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N. Waziristan Taliban revoke peace accord; tell locals to leave

As per latest sources, Pakistan Army called a big Jirga on Sunday in North Waziristan. Sher Mohd Khan (grandson of the famed Faqir of Ippi, also related to Gul Bahadur) was heading it.

The Jirga spokemans said Army has told us they will solve issues using talks and no grand operation is being conducted in NWA. People are told NOT TO leave their homes and Migrate to Afghg.

So it seems Gul Bahadur won't be breaking the accord after all... and Army keeps up the notion that he is "good" taliban..
As per latest sources, Pakistan Army called a big Jirga on Sunday in North Waziristan. Sher Mohd Khan (grandson of the famed Faqir of Ippi, also related to Gul Bahadur) was heading it.

The Jirga spokemans said Army has told us they will solve issues using talks and no grand operation is being conducted in NWA. People are told NOT TO leave their homes and Migrate to Afghg.

So it seems Gul Bahadur won't be breaking the accord after all... and Army keeps up the notion that he is "good" taliban..

There are no good or bad taliban. There are only useful and not so useful taliban. We will fight only those who are willing to fight us.
There are no good or bad taliban. There are only useful and not so useful taliban. We will fight only those who are willing to fight us.

They threatened us. We should have taught them a lesson of barking up the wrong tree! :(

Waisa come to think of it, I might be emotional here.. but maybe strategically this is good for us.. We can take out the "bad" apples who are willing to fight us..
They threatened us. We should have taught them a lesson of barking up the wrong tree! :(

Waisa come to think of it, I might be emotional here.. but maybe strategically this is good for us.. We can take out the "bad" apples who are willing to fight us..

Why ain't we smashing BLA,BLU,BLF,BRA the Karachi's na maloom afraad and Pujab based taliban sympathizers?
You take them one by one. In COIN, brute force cannot be unleashed, it has to be surgical and time sensitive to achieve strategic results. As i recorded earlier, both spanking and talking will go on. Split in TTP is a good omen over all, now its for our guys to capitalize on it.
Why ain't we smashing BLA,BLU,BLF,BRA the Karachi's na maloom afraad and Pujab based taliban sympathizers?
You take them one by one. In COIN, brute force cannot be unleashed, it has to be surgical and time sensitive to achieve strategic results. As i recorded earlier, both spanking and talking will go on. Split in TTP is a good omen over all, now its for our guys to capitalize on it.

Don't tell me we are not smasahing BLA, BRA etc etc.. We are dealing with them well!! Yeah, Karachi's namaloon afraad, they are in politics and in government.. Bigger balls needed for that.. Punjab based taliban symp?? Cause as you said, they are "useful" to us (army)

I just hope we capitalize well :) take out the posion heads without collateral.
He has sheltered foreign and TTP fighters in stark breech of the peace treaty he signed. This man has no Ghayrat and his words are no better than a hypocrite. He had his time. If he wants to call off the agreement then that is his call. His desperation clearly shows by his threats of people to refuse government help. If he was so brave, bold and fighting for the deen why the threats?

He has made his bed. His several hundred fighters won't do much more than is already being done. He does hold some sway with the tribes, but the tribes themselves are sick of all the conflict, so it is a double edged sword i.e. his choice to make war and who will back him.

To be honest a surgical strike on him would make matters far easier.

he sheltered them because they belong to his ideology, which is a very sectarian view of islam . If he wouldn't have sheltered those others, he would be a hypocrite to his sect and his followers.
he sheltered them because they belong to his ideology, which is a very sectarian view of islam . If he wouldn't have sheltered those others, he would be a hypocrite to his sect and his followers.

but still our Army makes peace with him, lets his fighters pass and operate freely?
lols, no. I do have sources up there including waziri, mehsudi and dawar friends..
i am just a wanna be journolist with some God given (thnks to daddy) sources :)

Pakistan Army can't afford to alienate everyone. Although I am a strong supporter of Kill All Taliban, but honestly, our army cant do it.

Our army has stupid people in their ranks (especially high up.. e.g. Ret Lt Gen Shahid Aziz) who support Taliban!! How can you defeat Taliban when you have their supporters inside you?

Btw, for those "blind" red topi followers.. Gul Bahadur is a so called "good' talib, part of Afghan Taliban.. yet he has ordered everyone NOT to send "mujahideen" to Afghanistan in the coming days to battle it out with Pakistan.. and apparently Afghan Taliban are on board with him!! Now what does your stupid lal topi says?

you are a journalist, yet you cannot get your head around these issues. you don't even know what Taliban is

but still our Army makes peace with him, lets his fighters pass and operate freely?

why should they not give peace a chance. Our army is not like you.
you are a journalist, yet you cannot get your head around these issues. you don't even know what Taliban is

why should they not give peace a chance. Our army is not like you.

