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Narendra Modi the target, Pak ISI turns to Dawood Ibrahim for help

Are you out of your mind?

Thread issued by intelligence agencies its not a made up story.

Pakistani support for insurgency in India is well known to every one so need to show your self innocent.

Dead or alive makes no difference to us. The very fact of the rise of Hindu Fascism in India has its perks for Pakistan by default.

Indira gandhi divide Pakistan in her time just imagine if modi cross that line then what will happen to Pakistan :yay:

We made her pay.... If Modi is as big of a nutbag as everyone makes him out to be, he will pay too.
Then how joker like Zahid hamid is famous for Pakistan?
He is famous because He said the Truth as it is unlike Indian Lying Bollywood Masala Media like Hollywood Lying Media Making sure Whole world lives in a Dream World!
So Indians really want to give pakistan a tough time. Nice to know. Isn't this namo the same guy who ordered to kill his own indian fellow citizens. Tough time to Pakistan and Mission mars can't go hand in hand. West has put so many stakes on you guys. So guy like namo can't take india to mission china and must remember for mission china, India need same stability in her economy which can not be achieved to give pakistan a tough time.

"Isn't this namo the same guy who ordered to kill his own indian fellow citizens" :pissed::hitwall: you people just keep sobbing on this .. what you have to deal with this ? were they from your country... :azn: let me tell you your own govt ..which you call so called democratic ..is controlled by ISI .:haha:.. killing 1000s of ppl ...like you guys have diwali in a month ..:nono: i dont care about whats happening in your country. :stop:.i care for mine ,,you care for yours !!:-)
"So Indians really want to give pakistan a tough time. Nice to know." :sarcastic: dont you remember 1947,1965,1971,1999 ? wanna know more ..you should have forgotten isnt it ??:omghaha:
tough time means ..there will be a last befitting retaliation for your sponsored terrorism !!:devil::yay:
"Tough time to Pakistan and Mission mars can't go hand in hand'.. it goes .. you never know how it will be ..it is the cheapest of all !!:yahoo::dance3:

"So guy like namo can't take india to mission china and must remember for mission china, India need same stability in her economy which can not be achieved to give pakistan a tough time" dont talk alike a politician !! :blah::argh:

thank you :-)
This seems a fabrication. Pakistan has turned to focus upon itself.
Dead or alive makes no difference to us. The very fact of the rise of Hindu Fascism in India has its perks for Pakistan by default.

We made her pay.... If Modi is as big of a nutbag as everyone makes him out to be, he will pay too.
ya hell yes you paid :-) : you created a history by surrendering 97,368 pakis surrenderd :woot::yahoo:
if modi becomes PM.:victory:..may god have mercy upon you ... but zuice me..... he wont !! :cheers:

What Modi has to do now is to send his commandos to blow up Dawood. Next in line should be the CEO and founder-chairman of Pakistan's terror industry - Hafiz Saeed!

hell yeah :cheers:
Modi is trying to play all tactics to become PM but he will remain cyber PM or at most will be weak PM of collation govt.
. . . . .
PAK ,,ISI knows well if NaMo becomes PM ..they are gonna have a "TOUGH TIME" !! :yay:

lol india will also have tough times, bcz modi will slaughter muslims in india for sure, so there will be riots in india, last time it was just in gujrat, thi time it can b intense
Modi is fairly protected, if leave aside a lapse on the part of Bihar govt when bomb blast happened.
What Modi has to do now is to send his commandos to blow up Dawood. Next in line should be the CEO and founder-chairman of Pakistan's terror industry - Hafiz Saeed!

hafiz saeed is not a terrorist, just bcz ur false propaganda machine media has brain washed u ppl to manipulate ur thoughts wont make him actually a terrorist
. .
We don't buy propaganda from our news channels as much as you do.

You can do better ...this is lames reply coming from you.. you are from country who do not believe in propaganda.... but believes in ..

- 911 was American plot and act
- 26/11 was India plot and act
- Kasab was evil Hindoo (Amar Singh) disguised as Pakistani
- Abotabad incident was a staged act none was killed

list is endless but these points are enough to show you mirror and force you to introspect.

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