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Must Read For Indian & Chinese Members True History of Bodhidharma Life

No it's not. Buddhism began as a rejection of superstitions and blind beliefs in ancient India be it in the form of Hinduism or any other religion. In the core of Buddhism, there is nothing called "belief" or rituals exist. This is what some people have failed to understand in Sri Lanka. Sadly they associate Buddhism with a set of rituals existed in ancient Sri Lanka and failed to understand that the whole meaning of Buddhism is to reject these silly beliefs and rituals.

Also Buddhism was taken to Tibet by a Chinese princess.

I beg to differ with your opinion. If you study yoga you will understand the similarity. Buddha has given a method and some principles to follow which show a way to attain enlightenment. In ancient India there were several schools of thoughts which advocated different methods and procedures that are helpful for attaining enlightenment.

What makes Buddha's teachings unique from other schools of thought is that it is more simple and straight forward, it does not involve complex procedures to attain higher states of consciousness and ultimately enlightenment.
coming to the point about the similarities between yoga and Buddhism.
There are three kinds of yoga through which one can realize themselves they are

1. Karma Yoga or the path of Action
2. Bhakti Yoga or the path of Devotion
3. Jnana Yoga or the Path of Knowledge.

Buddha's method falls under the category of Jnana Yoga. The most important part of the Jnana Yoga is the jnana which means the wisdom. In other word the wisdom. The synonym of this word in sanskrit is "Pragna" which in pali means Panna. panna is the development understanding of general and specific characteristics of dhamma or Dharma. Sutta panna is the term that he used to describe the state of higher consciousness which in Sanskrit means "stitha pragna". That is the state Lord Krishna suggested Arjuna to attain in "Baghavadgeeta" so that he is free from suffering and he also reveals him the above mentioned ways of yoga to attain that state. He also says that there are many methods in each stream to attain it. Another worth noting point here is that one can choose mix and match methods from the above mentioned three kinds of yoga whichever suits them(of course it should always be under proper guidance).

Lord Krishna also describes how one can attain moksha(enlightenment) by becoming free from samskara's which in Pali translates to Sankhara which also carries from one life to other. Buddha have discovered one such method which was a break through at that time working with breath. Buddha himself followed different methods and techniques and found them to be not so simple for common man to follow and finally discovered the simple technique of "anapana".
Moreover Pathanjali also describes in yoga sutra that secret to be free from samskara's lies in Breath. The breathing techniques differ but the core principles and ideology remains the same.

It is not only Sri Lanka which failed to understand the core of Buddhism but the whole world. Every noble idea gets diluted in the course of time.
First Chinese to write about Budism was a monk who travelled to present day Sri Lanka almost 2000 years ago.
Being the oldest doesn't mean that you know everything. Thai budism and Zen budism are irrelivant...

Ch'an or Zen was founded by the 6th generation of Dhama believers
So? What's your point? You just said I have little understanding of Buddhism because I am from a country that is close to India and I just said even though it is close to India it is the oldest Buddhist civilization in the world.

Your argument points that even Chinese learnt Buddhism from Sri Lanka. ;)
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Buddha reject Hindhu believe in God and caste base believe system. How can Buddha reject the core believe in Hindhu foundation and be seen as a Hindhu devotee but Buddha become the founding father of Buddhism. Buddhu reject Hindhu because Hindhu religion fail to answer the question he seek in life. Buddhism mostly base on teaching the connection between human being and the natural around us. There aren't any tenet dividend base on caste system in Buddhism or believe in all the omipotent God.
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If you're a Brahmin, you cannot be a Kshatriya caste, according to your 4 varnas. Spare us your lie.

It isn't a lie. There are a number of Kings in India who weren't Kshatriyas, and yet took up arms and became Kings. They'd later revoke their previous caste and adopt the Kshatriya varna.

Here's an example of a King from my region.
Mayurasharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Buddha reject Hindhu believe in God and caste base believe system. How can Buddha reject the core believe in Hindhu foundation and be seen as a Hindhu devotee but Buddha become the founding father of Buddhism. Buddhu reject Hindhu because Hindhu religion fail to answer the question he seek in life. Buddhism mostly base on teaching the connection between human being and the natural around us. There aren't any tenet dividend base on caste system in Buddhism or believe in all the omipotent God.

What a load of crap! Can you elaborate on what was it that Hinduism failed to answer to Buddha? Many of the concepts in Buddhism are drawn from the existing religion of that time, Hinduism.
The Buddha claimed that all life is suffering, and he never preached that he had founded a new religion. He was even against his followers worshipping him.
It is true that. When Buddha was alive, he did not establish a religion what we called Buddhism. Buddhism was created later after his death. And I don't think he denounced Hinduism. But a lot of his followers were Hindus.

