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@Talon I think I am beginning to understand it well , the cell death and why it occurs ... Thanks for telling my the keywords ... :)

How goes your research ?

@Secur finished 1 set of molecular markers adding another 21....damn I feel like a zombie!!
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Aureonat has told me that you live in america, why you hide it as i wouldnt have taken a westren like you so seriously.....go on and date and fck a western pakhtun girl, you both belong to same catagory...
And you are asking from hyperion? A guy from turkey whose two brothers have married jewish girls...in such matters you ask from spring onion, a pashtun girl from peshawer.

Sorry to interreupt, we are all pakistanis here so why are you discriminating between each member and calling them by each others local ethnicity. You cannot enforce your version of religion and impose your values on someone and I am sick and tired of you ruining this thread with your constant derogatory langue. I ignored you for the past few mins but @Hyperion is respectful person/member and helps anyone with their problems and is not rude to people. I think you monsieur have got wrong impression about him, here is my personal anecdotal experience, i was in dillema about which major to pick with respect to engineering and I was confused and he helped me with the options out there and gave genuine advice about engineering majors and to be honest better than our universitè counsilloré. I think you just simply have a misunderstanding and should resolve that respectfully eh.
As far as what someone does personally in ones personal life is their choice and I am well versed in afghani pashtun culture, don`t take me to be innocent though I will give you benefit of doubt monsieur that on pakistanise side, things are different. So please do not bring religion and people personal choices into this and I do not want this conversation to go towards religion as that is something personal between us and lord, merci.
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