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Muslims in Mathura hold anti-cow slaughter convention

coming back on topic,

The political angle of this move is done by SP to minimize hindu votes getting polarized due to Modi effect.

Real angle is that most UP hindus including pandits shamelessly eat beef kebabs,not cows but bull and buffalo happily.

But i still support this as it has truth in it,muslims like meat and considering many traditions are from arabia meat is an essential part of it but the meat not just them but most people like is goat/lamb.

Beef is a pure christian introduction by the brits,i mean even Babur/Akbar banned cow slaughter and they did so for a reason,i mean who is going to go tell babur to buzz off from delhi.
Dude prasad is diff,i have also eaten rum cake on christmas and biryani/meat porridge on ramzaan.

making kids do prayer and making them do the cross is too much.

Mate, they are protected by law to maintain religious and educational needs of those minorities. There is special provision for them. You study in their schools whose very purpose (by law) is to provide them opportunity to educate their own kids in a religious/linguistic enviorment for them.

You study in minority school, how is their practice wrong. Think about it.
Mate the schools is not christian the management is, the students are almost certainly majority Hindu.

Kindly give me e.g. of ONE school where prasad is given out. In any case eating of prasad is NOT compulsory, neither is taking prasad compulsory, saying of christian prayer IS.

Christian prayer or songs are not mandatory, the National Anthem IS. Parsad is given out in Government run schools which are supposed to be religion free. But people from other religious group take it lightly since it is not a big thing and they do not want to offend others.
They are not obliged to attend prayer mate they can skip the prayer and the song, and as for doing the cross it is not something that is done in school. But kids have to be present during the National Anthem that us mandatory. But for the other two then can sit out if they please to.

Let me tell you something,the prayer is something that is common for everyone and is like a meet in the morning,it wouldn't be correct to miss it.

I feel a prayer is not wrong just the cross is a problem.

Mate, they are protected by law to maintain religious and educational needs of those minorities. There is special provision for them. You study in their schools whose very purpose (by law) is to provide them opportunity to educate their own kids in a religious/linguistic enviorment for them.

You study in minority school, how is their practice wrong. Think about it.

correct agreed.

But such provisions is going to make me polarised.
Are you aware that most Maoist in Orrisa are tribal and most tribals in orrisa has been converted to Christianity ?

All maoist in Orrisa is most certainly Christians. Your ignorance is appalling.

maoist leadership in orissa/AP border is hardly tribal. In any case, how is it fair to kill innocent christians in revenge of acts of maoists. Maoists are not operating on religious basis.
minority education institutions(linguistic as well as religious minority) are legally required to maintain a certain percentage of seats for their own people, else they will not get protection that is given to them.

The percentage is determined by state govt and depends on the population of specific minority in that state.
And the institutions cannot import minority student from nearby state to show the quota.

Read this document, you might be barking up wrong tree.


1. There is NO reason for these schools to ask for Minority education institution status. They do it only to practice Active Discrimination with the protection of the law. However the staff of such institutions must still have people from all religion reflecting the distribution in their community. You will find that this is not so in real life. Christian staff is always given preference.

2. This special status itself was granted due to lobbying by the minority religious institutions.
1. There is NO reason for these schools to ask for Minority education institution status. They do it only to practice Active Discrimination with the protection of the law. However the staff of such institutions must still have people from all religion reflecting the distribution in their community. You will find that this is not so in real life. Christian staff is always given preference.

2. This special status itself was granted due to lobbying by the minority religious institutions.
This is not special in India. Even UK has faith schools. Under indian law, linguistic minorities can also have their schools. BTW, minority status is on basis of 'state' and not whole of India.
Hindus will get similar rights in punjab/NE states.
maoist leadership in orissa/AP border is hardly tribal. In any case, how is it fair to kill innocent christians in revenge of acts of maoists. Maoists are not operating on religious basis.

Non so blind as those who choose NOT to SEE.

Majority of Maoist supporters in Orissa are Christians

Orrisa Maoist were and continue to operate on religious basis. They are christian and have an agenda that is pro christian. Wishful thinking is not reality.

Now tell me again how 'Indian christian' are 'peaceful' unlike we evil hindoos....
Mate, they are protected by law to maintain religious and educational needs of those minorities. There is special provision for them. You study in their schools whose very purpose (by law) is to provide them opportunity to educate their own kids in a religious/linguistic enviorment for them.

You study in minority school, how is their practice wrong. Think about it.

LOL ....then how can Govt. of India take away money from Hindu temples and prevent Hindus from addressing religious and educational needs of the Hindus ?

How can 'special provisions' be made for one community and not another one in a 'secular' country ?

Why does the law make provision for christians and muslims to educate their kids in religious/linguistic environment while deny Hindu kids the same right ?

In any case if India is secular and as Every body is claiming Religion is not part of state why does such law exist ?

Why not provide ALL KIDS opportunity to educate themselves in the same environment ?

How come if Muslims and Christians are secular they continue to ask for this special privilege ? ....how come they do not fight or join the fight when Hindus asks for similar privilege ?

