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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

Here is a video about China netred's visit to Ruili refugee camp in Yunnan.
There are Burmese of various nationalities in the refugee camp, but you can easily find a problem. Rohingyas and Rohingyas play together. Other Burmese ethnic groups play with each other.
It is clear that there is a problem of integration between the Rohingyas and other ethnic groups.
China is only a neighbor of Myanmar, and China has no ability to solve such internal problems. This problem can only be solved by Myanmar and Bangladesh, and China can host these refugees at most temporarily.


We cannot justify ethnic cleansing just by rationalizing it with petty Asian hackneyed racism and stereotyping.

Rohingyas have lived in Arakan for many hundreds of years since Mughal times, and probably earlier. Entire Arakan was once Mughal Indian territory until Bamars got it as area from the British. Rohingyas have owned land, raised families, made a future for themselves in Arakan, only to have Bamar thugs with guns come in one day and kill and terrorize them, so they had to take refuge in Bangladesh.

This CANNOT be justified under any sane humanitarian principle. Operating guns and rocket launchers is not exactly rocket science, Rohingyas can learn to operate them too. Once a clusterf*ck starts in that area, all plans for Sittwe by Indians and Chinese will go into the drain and invite the Western folks to come in. :-)

Now what do you think is preferable to do? How long can China have these Bamar idiots run amuck in Arakan and conduct ethnic cleansing? Don't you think a solution is necessary? Sane thinking is needed.

To say Rohingyas are not Myanmar citizens anymore just because "other ethnicities in Myanmar don't like their looks", is a ridiculous construct.

You can't condone Racism and Ethnic cleansing anywhere, it cannot stand. The time for that has come and gone.

If I married a Han woman today, I am sure her looks are the last thing my family would look at.
We cannot justify ethnic cleansing just by rationalizing it with petty Asian hackneyed racism and stereotyping.

Rohingyas have lived in Arakan for many hundreds of years since Mughal times, and probably earlier. Entire Arakan was once Mughal Indian territory until Bamars got it as area from the British. Rohingyas have owned land, raised families, made a future for themselves in Arakan, only to have Bamar thugs with guns come in one day and kill and terrorize them, so they had to take refuge in Bangladesh.

This CANNOT be justified under any sane humanitarian principle. Operating guns and rocket launchers is not exactly rocket science, Rohingyas can learn to operate them too. Once a clusterf*ck starts in that area, all plans for Sittwe by Indians and Chinese will go into the drain and invite the Western folks to come in. :-)

Now what do you think is preferable to do? How long can China have these Bamar idiots run amuck in Arakan and conduct ethnic cleansing? Don't you think a solution is necessary? Sane thinking is needed.

To say Rohingyas are not Myanmar citizens anymore just because "other ethnicities in Myanmar don't like their looks", is a ridiculous construct.

You can't condone Racism and Ethnic cleansing anywhere, it cannot stand. The time for that has come and gone.

If I married a Han woman today, I am sure her looks are the last thing my family would look at.

The Rohingya problem in Myanmar cannot be solved by China, this is beyond China's ability. Bangladesh and Myanmar should solve the problem through negotiation from a practical point of view. China's main policies in Myanmar are as follows:
1. Assistance to several areas, such as Wa State and Kachin state in northern Myanmar. There are many Han people in these areas.
2. Provide medical assistance to Myanmar to avoid the outbreak of large-scale COVID19 crisis in Myanmar.
3. Negotiate with the Myanmar military and hope to resume the B&R Project as soon as possible.
4. Refugees are accommodated in Ruili, Yunnan, but they are not allowed to go to other cities.
@Bilal9 bhai,

Let's look at this more pragmatically. If this Civil War in a sense takes of the ground, Bangladesh can carve out an autonomous region and relocate the Rohingya' s back to their land and train/arm them to defend themselves properly. By extension the Bangladeshi nation can have a ally they can look to as well considering the good will that has been built housing them. BA can act as a peacekeeping force in that region and have what we call strategic depth like we have in Afghanistan.
The NLD led by Aung San Suu Kyi and the Burmese military have the same attitude on the Rohingya issue.
I suggest you Google. The West once imposed sanctions on Aung San Suu Kyi because she oppressed Rohingyas.
In fact, both the NLD and the Myanmar military are populists. They are transferring Myanmar's domestic problems to the Rohingyas.
I'm afraid Bangladesh will be disappointed if it expects either of them. Bangladesh should negotiate with Myanmar as a country.
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We cannot justify ethnic cleansing just by rationalizing it with petty Asian hackneyed racism and stereotyping.

