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Mutual rise of China and India will benefit the world


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
China and India announced they will resume joint military exercises at the conclusion of the Annual Defense Dialogue on January 14. It suggested a sign of growing engagement. The People's Daily applauded India's decision to go ahead with the exercises in the face of pressure from the US and Japan.

"The future generations are assured of peace and prosperity," said Sushma Swaraj, the leader of the opposition in India's lower house of parliament Lok Sabha, reacting to the news.

Days earlier, underscoring the importance of China-India relations, Xi Jinping, the new General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC), said in a letter delivered to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that China "expects to carry out close cooperation with India to create a brighter future of their bilateral relations." The world, he added has enough space for the two and "needs their common development."

Bilateral relations between the world's two largest countries have improved since the late 1980s. Trade volume, which was about US$3 billion (Dh11bn) at the turn of the century has now soared to $80 billion, making China India's largest trading partner, and India becoming China's biggest trading partner in South Asia. Both aim to increase their trade to $100 billion by 2015.

Indian business circles are ecstatic about the growing China-India business relationship. Ordinary people in India benefit from the flow of cheap Chinese products. Together, China and India are, respectively, a factory for the world and service centre to the world and are on track to drive much of the world economy this century and beyond.

This volume of business activity has become possible after the two countries settled on the political guiding principles that "economic and trade relations are conducive to the increase of mutual trust and negotiated settlement of border issues."

The IMF estimates that the China's GDP may overtake that of the US by 2017. By the middle of this century China and India will be the biggest economies in the world. Together their GDP are about $10 trillion and still rising.

China has become the world's second largest oil importer after the US, importing roughly 5.5 million barrels per day, while India at number four imports approximately 2.3 million bpd. The bulk of their oil originates from the Arabian Gulf and Africa. As economic powerhouses both need to cooperate in ensuring the security of sealanes.

China and India are ancient civilisations known for their immense contribution to human knowledge. People from both countries have spread afar peacefully, taking along with them Chinese and Indian cultures to the far corners of the world.

While there are many convergences between China and India, there still remain several disputes which need to be managed and defused carefully. The short 1962 border war is an aberration in centuries of peaceful existence, leaving behind an unpleasant legacy in the form of the disputed border from Arunachal Pradesh in the east to Kashmir in the west.

There are also differences over Tibet and over how India deals with Pakistan, China's important regional ally. India is worried at China's port-building activity in Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and the Chinese presence in the Seychelles and around the east coast of Africa. For their part, the Chinese are concerned at India-Vietnam oil explorations in the South China Sea, which China claims as its territorial waters.

Their differences have not deterred the two countries from developing a strong economic partnership as a precursor to solving more intractable issues.

As the two rise peacefully, China's big worry is the US' apparent interest in goading India to act as a counter-balance to rising Chinese power. That is why very early in his term Mr Xi chose to send a personal letter to Mr Singh acknowledging India as a key interlocutor for maintaining peace and security in the region.

In pursuit of a balancing strategy, Japan is also being brought in. The US has openly asked Japan and India to work together to counterbalance China.

China is mindful of these attempts but is understandably keen to maintain relations with India on an even keel. It may well be in the interests of the US or Japan - powers with declining clout in the world - to seek a partnership with India against China. But such an arrangement is against India's interest and so also against Asia's. China-India adversity will prevent the Asian century.

China decided under Deng Xiaoping to single-mindedly pursue economic development. In 30 years, China has lifted over 650 million Chinese out of poverty and is on the way to global leadership. India, too, has unleashed its economic potential by liberalising its economy and boasts a middle class population of over 350 million. The two need to complement each other.

This "democratization of human spirit", as Kishore Mahbubani, dean of the Lee Kuan Yee School of Public Policy in Singapore calls it, amongst nearly a third of mankind, channeled constructively by China and India, is a game-changer for the good of the world. This should not be sacrificed for big power politics.

Read more: Mutual rise of China and India will benefit the world - The National
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Well, India has always taken steps bilaterally and under no influence whatsoever. Even when USA and Russia gave option to India it remained non - aligned and till date Russia has no influence but just friendship. USA is becoming a friend as well as it knows that Globlization time's means strategy change. China and India are already friend's, irrespective of USA relations with China, as Pakistan is depended on technology Military & to somewhat monetarily however India is pure on trade terms (which they have maintained with USSR (in the past), USA, France, England etc etc. I presume, China and India's friendship will go stronger day by day.

PS: If India did not listen to Iran talks, would it ever listen talks about China?

