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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

No one can Wage a war on Myanmar . It's As close to China as close to India . Maybe We should Use our Influence in Myanmar along with China to Settle this Issue once in for all . We are already hosting tens of thousands of Rohingyas in Our country . A few Thousand are living at our National Capital . Only problem is Muslim political Parties in India are not Picking this Issue up . Minority Vote Bank in India matters a lot to political Parties . They can start voicing their concern in public and do some peaceful demonstrations to rise awareness about the issue in masses . I bet 99% of ppl dont know about Rohingyas .
No one can Wage a war on Myanmar . It's As close to China as close to India . Maybe We should Use our Influence in Myanmar along with China to Settle this Issue once in for all . We are already hosting tens of thousands of Rohingyas in Our country . A few Thousand are living at our National Capital . Only problem is Muslim political Parties in India are not Picking this Issue up . Minority Vote Bank in India matters a lot to political Parties . They can start voicing their concern in public and do some peaceful demonstrations to rise awareness about the issue in masses . I bet 99% of ppl dont know about Rohingyas .
Who cares what these pole-vaulters do about the Rohingyas ? Their country will be under water in a few years anyways, and they talk about repatriating the Rohingyas !!! I say, electrify and fence our border and shoot any pole-vaulters at sight which the BSF has been slouching off on lately. Reg. the pole-vaulters confrontation with the Burmese, they will enter a world of pain once they cross the Burma-border which they are welcome to do.
You have no idea how brave armies act once they know women and children they are shooting at can and will shoot back. Political power comes from the barrel of a gun.
Rakhine people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rohingya people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to wiki article there are around 3.3 million Rakhine Buddhists, 3.1 million in Burma and around 200,000 in Bangladesh. There are around 2 million Rohingya's, out of which 800,000 in Burma, 300,000 in Bangladesh and the rest about 1 million scattered around the world (may be someone with more knowledge can verify this, asad71 bhai?)

The biggest question I have is in an independent Arakan, there is 3.1 million Rakhines and around 2 million or more Rohingya's, but some estimated the real number as high as 4 million (again we need some reliable source for this), but it could be as low as 1 million, just based on Rohingya population in Bangladesh and Arakan, so without Rakhine's agreeing to and fighting for an independent Arakan, it will be a difficult to liberate Arakan, as they are the majority.

So the political part and grass roots opinion making has to precede first and see if we can find Rakhine leaders who will work with us to see whether Rakhines really want independence. Lets learn from the Kao boys of RAW, and see if we can engineer a secession based on some solid grass roots support for independence among Rakhine population. The military and insurgency part can wait for much later.

For more details on how India broke Pakistan, please read details here:

If Rakhines do not agree, then last resort will be to create a temporary safe haven for Rohingya's in northern part of Arakan, along Bangladesh border, till Burma's govt. make a favorable decision about Rohingya citizenship.

In the meantime, we need to work on our airforce, buy 1-2 awacs, install some big radars in highest mount tops in CHT with good visibility in surrounding theater, try to upgrade fighters to get direct datalink with awacs and ground radars and increase number and quality of air superiority fighters. We should also consult with other sympathetic Muslim nations to see if any of them will bring their air force assets if needed, in a conflict situation. But I have detailed these steps in a post in page 1, where India and China will need to be given the opportunity to solve this diplomatically with Myanmar govt. first.

Also, we should start giving combat training to our 6-7 million Ansar VDP forces, so they can work under regular infantry soldiers to multiply the number of forces in a total war situation. Navy will have to be upgraded as well.

These preparations will take at least 3-4 years and hopefully in the meantime Hasina will be out and Khaleda Zia will be in, who hopefully will be more sympathetic and responsible about this Rohingya problem.