Rohingyas have lived in Arakan for many hundreds of years since Mughal times, and probably earlier. Entire Arakan was once Mughal Indian territory until Bamars got it as area from the British. Rohingyas have owned land, raised families, made a future for themselves in Arakan, only to have Bamar thugs with guns come in one day and kill and terrorize them, so they had to take refuge in Bangladesh.

This CANNOT be justified under any sane humanitarian principle. Operating guns and rocket launchers is not exactly rocket science, Rohingyas can learn to operate them too. Once a clusterf*ck starts in that area, all plans for Sittwe by Indians and Chinese will go into the drain and invite the Western folks to come in. :-)

Now what do you think is preferable to do? How long can China have these Bamar idiots run amuck in Arakan and conduct ethnic cleansing? Don't you think a solution is necessary? Sane thinking is needed.

To say Rohingyas are not Myanmar citizens anymore just because "other ethnicities in Myanmar don't like their looks", is a ridiculous construct.

You can't condone Racism and Ethnic cleansing anywhere, it cannot stand. The time for that has come and gone.

If I married a Han woman today, I am sure her looks are the last thing my family would look at.

The Rohingya crisis in Myanmar has seriously affected the security and stability of China's border areas and the construction of China's B&R. If China can solve this problem, China is certainly willing to.
But how should China solve this problem? This is not a problem that can be solved by force and economic force. You should think about how difficult this problem is from the perspective of China.
We cannot justify ethnic cleansing just by rationalizing it with petty Asian hackneyed racism and stereotyping.

Rohingyas have lived in Arakan for many hundreds of years since Mughal times, and probably earlier. Entire Arakan was once Mughal Indian territory until Bamars got it as area from the British. Rohingyas have owned land, raised families, made a future for themselves in Arakan, only to have Bamar thugs with guns come in one day and kill and terrorize them, so they had to take refuge in Bangladesh.

This CANNOT be justified under any sane humanitarian principle. Operating guns and rocket launchers is not exactly rocket science, Rohingyas can learn to operate them too. Once a clusterf*ck starts in that area, all plans for Sittwe by Indians and Chinese will go into the drain and invite the Western folks to come in. :-)

Now what do you think is preferable to do? How long can China have these Bamar idiots run amuck in Arakan and conduct ethnic cleansing? Don't you think a solution is necessary? Sane thinking is needed.

To say Rohingyas are not Myanmar citizens anymore just because "other ethnicities in Myanmar don't like their looks", is a ridiculous construct.

You can't condone Racism and Ethnic cleansing anywhere, it cannot stand. The time for that has come and gone.

If I married a Han woman today, I am sure her looks are the last thing my family would look at.
Excellent post. Rohingyas are not Bengali. They are a separate ethnic people indigenous to their territory and have history and identity there. The problem is others take a look at them and think they are Bangladeshi or Bengali migrants.
Excellent post. Rohingyas are not Bengali. They are a separate ethnic people indigenous to their territory and have history and identity there. The problem is others take a look at them and think they are Bangladeshi or Bengali migrants.

Thanks brother.

Another factor is that they are very hardworking but not very educated for the most part. Hence exploited by other groups like Rakhine and Bamars who probably (reportedly) aren't as hardworking. In any case, they were never in Bangladesh or immigrated from Bangladesh to Myanmar.

So this is in fact is a textbook case for ethnic cleansing....
Thanks brother.

Another factor is that they are very hardworking but not very educated for the most part. Hence exploited by other groups like Rakhine and Bamars who probably (reportedly) aren't as hardworking. In any case, they were never in Bangladesh or immigrated from Bangladesh to Myanmar.

So this is in fact is a textbook case for ethnic cleansing....
I agree that the Rohingya problem is an ethnic cleansing.
But I think Bangladesh has the responsibility to participate in the solution of this problem as a main participation country. Bangladesh and Rohingyas have ethnic and historical ties. Bangladesh cannot abandon these desperate Rohingyas.
Excellent post. Rohingyas are not Bengali. They are a separate ethnic people indigenous to their territory and have history and identity there. The problem is others take a look at them and think they are Bangladeshi or Bengali migrants.
Rohingyas are not indigenous. When British used to rule Burma, they brought millions of bengali muslims to work as farmers and day laborers in Burma. These bengali muslims after some time started claiming parts of Arakan and proposed Jinnah to merge parts of Arakan with Pakistan. They also created Mujahideen groups and started attacking Rakhine Buddhists and grabbing lands belonging Rakhine Buddhists.

