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Muslims in America, Christians in Pakistan?


Jul 29, 2010
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So I was strolling on some liberal media sites - not so liberal apparently - on recent developments in Pakistan regarding communal violence, when I came across this piece of an American columnist:

Muslims in America, Christians in Pakistan

I don’t know much of the specific background of the anti-Christian rampage last week in Lahore. But is there anything I don’t know that would mitigate or excuse it?

A major theme of my writing and public speaking is an insistence on distinguishing between what I call the Pakistan I know and love – a rich, diverse, fascinating smorgasbord of humanity – and the distorted, two-dimensional Pakistan that most Americans see on TV. But when what they see on TV is Muslim Pakistanis burning crosses in a Christian neighbourhood, it makes it even harder than usual for me and other friends of Pakistan to make a case.

It’s all too true that Pakistanis and other Muslims are unfairly stigmatised and victimised in America. But anyone who would point that out in this particular context, as any kind of excuse would be playing a shameful politics of distraction. As an American, I feel shamed by the ways that my society mistreats Muslims here. By exactly the same token, Pakistan and all Pakistanis are shamed by mistreatment of Christians in Pakistan.

What happened in Lahore is not political or religious terrorism, although surely it has the effect of terrorising Pakistani Christians, but simple bigotry and bullying. Pakistani Christians are not Americans or Westerners, and to mistreat them as if they were somehow responsible for America’s sins is the crudest and ugliest kind of scapegoating.

As every Pakistani knows darn well, Christians are among the most downtrodden and vulnerable people in Pakistan, especially since the passage of the despicable blasphemy law during the Ziaul Haq dictatorship. Furthermore, most Pakistani Christians are descendants of low caste or “untouchable” Hindus who, quite understandably, saw the Christian message of universal brotherhood and equality before God as more appealing than a social-religious system that defined them as subhuman.

Islam had, and has, a very similar humanist and egalitarian appeal, which is why the persistence of essentially Hindu hierarchy and snobbishness is so jarring and distasteful when one encounters it in ostensibly Islamic Pakistan. I’m not a Muslim or any kind of expert on Islam, but I do know that if there’s anything Islam is supposed to be all about, it’s human dignity and equality.

The moral and political health of any society is expressed in how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. Muslims, as members of a group against whom many Americans blithely and wrongly consider it excusable, or even admirable, to be bigoted, are among the most vulnerable people in America today.

Shame on my country for the way it treats Muslims.

I’ve written versions of this many times over the past several years, in contexts ranging from one disturbed young man’s failed attempt to bomb Times Square, to the loutish, disgusting celebrations (in Times Square) at the death of Osama bin Laden, to the cowardly and sinister use of drones. Some of my own friends and family have felt I’ve gone too far at times, particularly when I published articles titled “The Colorado Killer Is Not a Muslim” and “Newtown Is a Village in Pakistan”. I stand by those articles, against my own relatives, because I want to stand up for anyone who is mistreated or misunderstood.

In exactly the same spirit, I stand up for Pakistani Christians. Whenever I speak to Pakistani audiences in the US, someone invariably asks me some version of the question “Why Pakistan?” The question is on my mind these days, because it’s nearly ten years now since the publication of “Alive and Well” in Pakistan, my book-length attempt to answer it. What’s ironic is that the most specific answer to the question of why I went to Pakistan in the first place in 1995 is that a 14-year-old Christian boy, Salamat Masih, and his uncle were enduring a trumped-up blasphemy trial that was making headlines internationally, and the South China Morning Post of Hong Kong wanted me to make some of those headlines. So I crossed the border at Wagah, showed up in Lahore and wrote about the trial, then proceeded to fall in love with Pakistan anyway.

I still love Pakistan, despite everything. That should not be surprising; I also love my own country, and my friends and family, despite their faults, as I trust them to love me despite mine. But sometimes it’s not easy to do.

