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Narendra Modi: India’s Next Prime Minister?

thank you for the honest answer.
Now do you feel that once in power he will respect your rights?
Or that a repeat of 2002 is still possible?

ya as if he would start persecuting Christians or Msulims in Kerala after he is in power :devil: I just want to get rid of those Gandhi, Nehru family members and his success in Gujarat is a shining example for his capabilities. Also, his pro China course is a good start to foster peace at our borders.
PS: He wont be a criminal in my eyes until he is found guilty by a court!
Modi won't be PM . Lets face it a lot of people won' be comfortable with that .

Instead he should become the finance , home or defence minister . Any one of these three would suit him .
How do you expect the Pakistani Army to defend the leftover half of your country when they couldn't prevent the other half from breaking away. In fact they were the ones who primarily caused it.

Can you see what I mean? It doesn't work that way.

Stick to the topic, we are not talking about Pakistan
this man was not invloved in 2002. 2002 can happen anywhere irrespective of who is in power. i am honestly saying that anything is possible whereas you are trolling.

I never said he was involved, but it was his responsibility to protect the people.
And how am I trolling?
Just because you don't like the question does not mean I am trolling.
there are legitimate questions which every Indian should ask.
So once again, what has he done to assure people that 2002 won't happen again?
I never said he was involved, but it was his responsibility to protect the people.
And how am I trolling?
Just because you don't like the question does not mean I am trolling.
there are legitimate questions which every Indian should ask.
So once again, what has he done to assure people that 2002 won't happen again?

And he protected them well.
Within 48hrs army was there and within another 24hrs riots ended.

Compare that to delhi in 1984 no army and police joined in the riots. Paramilitary came after 20 days.
This will be followed by another nuclear attack on Bangladesh ..Indian Army will march in the streets of Nepal and Bhutan and they will be declared as Indian provinces. Burma will be given 15 days notice to announce its accession to India.

There you go- Akhand Bharat ...

this will be followed by Surya missile test (8,000 KM)

then India will attack US with Chinese help

India will keep south US and China will keep north US.......................................................................................................................................................

is above post enough non sense?

ON TOPIC> i don't think he will be PM
I don't think electing a Mass Murderer of 3000+ innocent Indian citizens as the next Prime Minister is likely to happen. It is nothing but a wet dream of Hardline Hindu Fundamentalist.


It was just an allegation on Mr. Modi to ruin his image. later, an inquiry was set by SIT over GODHRA case and Mr. Narendra modi was acquitted. Daily an incident of Hindu family comes from Pakistan, either a girl is abandoned or killed along with her whole family in case of any revolt.Godra was a single case in India over a decade, if it can be memorized after a decade then what about those HINDU family which alone contributes more that 3000 death every year(365*10).
I have a question for Chinese members. Most seem to prefer Modi. I'm curious why is is so? Is it true that Chinese prefer powerful and dictatorial leadership, which they presume Modi would be able to provide? Or is it his economic performances? Anybody to answer?

Because we feel he is doing the right thing. India may be a competitor, or enemy of China, nonetheless, capable people are always respected.

This has nothing to do with the managing style - dictatorship vs democratic, it is all about vision, policy and execution. I personally don't believe India as a country can become a developed country by skipping industrial revolution. Servicing based economy is only meaningful with strong industrial support (China's servicing sector is actually bigger than that of India although BPO/Outsource is relatively small.) Modi's focus on manufactuering is the only path for India. That may hurt China's interest but let's compete fair and square.
majority of pakistan people bash anyone who preaches secular values in your country ..why you are bothered about minorities of other nations ?
Having said that india is democratic country where constitution is supreme ..our constitution doesnt discriminates about a single minority ..everyone is same against law .. Dont worry about our minorities , living with hindu baniya they are smart enough to protect themselves and develop

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