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Narendra Modi: India’s Next Prime Minister?

As long as the courts are indian- he is safe-
international court and you'd be ashamed for nominating him for indian PM-

Indian courts - especially high courts or supreme court has credibility.
Narendra Modi: India’s Next Prime Minister?

Naturally. There's nobody of his caliber in the current political scenario. Neither NDA nor UPA nor any other party has his substitute.

As for those calling for his death, then he should be our PM all the more because that will bring their nightmares come true.
lol do you even know the procedure of taking a case/plea to an IC?..
What an idiot.

Actually they know. They took the Atlantique shooting incident to the IC, lost both the case and about 400,000 dollars in court fees.

As long as the courts are indian- he is safe-
international court and you'd be ashamed for nominating him for indian PM-

Indian courts are much much better than Pakistani ones who lets terrorists like Hafeez Sayed go scot free.
Lol,all those posters who were saying that Mr.Modi would never become the P.M. of India must be eating their own words right now:D!! @SarthakGanguly sir, @DRAY dada please go through this thread for once and i am sure you'll be thoroughly entertained:P

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