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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

Along with the history I was also a science major with chemistry minor. I'm also working on my medical doctorate.

Exactly. You're a student with a belief about 9/11 conspiracy theories. You are not a structural engineer is what I am saying.
Exactly. You're a student with a belief about 9/11 conspiracy theories. You are not a structural engineer is what I am saying.

Yes I am a student...however, here in America our access to information is not limited or censored. Here, independent reports by structural engineers are published in booklets without resistance from the government bcz we have the first Amendment, the freedom of speech.

That is the beauty of America, the freedom to research and read whatever you want especially from government libraries.

Also I would like to point out in American universities there are no limits of majors. You can do a history major and science major for medical profession. It took me about 5 years to complete undergrad college because of the two majors. And my education was paid by the government so I took the opportunity.
Indonesian Islamic hardliners vow jihad for Rohingyas


JAKARTA, July 13 (AFP): Hundreds of Islamic hardliners protested outside the Myanmar embassy in the Indonesian capital Jakarta on Friday to "stop the genocide" of Rohingya Muslims in the wake of deadly communal unrest. Around 300 hardliners from organisations, including the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT), threatened to storm the Myanmar embassy in Jakarta as some 50 police officers guarded the building.

"If embassy officials refuse to talk with us, I demand all of you break into the building and turn it upside down," a leader on a loudspeaker told protesters, who shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest).

"Every drop of blood that is shed from a Muslim must be paid back. Nothing is free in this world," the man shouted, as protesters carried banners that read "FPI is ready to wage jihad".

"Go to Myanmar and carry out jihad for your Muslim brothers," the man said.

The hardliners left without entering the embassy and proceeded to a UN building to protest. Communal violence between ethnic Buddhist Rakhine and local Muslims, including the Rohingya, swept Myanmar's Rakhine state in June, leaving dozens dead and tens of thousands homeless.

Around 800,000 Rohingyas live in Myanmar and are considered to be some of the world's most persecuted minorities.

Myanmar President Thein Sein told the UN on Thursday it was "impossible to accept the illegally entered Rohingyas, who are not our ethnicity", saying they should be sent to refugee camps or be deported.

Decades of discrimination have left the Rohingya stateless, with Myanmar implementing restrictions on their movement and withholding land rights, education and public services, the UN says



No laughing matter, but I also LOLed, as soon as I read the bolded part. I saw an idiotic post by an Indian earlier that Bangladesh people are hated by ASEAN people because they are Islamophobic, I forget which thread it was. I did not bother to reply and remind him that just about 40% of ASEAN's 600 million population is Muslim and it has the biggest Muslim country in the world.

Glad to see our brothers in Indonesia caring about Rohingya brothers in distress.:tup:

That ain't good :sick:

Why do you feed bad when brother Muslims feel about their brothers in another country? What do you find not good in it? Are you a Muslim or Hindu/Christian or Buddhist Bangladeshi?

Well, Indonesia is a member of ASEAN. Let's hope nothing ugly happens...

By the way, welcome to the forum.

Don't worry about Indonesians, they know what they are doing.

Thank you, and it's better for Muslim countries to only trade with Muslim countries. There over 50 Muslim nations, they don't need anyone else.

That is not how it works.
Lol..do you have any idea how many Bangladeshis can speak Hindi/Urdu for easy integration in India. Thanks to your ZeeTv and other Hindi channels in Bangladesh even poor people can watch them. Hindi/Urdu is 2nd or 3rd language swapping with English in some parts of Bangladesh. You think 64 years of separation is enough to counteract the 1000s of years of integration of the subcontinent. You're living in a dream world if you think India can ever expel the illegal Bangladeshis. Some of the pathetic Indian politics will only turn their heads to expelling Bangladeshis from Assam because they are in power bcz of the votes from the Bangladeshis.

The truth is Assam and Tripura belongs to Bangladesh now, you can't reverse that process. India should've minded their own business and let Bangladesh economy flourish naturally, which if it did then Bangladesh would be a middle-income nation by now. But for those Bangladeshis who own factories and other large businesses they know Indian agents in Bangladesh ignite worker hartals and private property destruction, and other mishaps to sabotage the country's economy.

You wonder why in a cricket match between India/Pakistan the majority of the Bangladeshis take the side of Pakistan bcz of what India has been doing to Bangladesh for the past 40 years.

Assam demographics

Demographics of Assam

32% Muslim , rest hindus and other religions

Tripura Demographics

Tripura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

8% Muslims , rest Hindus and other Religions

Also , most of these muslims are indian muslims who have no wish of becoming a member of a poor impoverished country such as Bangladesh. Then there are bangladeshi illegals who are more than content carrying on with their daily lives and don't want much trouble.
How on earth do you think these states are going to seperate from India. For now , the activities of Bangladeshi Illegals are minor and local people and tribals don't care about them much. Once it starts getting out of hand , tribals will start taking things into their own hands and killing these illegals, and there are many instances in the past where this has happened.

