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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

yeah Burma just pissed off people of the largest Muslim nation in the world....I would not be surprised if Indonesians start burning Burmese flags

Well, Indonesia is a member of ASEAN. Let's hope nothing ugly happens...

By the way, welcome to the forum.
First of all, world trade centre analogy was very close to your upbringing, so all credit to your folks.

Secondly, and you don't have to tell this to your folks, but there is better stuff to jerk off to, right on the internet. How often will you keep using the maoist and WTC collapse video?

Did you see the video of WTC collapse video...planes hit in the mid of skyscrapers, consequently those were bound to collapse on whole. No power could prevent the fall of the buildings, I just wanted to say that. The way Maoists and NE insurgencies spread throughout india, no foreign powers need to attack india to make it collapse. What do you mean by these your upbringing, your folks...did you go on the religious row? If so, you made mistake..I didn't and I don't.
Well, Indonesia is a member of ASEAN. Let's hope nothing ugly happens...

By the way, welcome to the forum.

Thank you, and it's better for Muslim countries to only trade with Muslim countries. There over 50 Muslim nations, they don't need anyone else.
Thank you, and it's better for Muslim countries to only trade with Muslim countries. There over 50 Muslim nations, they don't need anyone else.

Well, we still need the Western World. The US and EU are our top export destinations, not any Muslim-majority country even though we do export our products there.

Getting technological know how is also important. Particularly from the far eastern nations. The sooner the Arabs and Persians stop being so dependent on oil, the better.

Frankly speaking, the OIC is nothing more than an Islamic Tea Party. And a spineless one at that just like the American counterpart.

On the Rohingya issue, they were at first 'concerned', and then upgraded that to 'gravely concerned' :rofl:

Although, I do advocate for better relations, stronger ties and most importantly - unity, which we lack. I mean, those Saudis and Iranis are up at each other's necks...lolz...
We must adopt these same measures to throw these bangladeshi illegal immigrants out of India.

Salute to Myanmar.
Well, we still need the Western World. The US and EU are our top export destinations, not any Muslim-majority country even though we do export our products there.

Getting technological know how is also important. Particularly from the far eastern nations. The sooner the Arabs and Persians stop being so dependent on oil, the better.

Frankly speaking, the OIC is nothing more than an Islamic Tea Party. And a spineless one at that just like the American counterpart.

On the Rohingya issue, they were at first 'concerned', and then upgraded that to 'gravely concerned' :rofl:

Although, I do advocate for better relations, stronger ties and most importantly - unity, which we lack. I mean, those Saudis and Iranis are up at each other's necks...lolz...

OIC is just another spelling for "Oh I See" :rofl: . And no if US/ Eu would stop butting in then the Muslims are better off. US/EU's economy is collapsing, it's just history repeating itself. Israel is going to be the new superpower the Zionist did a great job setting that up.
Burning flags won't be enough. Burning new Burmese capital is absolute necessary.

Beware, the Burmese are not like Indians.....

You attack us, kill our people, burn our hotels and we keep you safe in custody....BUT the Burmese people will give you proper reply...they've been a tough military nation for a long time...
We must adopt these same measures to throw these bangladeshi illegal immigrants out of India.

Salute to Myanmar.
Lol..do you have any idea how many Bangladeshis can speak Hindi/Urdu for easy integration in India. Thanks to your ZeeTv and other Hindi channels in Bangladesh even poor people can watch them. Hindi/Urdu is 2nd or 3rd language swapping with English in some parts of Bangladesh. You think 64 years of separation is enough to counteract the 1000s of years of integration of the subcontinent. You're living in a dream world if you think India can ever expel the illegal Bangladeshis. Some of the pathetic Indian politics will only turn their heads to expelling Bangladeshis from Assam because they are in power bcz of the votes from the Bangladeshis.