We can also start training the Rohingya's in Bangladesh as insurgents, but not give them any arms or ammunition yet for deployment. Insurgency option should be exercised much later after:

- Rakhine leadership have been contacted and their opinion on independence have been explored
- India and China have applied diplomatic pressure and failed
- Burmese Junta with or without help from Rakhine militia continues its policy of killing and ethnic cleansing of Rohingya

If Rohingya's are not killed outright and forced out to the sea, just for legal issues like citizenship, we will not have a just cause to intervene, but if they are killing them, then the question will arise to arm and deploy the insurgents as the first step to create a favorable ground situation and then a humanitarian military intervention can follow at a time of our choosing.

We should prepare, as we do not have an option to avoid this conflict, they have already forced a war on us, by creating a refugee problem for decades and still not solving it. If we can have sufficient preparation, it might change Burmese Junta to change the policy of killing and ethnic cleansing, hopefully without our intervention.
Guess Myanmar wants to be like Pakistan and Bangladesh, a single religion state only.

Which should be acceptable to most Pak and Bangs here, but it won't because its about discriminating against Muslims not Sikhs, Jews, Hindus, atheist and Christians.

There are several ethnic groups in Myanmar.

I have one solution , what if these guys convert to budhhism? will burmese accept them then?

Nope :no:

The general Indian reaction to this conflict was mixed in this forum, but in all the news sites I've visited so far, Indian commenters are relentlessly spitting venom against Rohyingas. I have never witnessed such harsh language against such an extremely persecuted minority community.

Meet the Internet Hindus:

Its a ominous remark by Myanmar president . hope its not in the mind of aung sung Suci

Let's not expect anything from that drama queen.
UN refugee chief rejects call to resettle Rohingya

Jul 12, 2012 8:43 AM PDT Updated: Jul 12, 2012 9:43 AM PDT

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) - The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees on Thursday rejected a suggestion by Myanmar's president that the world body resettle or take care of ethnic Rohingyas who have settled in the Southeast Asian country.

UNHCR chief Antonio Guterres told reporters it was not his agency's job to resettle the Rohingya, who live in western Myanmar but without Myanmar citizenship.

On his website, President Thein Sein said he told Guterres in a meeting Wednesday that the solution to ethnic enmity in Myanmar's western Rakhine state was to either send the Rohingya to a third country or have the UNHCR look after them.

Clashes last month between Buddhist Rakhines and Muslin Rohingya left at least 78 people dead and tens of thousands homeless. The Rakhine consider the Rohingya to be illegal immigrants from neighboring Bangladesh.

Thein Sein described the violence at the time as a threat to the democratic and economic reforms his government launched after decades of repressive rule by a military junta.

"The resettlement programs organized by UNHCR are for refugees who are fleeing a country to another, in very specific circumstances. Obviously, it's not related to this situation," said Guterres.

Thein Sein's reported suggestion to Guterres left unclear exactly how many people he had in mind. The U.N. estimates there are about 800,000 Rohingya in Myanmar. The count includes people of Bengali heritage who settled centuries ago, as well as people who may have entered the country in recent decades.

Many people in Myanmar don't recognize as legitimate settlers even those of Bengali heritage who came in the 19th century, when Myanmar was under British rule and called Burma.

Large exoduses of Rohingya to Bangladesh in the 1980s and 1990s because of persecution, and their subsequent return, also add to the confusion over who is an illegal immigrant.

Thein Sein told Guterres that according to Myanmar law, those Bengalis who settled in Myanmar before the country gained independence from Britain in 1948 and their children are regarded as citizens. However, post-independence immigrants are officially considered illegal and threatening to the country's stability.

In practice, it is difficult for many people of Bengali heritage to obtain citizenship, and they face discriminatory legal restrictions on movement, marriage and reproduction.

"We will take responsibility of our ethnic nationals but it is impossible to accept those Rohingyas who are not our ethnic nationals who had entered the country illegally. The only solution is to hand those illegal Rohingyas to the UNHCR or to send them to any third country that would accept them," Thein Sein told Guterres, according to his website.