*TOAST for China & India friendship*

China and India announced they will resume joint military exercises at the conclusion of the Annual Defense Dialogue on January 14. It suggested a sign of growing engagement. The People's Daily applauded India's decision to go ahead with the exercises in the face of pressure from the US and Japan.

"The future generations are assured of peace and prosperity," said Sushma Swaraj, the leader of the opposition in India's lower house of parliament Lok Sabha, reacting to the news.

Days earlier, underscoring the importance of China-India relations, Xi Jinping, the new General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC), said in a letter delivered to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that China "expects to carry out close cooperation with India to create a brighter future of their bilateral relations." The world, he added has enough space for the two and "needs their common development."

Bilateral relations between the world's two largest countries have improved since the late 1980s. Trade volume, which was about US$3 billion (Dh11bn) at the turn of the century has now soared to $80 billion, making China India's largest trading partner, and India becoming China's biggest trading partner in South Asia. Both aim to increase their trade to $100 billion by 2015.

Indian business circles are ecstatic about the growing China-India business relationship. Ordinary people in India benefit from the flow of cheap Chinese products. Together, China and India are, respectively, a factory for the world and service centre to the world and are on track to drive much of the world economy this century and beyond.

This volume of business activity has become possible after the two countries settled on the political guiding principles that "economic and trade relations are conducive to the increase of mutual trust and negotiated settlement of border issues."

The IMF estimates that the China's GDP may overtake that of the US by 2017. By the middle of this century China and India will be the biggest economies in the world. Together their GDP are about $10 trillion and still rising.

China has become the world's second largest oil importer after the US, importing roughly 5.5 million barrels per day, while India at number four imports approximately 2.3 million bpd. The bulk of their oil originates from the Arabian Gulf and Africa. As economic powerhouses both need to cooperate in ensuring the security of sealanes.

China and India are ancient civilisations known for their immense contribution to human knowledge. People from both countries have spread afar peacefully, taking along with them Chinese and Indian cultures to the far corners of the world.

While there are many convergences between China and India, there still remain several disputes which need to be managed and defused carefully. The short 1962 border war is an aberration in centuries of peaceful existence, leaving behind an unpleasant legacy in the form of the disputed border from Arunachal Pradesh in the east to Kashmir in the west.

There are also differences over Tibet and over how India deals with Pakistan, China's important regional ally. India is worried at China's port-building activity in Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and the Chinese presence in the Seychelles and around the east coast of Africa. For their part, the Chinese are concerned at India-Vietnam oil explorations in the South China Sea, which China claims as its territorial waters.

Their differences have not deterred the two countries from developing a strong economic partnership as a precursor to solving more intractable issues.

As the two rise peacefully, China's big worry is the US' apparent interest in goading India to act as a counter-balance to rising Chinese power. That is why very early in his term Mr Xi chose to send a personal letter to Mr Singh acknowledging India as a key interlocutor for maintaining peace and security in the region.

In pursuit of a balancing strategy, Japan is also being brought in. The US has openly asked Japan and India to work together to counterbalance China.

China is mindful of these attempts but is understandably keen to maintain relations with India on an even keel. It may well be in the interests of the US or Japan - powers with declining clout in the world - to seek a partnership with India against China. But such an arrangement is against India's interest and so also against Asia's. China-India adversity will prevent the Asian century.

China decided under Deng Xiaoping to single-mindedly pursue economic development. In 30 years, China has lifted over 650 million Chinese out of poverty and is on the way to global leadership. India, too, has unleashed its economic potential by liberalising its economy and boasts a middle class population of over 350 million. The two need to complement each other.

This "democratization of human spirit", as Kishore Mahbubani, dean of the Lee Kuan Yee School of Public Policy in Singapore calls it, amongst nearly a third of mankind, channeled constructively by China and India, is a game-changer for the good of the world. This should not be sacrificed for big power politics.

Read more: Mutual rise of China and India will benefit the world - The National
Follow us: @TheNationalUAE on Twitter | thenational.ae on Facebook
China and India need to have a dialog to come to a common understanding of Asian and regional issues.

India's main concern is terrorism emanating from recipients of nuclear proliferation.

As regards Tibetan issues India is willing to cooperate as much as possible without curtailing the normal civil rights and freedoms of refugees. Tibet should become happy and beautiful place where Buddhists pilgrims from all over the world can go and enjoy the atmosphere. There is no reason why the Dalai Lama should not be able to go back there. What is needed from China is a respect for the local traditions and allowing the Tibetans to manage their own cultural, educational and civic matters.

India, China and Japan should work together so that smaller Asian nations like Vietnam and Philippines feel a sense of security. South Korea can also make valuable contributions to Asian development.

