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My reply to Narendra Modi in Bloomberg comment

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There is a saying in Bengali; "pipilikar pakha hoy moribar tore", that means; "Ants grow wings to die". :-)

btw these bots don't get paid for posting in members' club. :-)

They get paid?? I didn't know that!!o_O

Members area is a waste of time for people who have far too much time on their hands. (I have been guilty too).

If you find yourself posting too much in Members area, it's time to go out and get a hobby.

No, I do not post too much...you can see that...even I do not post that much as a whole, but unwinding is good for brain. You cannot be serious 24X7.
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How come Kolaps didn't know that it was actually the ROC who sold Mongolia to the USSR?

If he really is from Taiwan he should have known that.

In Taiwan, we are not recognizing that treaty.

Only the communist in the mainland because of USSR.

That is why your map crippled, while ours is still intact. Just look the map!
Republic of China is already exist long before modern state of India. Our border is already defined long before any modern states around China exist.

Did Republic of China ever control entire China. :o::o::o:

Sad. Everybody knows Lee kaun yew.

He said something about India but Indians know nothing about him. So, how is he relevant here. :omghaha::omghaha:
Other countries take advantage of us while we were weak. We lost so many land, it is unthinkable. What matter now is that we control Aksai Chin.. Giving our power now, it ain't going to be easy to toss us around anymore.
Indian perfidy causing problems along Sino-Indian border

I intentionally picked the official Indian government maps from 1947 and 1950 in The Hindu Archives.

You Indians refuse to acknowledge the official maps from your own government. This is ridiculous.

Your government has been hiding the truth from the Indian people and that's why you Indian nationalists are all brainwashed.

1. After 50 years, the Indian government refuses to release the archives on the events of 1962. It will show that you Indians are the aggressors.

2. The official Indian government maps from 1947 and 1950 clearly show that India decided to REDRAW them to include China's Aksai Chin between August 15, 1947 and 1950.

3. You Indians also REDREW the map for South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh to swallow Chinese territory into India. On pre-Independence maps, the Indian border clearly excluded South Tibet (see Global Security map below from 1916-1937 of self-delimited Indian border).

It is Indian perfidy that has been causing problems along the Sino-Indian border.

In the future, there will be a Sino-Indian war when China reclaims the territory that has been stolen by India. I want all of you Indians to know your country is at fault.


Global Security: Arunachal Pradesh "claim is not reflected on pre-Independence maps"


"Arunachal Pradesh...claim is not reflected on pre-Independence maps." Prior to the land-grab of Chinese territory after Indian independence in 1947, Indian maps clearly excluded China's South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh.

Reference: India-China Border | GlobalSecurity

What do you think about this map ? Its published by Cambridge university


Here is an 18th century map which shows Arunachal pradesh as a part of Bhutan.


Here too an 18 the century Portuguese map (see Kashmir)



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No true, India claim is solely based on British Raj. North East area were under independent Ahom and Assamese kingdoms until British annexed them in 1858.

I am not sure about NE India, but Aksai Chin was under an Indian ruler, including Soda Plains (northern Aksai Chin):
I am not sure about NE India, but Aksai Chin was under an Indian ruler, including Soda Plains (northern Aksai Chin):

The Sikh Confederacy annexed Ladakh which covers part of Aksai Chin in 1834. But after a war between Sikh and China, a treaty was signed, most of Askai Chin came under Chinese control, the Sikh kept Ladakh, though the border was not clearly demarcated. When the British took over the Sikh territory, they didn't object to it either.

The dispute arise when Nehru unilaterally revised Ladakh map based on Johnson line, which crossed into Chinese controlled Aksai Chin, claiming all of it. But Johnson Line was never advocated by the British, they were in favor of the more reasonable Macartney Line. The culprit is Nehru. And India govt today still claim Johnson line!
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Infractions have been handed out and two members have banned.
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