I am sorry to say this but you are sounding like Arundhati Roy
Your Flag location shows you are in INDIA ; How long have you been in India
And how many people you have seen say what you are saying
If it is a question of money then ; I have to tell you the following things
1 India's economic position is 10 Times better than in 1990 when the agitation began
2 The EXPENDITURE on Kashmir has NOT stopped the economic development of India
3 In India there is a Lot of ineffciency ; wastage and corruption at all levels of
government ie at city level ( Municipal corporations ) ; state govt level ; Central govt level
Public sector enterprises etc etc ie in any organisation which is government linked
Infact we waste a Lot of fuel and time just due to bad roads
4 So it is NOT as if we dont have OTHER problems and weaknesses
OR Kashmir is the cause of all our economic woes
SO to link Kashmir with the economy is wrong
Kashjmir has enormous geo political and strategic significance
and hence the question of leaving it just does not arise