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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome


May 10, 2010
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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome - NY Daily News

Myanmar’s president Thein Sein said that Rohingya people are not welcome in the country, and that refugee camps or deportation was the only solution for communal unrest. Muslim Rohingyas have long been discriminated against in Myanmar, with authorities withholding land rights, education and public services
Thursday, July 12th 2012, 09:54 AM


A Rohingya Muslim woman from Myanmar holding her six day old baby and her family, who tried to cross the Naf river into Bangladesh to escape sectarian violence, cry in a Bangladeshi Coast guard station in Teknaf on June 19, 2012, before being sent back to Myanmar.

Myanmar's president told the UN Thursday that refugee camps or deportation was the "solution" for nearly a million Rohingya Muslims in the wake of communal unrest in the west of the country.

Thein Sein, who had previously struck a more conciliatory tone during fighting that left at least 80 people dead in Rakhine State last month, told the chief of the United Nations refugee agency the Rohingya were not welcome.

"We will take responsibility for our ethnic people but it is impossible to accept the illegally entered Rohingyas, who are not our ethnicity," he told UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, according to the president's official website.

The former junta general said the "only solution" was to send the Rohingyas -- which number around 800,000 in Myanmar and are considered to be some of the world's most persecuted minorities -- to refugee camps run by UNHCR.

"We will send them away if any third country would accept them," he added. "This is what we are thinking is the solution to the issue."

Communal violence between ethnic Buddhist Rakhine and local Muslims, including the Rohingya, swept the state in June, forcing tens of thousands to flee as homes were torched and communities ripped apart.

Decades of discrimination have left the Rohingya stateless, with Myanmar implementing restrictions on their movement and withholding land rights, education and public services, the UN says.

Unwanted in Myanmar and Bangladesh -- where an estimated 300,000 live -- Rohingya migrants have undertaken dangerous voyages by boat towards Malaysia or Thailand in recent years.

According to the UNHCR around one million Rohingya are now thought to live outside Myanmar, but they have not been welcomed by a third country.

Bangladesh has turned back Rohingya boats arriving on its shores since the outbreak of the unrest.

"Basically Myanmar does not consider these 735,000 Muslims in northern Rakhine state to be their citizens and we think the solution is for them to get citizenship in Myanmar," UNHCR's Asia spokeswoman Kitty McKinsey told AFP.

"So we would not be very likely to assist in transporting them out of the country and housing them somewhere else. As a refugee agency we do not usually participate in creating refugees."

McKinsey said the UN had been working for "several decades" in the area, trying to promote reconciliation and "benefit all communities, not just the Muslims".

Ten aid organization staff, including some from the UN, were detained in Rakhine in the wake of the unrest, according to a situation bulletin by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) last week.

Three people -- two from the UN and another international aid worker -- are thought to have appeared in court on June 9.

"They have been charged and appeared in court but they have not been tried," an unnamed aid worker told AFP.

Although security forces have quelled the worst of the unrest, tens of thousands of people remain in government-run relief camps with the UN's World Food Program reporting that it has provided aid to some 100,000 people.

Both sides have accused each other of violent attacks, which were sparked following the rape and murder of a local Buddhist woman and subsequent revenge attack by a mob of ethnic Rakhines that left 10 Muslims dead on June 3.

A state of emergency is still in force in several areas.

Read more: Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome - NY Daily News
Guess Myanmar wants to be like Pakistan and Bangladesh, a single religion state only.

Which should be acceptable to most Pak and Bangs here, but it won't because its about discriminating against Muslims not Sikhs, Jews, Hindus, atheist and Christians.
Guess Myanmar wants to be like Pakistan and Bangladesh, a single religion state only.

Which should be acceptable to most Pak and Bangs here, but it won't because its about discriminating against Muslims not Sikhs, Jews, Hindus, atheist and Christians.

This is India which follows the policy of discrimination towards its minority. This is not the other way around.

By the way what is India`s policy on this!!!
A similar drive needs to be initiated against the illegal Bangladeshis in India as well.

Then prepare to breaking up North East India from India. Including bengali hindu Bengali people are majority in Assam and Tripura. Without those two state whole north east states will be gone from India. Best of luck.
Then prepare to breaking up North East India from India. Including bengali hindu Bengali people are majority in Assam and Tripura. Without those two state whole north east states will be gone from India. Best of luck.

Bangladeshis will be thrown out, sooner or later. Your threats would not work.
This is India which follows the policy of discrimination towards its minority. This is not the other way around.

By the way what is India`s policy on this!!!
There are 150 million Muslims, millions of Sikh and Jainism follower, Buddhists....and their number increased due to so called "discrimination" by India. The higher class in India suffers in few ways too...they don't have reservation while backward castes enjoys it.

Research before you type.

Stop bringing India if you run out of words.
There are 150 million Muslims, millions of Sikh and Jainism follower, Buddhists....and their number increased due to so called "discrimination" by India. The higher class in India suffers in few ways too...they don't have reservation while backward castes enjoys it.

Research before you type.

Stop bringing India if you run out of words.

You typical Indians should also stop bringing Bangladesh and Pakistan in every place. N this is not only in India but also in Bangladesh minority tribal groups enjoy some advantage.

But you did not say anything about India`s position on this.
I wish Bangladesh could politely let Burmese know that there are several million people of Burmese
extraction on this side of the border, who can be similarly expelled. They would not be expelled and should not be expelled of course.

It's a retarded situation which just displays the immature fascist nature of the Burmese nation.
These half educated retards said such things to the UN. Infantile to say the least.

To the Indian posters you are simply anti- Muslim. You do not see that religion aside the Burmese simply hates these people cause they do not look like mongoloids.
They had ethnically tried to cleanse many of their minorities. Your action simply validates negative hindutva connotations.

No one in their right mind can support such policy.
Cross posting from another thread:

First of all, I want to salute brother r4rehan for his sentiments to help fellow Muslims in distress. We have discussed this issue in detail in many threads since news came out about the Rohingya riots and killings in Burma, here are some of the threads:


Please look at these threads for background information and news. Rohingya Muslims are being denied citizenship of Burma by the Burmese govt. Out of about 2-3 million Rohingya Muslims, they have kicked out most of them, only about 750,000 remain there. Many were killed in this ethnic cleansing process, and it continues as we speak.

If Muslim nations join hands, helping them may be possible:

- first we need to bring this up in OIC and see which Muslim nations come forward to help, we will call this group of nations "friends of Rohingya"
- then together we have to apply diplomatic pressure to Burma using India and China, its two main allies, so Burmese govt. accept them as citizens, take back all Rohingya refugees from different countries of the world and make sure that their human rights are not violated
- if diplomacy does not work, then "friends of Rohingya" group of nations should think about military intervention, and create a safe haven for them by occupying the state of Arakan
- "friends of Rohingya" will have to ensure that China or India do not interfere in this conflict
- remaining Rohingya's can be armed and trained as insurgents
- when they have sufficiently softened the Burmese Army in Arakan, this side of Arakan Yoma Mountain range (brown part next to Chittagong), then an invasion force can take over Arakan



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