But at the end of the day it will have to contend with SM-2 Block-4As and SM-3 (the latest block with the high divert kinetic warhead). As I said dig up the force projection across the PLAAF MraFs.

I've heard that the Israelis transferred Five of these aircraft to us.

What are the possible benefits, if any you can think of in terms of Indian military use?

3 and 2 more to come with 2 (out of final 3) Indian AEW&C undergoing flight certification- so by 4-5 years time about 6-8 AEW&C. Lots, it will be fun to see how our cousins to the west rush to plug the gaps in their ADGE as well as keep their own AEW&C and fighters aloft, although we'll come out hurt bad in an all out brawl.
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@Dillinger, do you think India can borrow some Mossad agents,

for oyu know, some wetwork?
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@Dillinger, do you think India can borrow some Mossad agents,

for oyu know, some wetwork?

No need, we have done plenty of that when a cogent policy making apparatus at the apex level has existed. Nor do we need to go around bumping people off, that is what Mossad does due to extreme exigencies, something we don't need to indulge in often. Although the HUMINT network that Mossad or of late the CIA has nurtured is astonishing. Even Oscar's been agreeing with the idea of many OGWs running around in Pak, scary thought.
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