Christian prayer or songs are not mandatory, the National Anthem IS. Parsad is given out in Government run schools which are supposed to be religion free. But people from other religious group take it lightly since it is not a big thing and they do not want to offend others.

WRONG. Prayers are mandatory in missionary schools in India.

Prasad can be distributed only if there is a Puja. Are you suggesting govt. schools in India have a temple and a pujari to conduct puja ? :lol:
LOL ....then how can Govt. of India take away money from Hindu temples and prevent Hindus from addressing religious and educational needs of the Hindus ?

How can 'special provisions' be made for one community and not another one in a 'secular' country ?

Why does the law make provision for christians and muslims to educate their kids in religious/linguistic environment while deny Hindu kids the same right ?

In any case if India is secular and as Every body is claiming Religion is not part of state why does such law exist ?

Why not provide ALL KIDS opportunity to educate themselves in the same environment ?

How come if Muslims and Christians are secular they continue to ask for this special privilege ? ....how come they do not fight or join the fight when Hindus asks for similar privilege ?

WRONG. Prayers are mandatory in missionary schools in India.

Prasad can be distributed only if there is a Puja. Are you suggesting govt. schools in India have a temple and a pujari to conduct puja ? :lol:

Not quite, prayers are not mandatory, I studied in missionary schools and kids would sit out if they wanted to, only during the national anthem were they asked to stand with the group and sing the National Anthem. As for Prasad it was brought by the teachers don't ask me where they got it from, but they brought and handed them out.
I didnt want to reply ur post..but just to correct myself and u...I meant Indian Christian..as this thread is about India!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and before pointing fingers at others check if your own house is in good shape! u cud do well in debate by taking cheap shots at someone who is not willing to play this dirty game but that wont change the reality....and the reality is, its u who have to beg or bark and NOT....

:lol: illusions of grandeur from a coward who is eager to run away and does not even have the moral integrity to face the truth. Looks like its actually you who have to beg or bark ....
LOL ....then how can Govt. of India take away money from Hindu temples and prevent Hindus from addressing religious and educational needs of the Hindus ?

How can 'special provisions' be made for one community and not another one in a 'secular' country ?

Why does the law make provision for christians and muslims to educate their kids in religious/linguistic environment while deny Hindu kids the same right ?

In any case if India is secular and as Every body is claiming Religion is not part of state why does such law exist ?

Why not provide ALL KIDS opportunity to educate themselves in the same environment ?

How come if Muslims and Christians are secular they continue to ask for this special privilege ? ....how come they do not fight or join the fight when Hindus asks for similar privilege ?

WRONG. Prayers are mandatory in missionary schools in India.

Prasad can be distributed only if there is a Puja. Are you suggesting govt. schools in India have a temple and a pujari to conduct puja ? :lol:

positive discrimination for religious minority is not unique to India and I support it. We all are equal but we give reservation to STs and SCs. why.
Dont tell me oh, but is based on caste etc not religion. So what?
Not quite, prayers are not mandatory, I studied in missionary schools and kids would sit out if they wanted to, only during the national anthem were they asked to stand with the group and sing the National Anthem. As for Prasad it was brought by the teachers don't ask me where they got it from, but they brought and handed them out.

...and I studied in a missionary school and we could not sit out during prayer.

You earlier claimed 'prasad' were distributed in govt. school...now you are changing the story to claim you teachers in the missionary school got prasad and distributed it to all the kids. :devil: In any case how do you know it was prasad and not goodies to eat ? What would have been the difference ? In any case there was no compulsion to either take it or eat it.

So I guess you where lying when you said Govt. school in India distribute prasad. At least have the integrity to admit to this fact.
...and I studied in a missionary school and we could not sit out during prayer.

You earlier claimed 'prasad' were distributed in govt. school...now you are changing the story to claim you teachers in the missionary school got prasad and distributed it to all the kids. :devil: In any case how do you know it was prasad and not goodies to eat ? What would have been the difference ? In any case there was no compulsion to either take it or eat it.

So I guess you where lying when you said Govt. school in India distribute prasad. At least have the integrity to admit to this fact.

For the love of God I said kids in the Government schools were given Prasad never claimed it was brought in my school if you go to MP, Chattisgargh or even the villages in Maharashtra and look around in the villages and see the schools they openly give out Prasad during the festivals.
...and I studied in a missionary school and we could not sit out during prayer.

You earlier claimed 'prasad' were distributed in govt. school...now you are changing the story to claim you teachers in the missionary school got prasad and distributed it to all the kids. :devil: In any case how do you know it was prasad and not goodies to eat ? What would have been the difference ? In any case there was no compulsion to either take it or eat it.

So I guess you where lying when you said Govt. school in India distribute prasad. At least have the integrity to admit to this fact.

I studied in govt school which has hindu prayers, 2 muslim kids wont attend but christians did.
We also had 2 hindu festivals (ganesha and saraswati puja) , and no christian or muslim festival celebrated in school. By celebration I mean, buying idol, decoration, prasad, puja by brahmin , funded by us students (of may be headmaster got some money from somewhere but we did contribute).

Anything more you want to know about my 'secular' govt school?
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