Oh I know very well what Taliban is.. bunch of terrorists using religion for their cause. And the same "religious" ideology is within some army ranks and polticians who support them. Same ideology created TTP who got and bit us back!

I am ALL for peace! I hate wars. Too much collateral. But what I hate is HYPOCRISY. Officialy, our army says we DONT support ANY form of Taliban!

Whereas they chat freely with our men and even make videos. See:
Oh I know very well what Taliban is.. bunch of terrorists using religion for their cause. And the same "religious" ideology is within some army ranks and polticians who support them. Same ideology created TTP who got and bit us back!

I am ALL for peace! I hate wars. Too much collateral. But what I hate is HYPOCRISY. Officialy, our army says we DONT support ANY form of Taliban!

Whereas they chat freely with our men and even make videos. See:

Your premise of hypocrisy is flawed. deobands in Pakistan are a big minority. And they are present in the army. The army has people of differnet ideological views. Wahabism is a big faction and it has sympathies for taliban. You being a journalist, should differentiate between religion affiliation, and terrorist activity.

We are talking about terrorist activity here.

Hobnobbing on religious terms with co-religionists or befriending them for humanitarian reasons does not mean collusion with terrorism.
Your premise of hypocrisy is flawed. deobands in Pakistan are a big minority. And they are present in the army. The army has people of differnet ideological views. Wahabism is a big faction and it has sympathies for taliban. You being a journalist, should differentiate between religion affiliation, and terrorist activity.

We are talking about terrorist activity here.

Hobnobbing on religious terms with co-religionists or befriending them for humanitarian reasons does not mean collusion with terrorism.

So the guy chatting with our men at the border, he'll go and blow up some people in Afghanistan. Is that NOT terrorism in your definition? Malik Ishaq (known shia killer and taliban supporter) is friends with Gen Kiani. That doesnt bother you?

Deobandis are not a minority. Most of the sunni madrassa's in Pakistan are deobandi. Followed by Barelvi
So the guy chatting with our men at the border, he'll go and blow up some people in Afghanistan. Is that NOT terrorism in your definition? Malik Ishaq (known shia killer and taliban supporter) is friends with Gen Kiani. That doesnt bother you?

Deobandis are not a minority. Most of the sunni madrassa's in Pakistan are deobandi. Followed by Barelvi

Do you have knowledge of the unseen? Because somehow you seem to know that the exact man will be going to blow up someone in Afghanistan (may be). Or may be he repented after talking to our soldiers and gave up evil, in sha Allah.

Your assertion that deobands are not a minority and the more you talk seems to indicate that you don't know Pakistan. May be settling in Pakistan for a while will help.

Does General Kiani support ishaq's actions? Yes or No? His friendship to ishaq is irrelevant.
Do you have knowledge of the unseen? Because somehow you seem to know that the exact man will be going to blow up someone in Afghanistan (may be). Or may be he repented after talking to our soldiers and gave up evil, in sha Allah.

Your assertion that deobands are not a minority and the more you talk seems to indicate that you don't know Pakistan. May be settling in Pakistan for a while will help.

Does General Kiani support ishaq's actions? Yes or No? His friendship to ishaq is irrelevant.

First of all, now you are being naive. Yeah, what if that guy becomes a singer? what then. There are countless more examples. Ask anyone in the Army about their support for the so called "good" or "useful" taliban!

I am settled in Pakistan :p
Ok, since you know so much, please tell me number of Deobandi Madrassa vs Any other.
Or biggest religious sunni parties, how many are non deobandi?

Really, his friendship to a known terrorist in irrelevant? I think there is no use talking to you. BYE
First of all, now you are being naive. Yeah, what if that guy becomes a singer? what then. There are countless more examples. Ask anyone in the Army about their support for the so called "good" or "useful" taliban!

I am settled in Pakistan :p
Ok, since you know so much, please tell me number of Deobandi Madrassa vs Any other.
Or biggest religious sunni parties, how many are non deobandi?

Really, his friendship to a known terrorist in irrelevant? I think there is no use talking to you. BYE

ok sister, take care
PAF & Pak Defence Armed should be used heavily to bomb these rented bastards & no one should be allowed to escape in rented Afghanistan, bomb their haram asses for good.
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