So Indians really want to give pakistan a tough time. Nice to know. Isn't this namo the same guy who ordered to kill his own indian fellow citizens. Tough time to Pakistan and Mission mars can't go hand in hand. West has put so many stakes on you guys. So guy like namo can't take india to mission china and must remember for mission china, India need same stability in her economy which can not be achieved to give pakistan a tough time.
"Isn't this namo the same guy who ordered to kill his own indian fellow citizens"

you people just keep sobbing on this .. what you have to deal with this ? were they from your country...

let me tell you your own govt ..which you call so called democratic controlled by ISI .

.. killing 1000s of ppl you guys have diwali in a month ..

i dont care about whats happening in your country.

.i care for mine ,,you care for yours !!

"So Indians really want to give pakistan a tough time. Nice to know."

dont you remember 1947,1965,1971,1999 ? wanna know more should have forgotten isnt it ??

tough time means ..there will be a last befitting retaliation for your sponsored terrorism !!

"Tough time to Pakistan and Mission mars can't go hand in hand'.. it goes .. you never know how it will be is the cheapest of all !!

"So guy like namo can't take india to mission china and must remember for mission china, India need same stability in her economy which can not be achieved to give pakistan a tough time" dont talk alike a politician !!

thank you