Steps are already being taken to deport bangladeshi illegals
'Use force to deport Bangladeshi infiltrators'
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
etc etc
But the most important thing of all. Bangladesh is a small country , small army , hardy any deterrance , no nuclear deterrance. You hardly possess the capability to snatch these states from us.
I think this tread like countless others going off topic. Mods should delete all the non relevant posts...
Lol..do you have any idea how many Bangladeshis can speak Hindi/Urdu for easy integration in India. Thanks to your ZeeTv and other Hindi channels in Bangladesh even poor people can watch them. Hindi/Urdu is 2nd or 3rd language swapping with English in some parts of Bangladesh. You think 64 years of separation is enough to counteract the 1000s of years of integration of the subcontinent. You're living in a dream world if you think India can ever expel the illegal Bangladeshis. Some of the pathetic Indian politics will only turn their heads to expelling Bangladeshis from Assam because they are in power bcz of the votes from the Bangladeshis.

The truth is Assam and Tripura belongs to Bangladesh now, you can't reverse that process. India should've minded their own business and let Bangladesh economy flourish naturally, which if it did then Bangladesh would be a middle-income nation by now. But for those Bangladeshis who own factories and other large businesses they know Indian agents in Bangladesh ignite worker hartals and private property destruction, and other mishaps to sabotage the country's economy.

You wonder why in a cricket match between India/Pakistan the majority of the Bangladeshis take the side of Pakistan bcz of what India has been doing to Bangladesh for the past 40 years.

Bangladesh govt. position is that there are no illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in India. They are India's Muslims from West Bengal who have moved to different states. They are not our citizens and we hold no responsibility for them. If you are going to promote an idea that Indian Hindutva has been promoting to dehumanize Bengali Muslims in India, I would suggest you provide some evidence. Without evidence please do not participate in Hindutva propaganda to dehumanize Bengali Muslims in India, making them subject to expulsion and others atrocities. Your private opinion based on heresay and frank expression of it is fine, but please consider the consequence of these words. What you are saying is totally against Bangladesh govt. position, Bangladesh national interest and detrimental to the interest of Indian Muslims of Bengali origin.

Also, these are off topic.
Why do you feed bad when brother Muslims feel about their brothers in another country? What do you find not good in it? Are you a Muslim or Hindu/Christian or Buddhist Bangladeshi?

My personal religious standing is irrelevant.

As much as I hate what has and is going to happen to the Rohingyas either way, I do not support any form of militancy. It does not matter which religion.

Name one thing that Islamic militancy has achieved throughout the late half of the 20th century and now? The answer is none.

Even the IRA hardly achieved much. In the end, they had no choice but to make peace with the Brits.

Don't worry about Indonesians, they know what they are doing.

I'm afraid not. See, the same people with similar views have protested against numerous things such as against the US, UN, etc. Even went as far as 'banning' the UN.

But no actual impact whatsoever. It is ultimately money that makes the world go around. And sadly, not enough so for humanity.

This view that the Rohingyas are all 'illegal immigrants' from Bangladesh, and that they are terrorists implies that the Burmese are being openly hostile toward us. They are implying that we as a state sponsored terrorism in their lands.

Mind them, but we never participated in ANY anti-American activities whatsoever. Even though America had a hand with the bitter experiences of 1971. It's like they are threatening us for no particular reason.

There are many Rakhines who live in our country, and I fear the flow of Rohingyas is indeed going to create security problems for us. They'd bring those ethnic tensions with them! Particularly in Cox's Bazar, a relatively wealthy and a very important part of the country with almost limitless economic potential.

Bangladesh is in a very complex position like no other.
Its just simple,if rohingyas are illegal or causing trouble.they should be kicked out if not let them stay.
Bangladeshis steal even from the refugees :hitwall:

I have to agree with you on that. A lot of clashes in Chittagong happens due to that reason.

Bangladesh govt. position is that there are no illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in India. They are India's Muslims from West Bengal who have moved to different states. They are not our citizens and we hold no responsibility for them. If you are going to promote an idea that Indian Hindutva has been promoting to dehumanize Bengali Muslims in India, I would suggest you provide some evidence. Without evidence please do not participate in Hindutva propaganda to dehumanize Bengali Muslims in India, making them subject to expulsion and others atrocities. Your private opinion based on heresay and frank expression of it is fine, but please consider the consequence of these words. What you are saying is totally against Bangladesh govt. position, Bangladesh national interest and detrimental to the interest of Indian Muslims of Bengali origin.

Also, these are off topic.

Listen this is a discussion forum, I'm not insulting but speaking the truth. The evidence is documentary videos and interviews and public discussions of Assam youth leaders and Indian nationalists who want the illegal Bangladeshis to be kicked out. They have these discussions all the time on Indian channels. However, what surprises me is that Muslim Indians, non Bengalis, but Urdu speaking Indians, take the stand of not kicking the Bangladeshis out. So it's a contraversal issue within India.

Do you really think Bangladesh will last based on how the situation is in its current state? A civil war will break out and India has to deal with refugees again. But I will not discuss this further on this thread because that's off topic.
so this little monkey calls for the open expulsion of Rohingas

and the "peaceful" bhudus and internet hindus are defending him.... why is this not surprising?
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