I am not sure Buddhism was derived from Hinduism, but Tibetan Buddhism definitely has borrowed a lot of deities and colourful images from Hinduism. There are ten thousand (even more) gods, good ones and bad, and the description of heaven and hell. If you look at a tangka, you can see these colourful characters.
It isn't a lie. There are a number of Kings in India who weren't Kshatriyas, and yet took up arms and became Kings. They'd later revoke their previous caste and adopt the Kshatriya varna.

Here's an example of a King from my region.
Mayurasharma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What a load of crap! Can you elaborate on what was it that Hinduism failed to answer to Buddha? Many of the concepts in Buddhism are drawn from the existing religion of that time, Hinduism.
The Buddha claimed that all life is suffering, and he never preached that he had founded a new religion. He was even against his followers worshipping him.

Buddha didn't claim he the founder of Buddhism but he set out to teach what he acquire from his meditation with self cultivation can set one self free of delusional and suffering. Where did Hundhi culture and believe to teach one self how to free from the shackle of our delusional mind? Since Buddha was the first to discover the technique to look within ourself in search for our middle path and keep us from the extreme pleasure or extreme deprivation. Buddha found practice yoga and practice sadistick couldn't end human suffering and could provide the answer or the remedies to the problems human being face. Buddha founded the 8 folds path and 4 nobles truth along with meditiation can help tame our mind and end our suffering. Buddha was the founding father of Buddhism because he passed on his experience and the technique for his followers to end suffering. Since Buddha never mention anything related to Hindhu believe on his teaching then Hindhu followers can't claim Buddha teaching was base on Hindhu worshiper and a devotee of the Hindhus belief.
Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism and He was Son a Hindu King :). Yes his thoughts were different from Hinduism. But i am not talking about that. I want to talk about Bodhidharma he was also known as second Buddha. Please share some history related info if you guyz believe that Bodhidharma was not from South India and was not a Hindu :coffee:. If you guyz don't have then don't talk SHIT and wrong here.
Actually Gautama was not the first Buddha. There were countless Buddhas before him.
Bodhidharma was not to be the second Buddha. The next Buddha, future Buddha is Maitreya, also known as the laughing Buddha.
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Actually Gautama was not the first Buddha. There were countless Buddhas before him.
Bodhidharma was not to be the second Buddha. The next Buddha, future Buddha is Maitreya, also known as the laughing Buddha.
As i said show proof or don't talk SHIT
BBC - Religion: Buddhism
History of Buddhism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
About Buddha - The Founder of Buddhism

All this shows that Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism and from a Brahmin Hindu Family in Lumbini which is now part of Nepal.
Also Jain Religion was found by Vardhamana (Mahavir Jain) son of a Hindu ruler in Bihar, India.
As i said show proof or don't talk SHIT
BBC - Religion: Buddhism
History of Buddhism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
About Buddha - The Founder of Buddhism

All this shows that Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism and from a Brahmin Hindu Family in Lumbini which is now part of Nepal.
Also Jain Religion was found by Vardhamana (Mahavir Jain) son of a Hindu ruler in Bihar, India.

Calm down a-hole.

List of the twenty-eight Buddhas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laughing Buddha - ReligionFacts

The funny thing of all, you trust BBC. I guess you are still a colonial slave.
Calm down a-hole.
List of the twenty-eight Buddhas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laughing Buddha - ReligionFacts
The funny thing of all, you trust BBC. I guess you are still a colonial slave.
Read the list of 28 Buddhas and there castes first they also Hindus :D
And where in in ReligionFacts write that Laughing Buddha was Second Buddha??:coffee:
Don't focus on Buddha but focus on the message he tried to convey.
Read the list of 28 Buddhas and there castes first they also Hindus :D
And where in in ReligionFacts write that Laughing Buddha was Second Buddha??:coffee:

Future Buddha, Next Buddha. Not second buddha.
Reading comprehension.

Buddha was a Hindu, but Buddhism is not originated from Hinduism.
Reading comprehension again.
Future Buddha, Next Buddha. Not second buddha.
Reading comprehension.
Buddha was a Hindu, but Buddhism is not originated from Hinduism.
Reading comprehension again.
But in my posts i said that Bodhidharma was known as second Buddha then you said that Laughing Buddha was known as Second buddha read previous posts again mate.
I didn't said a word about they originated from Hinduism i said the founders was Hindu again read previous post :D
But in my posts i said that Bodhidharma was known as second Buddha then you said that Laughing Buddha was known as Second buddha read previous posts again mate.
I didn't said a word about they originated from Hinduism i said the founders was Hindu again read previous post :D

The founder of Buddhism was an Hindu is not relevant. So what's your point?
I never said laughing buddha was known as second buddha.
This is what I said "Bodhidharma was not to be the second Buddha. The next Buddha, future Buddha is Maitreya, also known as the laughing Buddha."
I think you really need to go school and learn.
Or you have some form of learning difficulty.

That's it. END OF.
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