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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

When will Pakis, Banglas, Sri Lankans, Indians wake up and realize the whole world laughs at us as we go to war and fight, commit terror, etc. They never cared about us. The only way we all will get respect is if we all work together. But sadly, some ppl's state of mind has not advanced to a level that comprehend what I am saying.
I wish Bangladesh could politely let Burmese know that there are several million people of Burmese
extraction on this side of the border, who can be similarly expelled
. They would not be expelled and should not be expelled of course.

It's a retarded situation which just displays the immature fascist nature of the Burmese nation.
These half educated retards said such things to the UN. Infantile to say the least.

To the Indian posters you are simply anti- Muslim. You do not see that religion aside the Burmese simply hates these people cause they do not look like mongoloids.
They had ethnically tried to cleanse many of their minorities. Your action simply validates negative hindutva connotations.

No one in their right mind can support such policy.

No, BD should not eve think about doing this.

We are not racist animals like they are and should not stoop to the lowest depths of humanity.
I wish Bangladesh could politely let Burmese know that there are several million people of Burmese
extraction on this side of the border, who can be similarly expelled. They would not be expelled and should not be expelled of course.

It's a retarded situation which just displays the immature fascist nature of the Burmese nation.
These half educated retards said such things to the UN. Infantile to say the least.

To the Indian posters you are simply anti- Muslim. You do not see that religion aside the Burmese simply hates these people cause they do not look like mongoloids.
They had ethnically tried to cleanse many of their minorities. Your action simply validates negative hindutva connotations.

No one in their right mind can support such policy.

Nobody supports it in India. But I want you and other Muslims to get a close hard look at how minorities are treated and maybe, just maybe you will realize the world of hurt and suffering minorities feel in Muslim majority countries. Can you really blame the Burmese? After seeing on TV, over the course of many yrs, its a no brainer. They don;t ever want the Muslim minority to become a majority. So, they are acting accordingly which is sad. What makes it worse is the world just sits and watches.
When will Pakis, Banglas, Sri Lankans, Indians wake up and realize the whole world laughs at us as we go to war and fight, commit terror, etc. They never cared about us. The only way we all will get respect is if we all work together. But sadly, some ppl's state of mind has not advanced to a level that comprehend what I am saying.

Interesting post, unfortunately the ground reality in South Asia does not match your mind set. We are living it everyday. When we see changes happen, we will believe it. So prove your good intentions with actions please then utter such words.

Nobody supports it in India. But I want you and other Muslims to get a close hard look at how minorities are treated and maybe, just maybe you will realize the world of hurt and suffering minorities feel in Muslim majority countries. Can you really blame the Burmese? After seeing on TV, over the course of many yrs, its a no brainer. They don;t ever want the Muslim minority to become a majority. So, they are acting accordingly which is sad. What makes it worse is the world just sits and watches.

Show us a Muslim majority country where Muslims are ethnic-cleansing and killing minorities like what Burma is doing.
Off course I can blame the Burmese. They are raciest fascist who have carried out ethnic cleansing operation on many of its minorities.

Minorities in Muslim majority countries should be protected, there is no argument there but that is no cover for the actions of these Burmese animals.
Bangladesh will be next if they do not identify their common enemy.

India troops may have already overran Bengalis, if their hands were not full with Pakistan.
Thein Sein told the chief of the United Nations refugee agency the Rohingya were not welcome."We will take responsibility for our ethnic people but it is impossible to accept the illegally entered Rohingyas, who are not our ethnicity," according to the president's official website.

Given that these people lived here for a long long time, it's a very irresponsible statement bu a head of a state. And yet there are some people here seem to defend this criminal verbiage.
Throw 'em burn 'em mash 'em,do whatever you want but make sure it all happen inside your border.We ain't gonna buy this propaganda made up by radical hindu groups of your country against Indian muslims.

We are aware of the petty reasons you people can come up with. But that wouldn't stop us throwing the illegal Bangladeshis back to where they came from.
Guess Myanmar wants to be like Pakistan and Bangladesh, a single religion state only.

Which should be acceptable to most Pak and Bangs here, but it won't because its about discriminating against Muslims not Sikhs, Jews, Hindus, atheist and Christians.