Listen we have seen this muslim drama in many parts of the world but we Buddhists wont tolerate such drama in Myanmar.

Muslims starts demanding separate state whenever their population grows to a certain level. Kashmir, Pattani, Mindanao and Israel are prime examples. Kashmir belongs to Hindu, Pattani region of Thailand belongs to Buddhists, Mindanao region of Phillipines belongs to Christians and Israel belongs to Jewish/Christian. But the original Kashmiri pandits have been expelled from their land, Buddhist monks are attacked by insurgents in Pattani, insurgents attack churches in Mindanao and Jewish even cannot claim their holiest site.

Burmese Buddhists won't allow another Kashmir, Israel, Pattani and Mindanao like situation in Arakan. We Buddhists will go to any extreme to protect our land.
Rohingyas are not indigenous. When British used to rule Burma, they brought millions of bengali muslims to work as farmers and day laborers in Burma. These bengali muslims after some time started claiming parts of Arakan and proposed Jinnah to merge parts of Arakan with Pakistan. They also created Mujahideen groups and started attacking Rakhine Buddhists and grabbing lands belonging Rakhine Buddhists.

Listen we have seen this muslim drama in many parts of the world but we Buddhists wont tolerate such drama in Myanmar.

Muslims starts demanding separate state whenever their population grows to a certain level. Kashmir, Pattani, Mindanao and Israel are prime examples. Kashmir belongs to Hindu, Pattani region of Thailand belongs to Buddhists, Mindanao region of Phillipines belongs to Christians and Israel belongs to Jewish/Christian. But the original Kashmiri pandits have been expelled from their land, Buddhist monks are attacked by insurgents in Pattani, insurgents attack churches in Mindanao and Jewish even cannot claim their holiest site.

Burmese Buddhists won't allow another Kashmir, Israel, Pattani and Mindanao like situation in Arakan. We Buddhists will take tough stance, use harsh measures on any separatists in Arakan to protect any Buddhist lands.

Okay, Hritik Barua, say hi to the guys in DB office for me.

lol, the mighty Christians with decades of technological advances have come to terms with the reality that Muslims are here to stay and you losers think you'll be successful against us ? 🤣

Go to Burma, If you love it so much, get out of Bangladesh, you spineless maggot.

News flash: they won't even wipe their *** with Barua trash like you in Burma. 🤣
Selling weapons to the Burmese military will only worsen the civil war, China should not sell them any weapons and start an economic blockade to force all factions to negotiate instead of fighting.

This guy would have created an independent Rohingya country already lol

Burma is lucky they didn't meet this savage
I agree that the Rohingya problem is an ethnic cleansing.
But I think Bangladesh has the responsibility to participate in the solution of this problem as a main participation country. Bangladesh and Rohingyas have ethnic and historical ties. Bangladesh cannot abandon these desperate Rohingyas.
I agree. Bangladesh government should be more pro active. I first heard about Rohingya ethnic cleansing when international Muslim charity agencies made appeals for donations some five years ago. I asked about it from a Bangladeshi and he said problem has been on going for decades. It surprised me. Myanmar ethnically cleansing people, forcing them to Bangladesh is not only a crime against humanity, but also a hostile act from Myanmar toward Bangladesh, akin to throwing trash from their side of the fence into the neighbour's side. It's a violation of their sovereignty and of human rights. They can legally deploy their military to prevent this, to protect the lives of Rohingya, and occupy Myanmar territory. Their capability and willingness are a different matter.
Let burma burn.... its not our business. They do not need our assistance to turn it into a hellhole.

they are literally on fire right now ( when have they never been ?). Let them implode.


