Dude, grow a pair........
Circa 1990's
Little Hypey is on a p*o*o*n*d*i mission in Sector E7........ tracks a girl on a balcony..... starts chatting with her...... she gets pissed....... baby Hypey forgot to see that her BIG ARSE MOFO boy friend with his jeep was standing just at the door..... the dude sees me...... follow me till E9.....
Hypey drives as fast as he can..... finally the fat frak catches up with Hypey........ slaps the crap out of Hypey.........
That was a lesson for me.... life is full of lessons.... good ones and bad ones... whatever the case.... all lessons are worth it...
What later happened to that guy who beat little Hypey was bad bad bad...... Hypey's daddy got very angry at this event..... the fat boy was taken to somewhere in Punjab...