UN refugee chief rejects call to resettle Rohingya - CBS4 - WHBF Quad Cities, IL-IA News Weather Sports
Can some Bangladeshi member(s) start a thread showing the distribution of various religious and ethnic groups in Myanmar? It would be good if we could see a topographic map of the regions of current Myanmar that are adjacent to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh with its great population density needs some more 'living space'. I hear the Myanmar officials do not recognize certain ethnic-religious groups that have been living in Myanmar for many centuries as citizens of Myanmar, officially. Perhaps, it would be most pleasantly agreeable to all sides involved if the land inhabited by these people were incorporated into Bangladesh in order to help the afflicted people live peaceful and settled lives.

My initial guess is that Chittagong division alone should be compared to Myanmar. We should deploy some of our sturdiest to Chittagong division for securing 'living space' of Bangladeshis. If Myanmarese also agree that certain ethnic/religious groups that have been living in current Myanmar for centuries are Bangladeshis, I think most Bangladeshis would not mind gladly accepting those territories and people in our midst. More 'living space' for a densely populated country like BD is a welcome sigh of relief, indeed.

Mobilization is the need of the hour, I'd think, but other Bangladeshi members are free to provide their inputs.
That's what you get with this pesky Bamar/Burman tribe, lying cheating low lives.

Well, everybody can be selfish. But the statements of their president shows that they are pathetically predictable. Poor analogy I must say. Do they seriously think people are so stupid? :lol:
I am glad that Myanmar President said that.
That's what you get with this pesky Bamar/Burman tribe, lying cheating low lives.

Why don't you say that to the face of the supposed Burmese friends you have.

Well, everybody can be selfish. But the statements of their president shows that they are pathetically predictable. Poor analogy I must say. Do they seriously think people are so stupid? :lol:

The president has balls. I didn't think so much of him at first as he's just a military bureaucrat but he has already talked down to the Chinese and now the international community on the behalf of Burmese interests. This should go some ways to make amends to the fractured relationship between the army and the people.

I beg to differ....no matter whatever the condition is, women and children should not be killed even if your stance is right.

You are right. The killing of women and children is unacceptable. But you have to remember this is not a government sponsored pogrom. This is a matter of civil unrest and for every picture of a dead Rohingya woman, there is a picture of a dead Arakanese woman. The world's media have overlooked the latter because a story about a peoples oppressed by the Burmese makes for better copy. This is the reason why there has been such a backlash from the Burmese on the internet. Both sides of the story are not being told.

P.S. The cancelling of the state visit to Bangladesh is a clear snub as he is scheduled to make a similar visit to Thailand next week. Looks like your dream of building a road through our country towards ASEAN is going up in smoke.
The president has balls. I didn't think so much of him at first as he's just a military bureaucrat but he has already talked down to the Chinese and now the international community on the behalf of Burmese interests. This should go some ways to make amends to the fractured relationship between the army and the people.

Okay. Brains for gonads :P
@ Alaungphaya

A riot between two minorities, of which one not recognised as illegal immigrants is the present issue, but overall it can not be denied that the Rohingyas are a persecuted group and are in an unenviable situation. That wider picture does come into play while raising the current issue and it is fair.

At the same time some internet jihadis always looking for the next fight and enemy like asad here sure are using this to create propaganda and pulling numbers from their proverbial behinds. But your govt's refusal to allow media only works against your cause, don''t you think?

From the looks of it, it seems Bangladesh and India are not destined to be friendly countries. There's too much bad blood between us.

The general Indian reaction to this conflict was mixed in this forum, but in all the news sites I've visited so far, Indian commenters are relentlessly spitting venom against Rohyingas. I have never witnessed such harsh language against such an extremely persecuted minority community.

You bringing in comments by 'indians' on other places is rather too clever. In any case you should read the incredibly enlightening comments by BD posters on this forum on the issue of tamils in SL. Also note all the threads opened on the issue by rabid posters like kallu and idune had their liberal dosage of india bashing when india is no where in the picture. That is when indians even started commenting on the issue.

In non virtual india, this issue does not even exist in public consciousness. However the issue of Rohingya refugess in India was indeed reported.
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