Our ballistic missiles and Sukhoi jets are not for diwali celebrations.
how come your ''SUPERIOR ''army keep getting owned by rebels left and right ? Why don't you use your sukhois or S-400s to stop this:

People’s Defence Force in Sagaing says it killed 180 junta troops with help of Kachin Independence Army | Myanmar NOW (myanmar-now.org)

More than 60 junta troops killed in Mutraw in July, KNU says | Myanmar NOW (myanmar-now.org)

Dozens of Myanmar Junta Soldiers Killed in Chin State Clashes (irrawaddy.com)

Nine Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Sagaing: PDF (irrawaddy.com)

Arakan Army Seizes Weapons From Regime’s Police Force in Rakhine (irrawaddy.com)

15 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Sagaing Region Firefights (irrawaddy.com)

Myanmar Junta Colonel Killed in Raid on Mandalay Resistance (irrawaddy.com)

Around 30 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Sagaing (irrawaddy.com)

Eight regime soldiers killed in clashes around Hpa-an | Myanmar NOW (myanmar-now.org)

Unidentified Bodies Found After Myanmar Junta Troops Occupy Kayah Village (irrawaddy.com)

Myanmar Military Truck With Soldiers on Board Blown Up in Yangon (irrawaddy.com)

or this ?

11 Myanmar Junta Soldiers Killed in Weekend Clashes (irrawaddy.com)

KNLA’s Brigade 5 says it killed 118 junta soldiers in its territory last month | Myanmar NOW (myanmar-now.org)

Ethnic Armed Group Captures Strategic Hill From Myanmar Junta Forces (irrawaddy.com)

Myanmar Army Truck Blasted in Yangon; Soldier Injured (irrawaddy.com)

15 Myanmar Junta Soldiers Reported Killed in Shan State (irrawaddy.com)

Over 100 Myanmar Regime Troops Killed in August: KNLA (irrawaddy.com)

Myanmar Junta Troops Die in Weekend Clashes (irrawaddy.com)

Around 30 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Magwe Ambush (irrawaddy.com)

Around 40 Myanmar Junta Troops Abandon Posts with Weapons (irrawaddy.com)

Civilian Fighters, KIA Troops Kill Six Myanmar Junta Soldiers in Mandalay Region (irrawaddy.com)

Myanmar Resistance Landmines Kill Junta Troops After Attack on Power Line (irrawaddy.com)

Myanmar Rebels Damage Aircraft During Airbase Attack (irrawaddy.com)

Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Sagaing and Kayah (irrawaddy.com)

More Than 740 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in July: NUG (irrawaddy.com)

Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Kayah State Firefight (irrawaddy.com)

Dozens of Myanmar Resistance Fighters Seized in Sagaing Region (irrawaddy.com)

Kayah Forces Claim Successful Attacks on Myanmar Junta Troops (irrawaddy.com)

🎆🎆🎆🎆might as well use them for diwali celebrations. 🎆 🎆 🎆 🎆 🎆

this gentleman would have been a suitable candidate , given his experience.
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Rohingyas are not indigenous. When British used to rule Burma, they brought millions of bengali muslims to work as farmers and day laborers in Burma. These bengali muslims after some time started claiming parts of Arakan and proposed Jinnah to merge parts of Arakan with Pakistan. They also created Mujahideen groups and started attacking Rakhine Buddhists and grabbing lands belonging Rakhine Buddhists.

Listen we have seen this muslim drama in many parts of the world but we Buddhists wont tolerate such drama in Myanmar.

Muslims starts demanding separate state whenever their population grows to a certain level. Kashmir, Pattani, Mindanao and Israel are prime examples. Kashmir belongs to Hindu, Pattani region of Thailand belongs to Buddhists, Mindanao region of Phillipines belongs to Christians and Israel belongs to Jewish/Christian. But the original Kashmiri pandits have been expelled from their land, Buddhist monks are attacked by insurgents in Pattani, insurgents attack churches in Mindanao and Jewish even cannot claim their holiest site.

Burmese Buddhists won't allow another Kashmir, Israel, Pattani and Mindanao like situation in Arakan. We Buddhists will go to any extreme to protect our land.
No one agrees with you. International Court have looked at this and they recognise Rohingya as their own ethnicity and called out their extermination as genocide. I have seen Rohingya websites, they are not Bengali. They have their own culture and identity.
Rohingya are a threat for the Buddhist population of Burma. We have to protect our religion by any means.
You are your own worst enemy. If you cannot give them and the different ethnicities constitutional rights [very easy] then they should become independent. No other country should be taking Rohingyas. Other countries don't exist to clear your trash and stop hogging Buddha's name like a little biatch. He is my Sharif caste blood ancestry.
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