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Narendra Modi stands tall as Parivar bows before him

& About People talking Modi Killed Muslims ...

On 1st June 2012 week before a Riot Hit Mathura Killing 6 Muslims & 1 Hindu ... the riots where between Muslims & Hindu Jaat Community ...

No Inquiry has been ordered ... No Media reports about it... No one even knows about it when the riots Continued for 3 days till no reporting in Media ... No Tessta setelvad ... No Tehelka .Com ... Why Cozzz Minority appeasing SP government is ruling UP with the Complete Backing of Congress party in center ...

No one is Complaining CM Akhilesh yadav has Supported the Riots when more Muslims where Killed then Hindus ... Indian Media Hypocrisy...
Hafiz Sayeed is not running for the Prime Minister of India. This MASS MURDERER of 3000+ innocent Indian citizens ( Narendra Modi ) is. As for the Kangaroo court that White Washed Modi's HEINOUS crimes that did not change anything.

Narendra Modi is not running for the PM of Pakistan. Why dont you guys worry about the drone genocide in Pakistan?
BTW, No proof that Modi supported the Genocide in Gujarat.
Amazing why nobody ever talked of the Sikh riots. This when Sikhs have been the most positively contributing minority of the country since independence.
Amazing why nobody ever talked of the Sikh riots. This when Sikhs have been the most positively contributing minority of the country since independence.
Waiting for your rebuttal to my post regarding suitability of his candidature. Or are you convinced by my argument?
I would respectfully disagree and say he SHOULD NOT become PM.
India's PM is usually not administrator, strongman but somebody who brings people together. Central govt has more role in negotiation, give and take, than direct administration, and you need a person who is respected by everybody.

If you observe our ex PMs, most of them have affable,gentlemen type personality, and that did not happen by chance. India is a big and diverse country, and having a strong opinion on anything will disqualify you for the top job. Your own cabinet colleagues wont support you for long if you push them too hard.

Contrast that to a CM's role, and the most successful CMs have been mini dictators. They actually implement the policy derived by centre( and by thelselves) on the ground. You need an able administrator there.

The idea that a PM is just a bigger and better job with same profile as CM does not appeal to me.

What you have described has been the norm for some time now. Gentlemen PMs. Or dozing PMs as the case might have been.

That may also have something to do with being proxies or titular heads whose reins reside in external hands.

That may also have something to do with the reality of coalition politics as one needs to give something to get something in order to hobble together an alliance on the basis of individual and not collective interests.

But when you look back and see who led our nation and guided it through its choppiest waters, you will see a PM with big BALLS.

Notwithstanding the fact that she was a woman.

And that she had no time for being soft, womanly, or accomodating.

She took decisions and backed those she entrusted to exeute them. And she took the heat.

I would prefer such a leader to a gentleman anyday.

Because the way I look at it - gentleman is just a synonym for soft and weak and indecisive.

And unfortunately, we are holding our national interests ransom to upholding that image.

While the world sniggers at us. And is relieved that it holds us back from grabbing our true osition at the high table.
What you have described has been the norm for some time now. Gentlemen PMs. Or dozing PMs as the case might have been.

That may also have something to do with being proxies or titular heads whose reins reside in external hands.

That may also have something to do with the reality of coalition politics as one needs to give something to get something in order to hobble together an alliance on the basis of individual and not collective interests.

But when you look back and see who led our nation and guided it through its choppiest waters, you will see a PM with big BALLS.

Notwithstanding the fact that she was a woman.

And that she had no time for being soft, womanly, or accomodating.

She took decisions and backed those she entrusted to exeute them. And she took the heat.

I would prefer such a leader to a gentleman anyday.

Because the way I look at it - gentleman is just a synonym for soft and weak and indecisive.

And unfortunately, we are holding our national interests ransom to upholding that image.

While the world sniggers at us. And is relieved that it holds us back from grabbing our true osition at the high table.

I am a big fan of her too......... but most of the indians try to portray her in bad light .... u must be knowing why..... anyways only modi can come close to her stature
I would prefer 'foreigner' sonia to desi modi any day. Even if sonia was black. Or orange. Or yellow.

thank you for your contribution, now go back voting for your mp in the british parliament and continue worshipping your ******* queen. I hate people complaining about India although they have turned their back towards my motherland, and no, showing a Indian flag on PDF doesnt make you Indian.......

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