Absolutely not. Look at these numbers:

Religion in Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are not inclusive of the Rohingya. 4% of the population (not including Rohingya) is Muslim and likewise 4% are Christians. There are mosques in practically every major town in Myanmar along with churches. This is not a religious issue. This is an issue of the Rohingya; for whatever reason (mainly their desire to cede from the union and establish a caliphate), they are not wanted in Myanmar. It was very ballsy of Thein Sein to come out and say this and more importantly, I don't think he would have said it unless the international community tacitly agrees with his sentiments. If Bangladeshis truly care about their brethren, both in the 'ummah' sense and in the sense that they are essentially Bangladeshis, they should put aside their defiance and allow these people, those who want to, settle back in Bangladesh.
You typical Indians should also stop bringing Bangladesh and Pakistan in every place. N this is not only in India but also in Bangladesh minority tribal groups enjoy some advantage.

But you did not say anything about India`s position on this.
Ahh....are we going to play childish game of "You started first, no you started first, "then don't count me in.

India has always condemned such actions anywhere is the world. And you think Indian govt. do anything that will make Muslim vote bank to raise their eyebrows. If we say something, you will say India is poking nose in internal affairs of other countries rather than taking a look at its own minorities, if they don't you will call India actually wants to get rid of all Muslims. Evil Hindoos and what not. Why don't they look at Kashmir mass graves, dalits and :blah::blah::blah:

So at the end of the day, there is nothing we can do which yo may accept coz u have made up your mind regarding India.

So you have two options I have just provided, tell me what's your pick, I'll rest my case.:drag:
Absolutely not. Look at these numbers:

Religion in Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are not inclusive of the Rohingya. 4% of the population (not including Rohingya) is Muslim and likewise 4% are Christians. There are mosques in practically every major town in Myanmar along with chirches. This is not a religious issue. This is an issue of the Rohingya; for whatever reason (mainly their desire to cede from the union and establish a caliphate), they are not wanted in Myanmar. It was very ballsy of Thein Sein to come out and say this and more importantly, I don't think he would have said it unless the international community tacitly agrees with his sentiments. If Bangladeshis truly care about their brethren, both in the 'ummah' sense and in the sense that they are essentially Bangladeshis, they should put aside their defiance and allow these people, those who want to, settle back in Bangladesh.

Please carry on with this policy as the result will be the incorporation of Arakan into Bangladesh.
Thein Sein told the chief of the United Nations refugee agency the Rohingya were not welcome."We will take responsibility for our ethnic people but it is impossible to accept the illegally entered Rohingyas, who are not our ethnicity," according to the president's official website.

Given that these people lived here for a long long time, it's a very irresponsible statement bu a head of a state. And yet there are some people here seem to defend this criminal verbiage.

Have they? What is your criteria for a 'long, long time'. Even if they have been here since the time of the British, the important thing to note is that they did not come with the blessing of a Burmese authority. Whilst I sympathise from a personal perspective that this should not be an essential criteria for whether they should be given citizenship, the Burmese will not and will never be pressured into accepting any convention simply because the rest of the world does.

Please carry on with this policy as the result will be the incorporation of Arakan into Bangladesh.

Your people have never been nor will you ever be an imperial power so please try to forget about any imperialistic ambitions you may have on Arakan. Ofcourse, this is aimed only at you as the actual people who run your country know better than to harbour such fanciful ambitions.
Have they? What is your criteria for a 'long, long time'. Even if they have been here since the time of the British, the important thing to note is that they did not come with the blessing of a Burmese authority. Whilst I sympathise from a personal perspective that this should not be an essential criteria for whether they should be given citizenship, the Burmese will not and will never to pressured into accepting any convention simply because the rest of the world does.

Your people have never been nor will you ever be an imperial power so please try to forget about any imperialistic ambitions you may have on Arakan. Ofcourse, this is aimed only at you as the actual people who run your country know better than to harbour such fanciful ambitions.

In my humble opinion, however insignificant, people born into the land belong to the land. That's the law of nature and also how human and land borders have been evolved since the beginning of time.
Have they? What is your criteria for a 'long, long time'. Even if they have been here since the time of the British, the important thing to note is that they did not come with the blessing of a Burmese authority. Whilst I sympathise from a personal perspective that this should not be an essential criteria for whether they should be given citizenship, the Burmese will not and will never to pressured into accepting any convention simply because the rest of the world does.

Your people have never been nor will you ever be an imperial power so please try to forget about any imperialistic ambitions you may have on Arakan. Ofcourse, this is aimed only at you as the actual people who run your country know better than to harbour such fanciful ambitions.

BD's economy is currently more than twice as big as Myanmar's and expected to grow larger over time.

There is nothing that a less rich Myanmar can do to stop the BD military in the future.

Once most of the absolute poverty is wiped from Banglsdeh(say 2020 or so), expect a substantial increase in military spending by BD.

Taking back what is yours is not Imperialist.

What will little Myanmar do but cry?
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