The truth is Assam and Tripura belongs to Bangladesh now, you can't reverse that process. India should've minded their own business and let Bangladesh economy flourish naturally, which if it did then Bangladesh would be a middle-income nation by now. But for those Bangladeshis who own factories and other large businesses they know Indian agents in Bangladesh ignite worker hartals and private property destruction, and other mishaps to sabotage the country's economy.

You wonder why in a cricket match between India/Pakistan the majority of the Bangladeshis take the side of Pakistan bcz of what India has been doing to Bangladesh for the past 40 years.
Beware, the Burmese are not like Indian.....

You attack us, kill our people, burn our hotels and we keep you safe in custody....BUT the Burmese people will give you proper reply...they've been a tough military nation for a long time...

How do you know ? You slept with one? Ya, tough my bottom. They are nothing but crap, for decades they couldn't vanish their own rebels, they are going to give a reply to another country. [/QUOTE]
He's safe from US/West but he's not safe from rougue Muslim fighters; there are 57 Muslim nations and the rogue Muslim fighters from those countries will use the genocide as an excuse to come after him. Burma made a big mistake by inducing the atrocities because Indonesian and Malaysians are Muslim-majority ASEAN nations and they will not take the genocide lightly especially Malaysia since they are a Sharia based Muslim country on moal grounds unlike other Muslim countries.

Sounds great...sorry to say that this type of words are perfect for a speech, in reality it has no ground. There's only one country who can take an initiative against the persecution of Rohingya, that's Bangladesh. Within 2/3 decades ahead there's no hope of a strong leadership in Bangladesh who could plot some play on Arakanese theater. Indonesian and Malaysian influence as majority ASEAN nations is no way acceptable. They don't really bother about a minority being persecuted in a foreign land. If and only if US ever thinks of it (no possibility as they have big interest in Burma now), all West bloc will then raise their voices and UN will take initiative then. Another possibility is Chinese interference which is not likely as they don't bother on matters not in their interest.
Beware, the Burmese are not like Indian.....

You attack us, kill our people, burn our hotels and we keep you safe in custody....BUT the Burmese people will give you proper reply...they've been a tough military nation for a long time...

Lol...I admit the Burmese are not as restraintful as Indians but only because they are not cowards. One of my Indian Hindu friends told me that Hindus are cowards (this is not coming from me it came from my Hindu friend). He's guju btw. But let's be honest, you really think Burma is stupid enough to go against the Muslim wrath of the Bangladeshis. I have military family members and in one of the military post entrance in Bangladesh it says " We fight in the name of Allah". Bangladesh may not have a a powerful military like India but the country is still Muslim land. If Burma ever gets in a fight with Bangladesh ( God forbid bcz innocent people will die on both sides) then Bangladesh army will be backed up the Muslim extremists then Burma will go through hell and may possibly loose their sovereignty. As soon as Awami League looses ground...Bangladesh will no longer be India's b.i.t.c.h.

Sounds great...sorry to say that this type of words are perfect for a speech, in reality it has no ground. There's only one country who can take an initiative against the persecution of Rohingya, that's Bangladesh. Within 2/3 decades ahead there's no hope of a strong leadership in Bangladesh who could plot some play on Arakanese theater. Indonesian and Malaysian influence as majority ASEAN nations is no way acceptable. They don't really bother about a minority being persecuted in a foreign land. If and only if US ever thinks of it (no possibility as they have big interest in Burma now), all West bloc will then raise their voices and UN will take initiative then. Another possibility is Chinese interference which is not likely as they don't bother on matters not in their interest.

When I'm talking about the Muslim nations especially Malaysia and Indonesia, I wasn't talking about the governments I was talking about the rogue organizations. Those organizations do what they want without their government's consent. In 2 to 3 decades BNP and AL will be nothing but dust when their strength falls another power rises and it will be by the next generation. For example, look at Barrister Andavir Rahman, we don't know if he's a good guy or a bad guy in reality, but here in US to us Probashi Bangladeshis he impressed us.
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