Unless such cooperation is achieved, smaller nations which feel insecure will run to others to arm themselves, allowing outside powers to divide and dominate.
India and China can do great things working Together.

The biggest challenge for the next few decades for these two Asian giants will be keeping ties warm and dialogue going there are going to plenty of external nations both from the West and from Asia who will do all they can to oppose any such warm relations between these two giants. The leadership in both nations needs to remain wise and sensible as they have been uptil now.

Also keep the damn media in check- these idiots (especially in india where the media regulations are almost non-exsistant) will be talking up any tiny disagreement into a major scandal.

Together india and China can DOMINATE the world stage and make the lives of their people better.
India and China can do great things working Together.

The biggest challenge for the next few decades for these two Asian giants will be keeping ties warm and dialogue going there are going to plenty of external nations both from the West and from Asia who will do all they can to oppose any such warm relations between these two giants. The leadership in both nations needs to remain wise and sensible as they have been uptil now.

Also keep the damn media in check- these idiots (especially in india where the media regulations are almost non-exsistant) will be talking up any tiny disagreement into a major scandal.

Together india and China can DOMINATE the world stage and make the lives of their people better.

You Indians like to dominate and be the superpower. But in reality, India is not a global player, but just a card. Except for when people want to sell India something, then they talk up India. And the Indian members here shameless post these statements to puff themselves up.

FYI, US is and will remain the dominate force in international politics.
You Indians like to dominate and be the superpower. But in reality, India is not a global player, but just a card. Except for when people want to sell India something, then they talk up India. And the Indian members here shameless post these statements to puff themselves up.

FYI, US is and will remain the dominate force in international politics.

Lol. Am I talking of the present day realities? No, I'm talking about 1-2 decades down the road when the US really would be hard pressed to tackle a united India and China. Yes, separately the US could handle either nation in isolation for atleast another 40 years.

Beyond that it has to be said the equilibrium will swing back to the historic powerhouses-India and China.

Once the brain drain of Indian and Chinese is reversed and stemmed te US will be in serious brown stuff. It is no secret that a lot of the US' economic and technological advantages are built in the shoulders of Asian immigrants.

Look up the H-1B VISA- America's secret weapon YT clip.

The reverse brain drain has already begun FYI.
Lol. Am I talking of the present day realities? No, I'm talking about 1-2 decades down the road when the US really would be hard pressed to tackle a united India and China. Yes, separately the US could handle either nation in isolation for atleast another 40 years.

Beyond that it has to be said the equilibrium will swing back to the historic powerhouses-India and China.

Once the brain drain of Indian and Chinese is reversed and stemmed te US will be in serious brown stuff. It is no secret that a lot of the US' economic and technological advantages are built in the shoulders of Asian immigrants.

Look up the H-1B VISA- America's secret weapon YT clip.

The reverse brain drain has already begun FYI.

You just like to jump on the band wagon of the demise of the US. US will continue to be the preeminent superpower for the next half a century. I agree that China has the capability to influence the world as it has the world's 2nd largest economy. But its technology development is still way behind the US and even Europe and Japan. So it still has a long way to go to catch up to the US. As for India, it should be mentioned in the same breath as tropical Africa and backward Latin American countries as a basket case and the source of world poverty. India is so pathetic and desperate that you guys even made a movie with India having lots of white servants.
Most Chinese don't even know what India is
Same is the case with Indians......................But why a Pakistani comment for Chinese..............I can show you more Chinese in India than in Pakistan & Vice versa......................
Its a Good Step...............Let the Mutual Trust & Friendship Mature.....................
To all the members, trollers will be there but don't let this thread die because of them.Simply ignore their post. This is a good thread which may help us to understand the importance of India to China and vice versa. These small difference will remain and may be will remain for decades but the important is our present. Rightly mention by the Author, this is Asian century and we must look to gain most out of it.
10 bucks says This thread is not gonna be long
2 pages at max
Well when these two countries have 2.5 billion people out of 7 billion people all over the world, their economic rise means a lot to world economy.

China's impressive growth and India's increasing workforce, skilled people is a major market and an important driving force.

India and China should cooperate at economic level to make best out of for each other and for themselves.

We should focus on cooperation to compete with rest of the world. Both Asian Giants should also cooperate in common markets like South America and Africa.

mutual co-operation need among asian members to keep peace
Well looking at BD right now, we can have good economic zone beneficial for all three countries. We need more CBM and cooperation.

India and China can help in developing Service and Manufacturing industries respectively in BD. It will push BD growth rate at higher level and economic stability helps in increasing social stability.

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