Muslims in America, Christians in Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

In reply, I wrote this post, which did not pass the censor board of the paper:

This column makes little sense.
If you want to equate America's so-called mistreatment of American Muslims with the grave injustices that Christians in Pakistan have to endure, then you're misleading the readers.
Neither the severity, nor the prevalent persecution of Muslims in America is even remotely similar to that of Pakistan. You're talking about a whole new playing field.
Yes, there might be some discrimination, there might be some vilification of Muslims by right wing-media, but abundantly there are other media that would just as easily portray a different picture of Muslims, there are far more Americans that do no discriminate between Muslims and non-Muslims.
The US constitution grants every citizen, Muslim or otherwise, every right to freely exercise their religion. Its societal values guarantees that almost every Muslim can lead a secure and normal life, not hindered by others.
If Muslims feel they have been wronged in anyway, they can go to the authorities for help.
What does Pakistan on the other hand stand for?
Christians are marginalized and are living on the fringes of society. They are discriminated for jobs, most of them can only get a job as a cleaner. They are despised and are often spoken with contempt. Christians girls get kidnapped and forcefully converted. When a Christian girl is raped, the perpetrator can just walk alongside the police station and not get arrested. Christians can't freely proclaim to be Christian, as a fellow countryman could be offended, which can result in a death sentence or a mob execution. Christian and other minority children at school are forced to learn Islamic teachings. Cooked up blasphemy charges against Christians result in widespread destruction of private property and the deaths of many. Minorities can be attacked at will, when someone wants to blow off some 'religious' steam.

When was the last time you heard of a case where 3000 American bigots marched into a Muslim neighborhood, destroying hundreds of houses and shops, plundering the few possessions of the American Muslim citizens, and getting away with it, while the American police forces were standing by and doing nothing?


@Juice @gambit @Solomon2 and @other Americans

Now, it could be that I'm ignorant about the matter. That my perception of American society is too brightly painted. Do you guys think that the comparison the American writer makes is in someway justified in relation to the plight of Christians in Pakistan? Do you recognize the picture that has been portrayed, of grave injustices against the Muslims in the US, that is something that resembles the situation in Pakistan?

Given the ground reality that I am familiar with regarding the US, I find this type of cultural relativism very dangerous. It basically says your society is not as dire as it seems, because there are others in the world that indulge in similar disgraceful acts, so you do not need take decisive and immediate action to correct your society.

Of course others are most welcome to comment in relation to the minority question in either or both countries. Maybe I portrayed a too grim picture of Pakistan, and I need to be corrected? Share some insights.
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I never knew it was that bad. Because they arent as few as you read, there are a LOT of them here and I always thought everything was cool.
This came as a HUGE surprise, completely unbelievable. It's not that we hate by default, that I know for sure; maybe it's just that we're too easy to corrupt and misguide.

Who in their right mind would publish rants from an Islamophobe like you? :no:

The website in question is Pakistani liberal, which have the exact same views of western conservatives reds
Who in their right mind would publish rants from an Islamophobe like you? :no:



I once tried to slip a comment on this very same site, where I omitted any reference to the word Islam, when it didn't pass the censorship.

So, 'Islamist extremist ideology' became 'state religion'.

'Power hungry and greedy mullahs and imams' became 'intolerant clergy comparable to radical Christian preachers'

Still, it didn't go through.

Maybe I was still too Islamophobic in my way of expressing my thoughts? :unsure:

As someone residing in the States, do you recognize some elements, as presented by the writer?

I once tried to slip a comment on this very same site, where I omitted any reference to the word Islam, when it didn't pass the censorship.

So, 'Islamist extremist ideology' became 'state religion'.

'Power hungry and greedy mullahs and imams' became 'intolerant clergy comparable to radical Christian preachers'

Still, it didn't go through.

Maybe I was still too Islamophobic in my way of expressing my thoughts? :unsure:

pfff, like that would fool anyone! :lol:

'intolerant clergy comparable to radical Christian preachers'

The comparison itself could be an insult, also if they posted some of your phobia (!), they could be targeted by religious authorities (the clergy you spoke of) for publishing it in the first place, along the grounds of defaming Islam and/or the heavenly appointed representatives. Must be hard to be a "liberal" in Pakistan. There's probably always a very fine line between what your common sense tells you and what the society expects (demands) of you.
"When was the last time you heard of a case where 3000 American bigots marched into a Muslim neighborhood, destroying hundreds of houses and shops, plundering the few possessions of the American Muslim citizens, and getting away with it, while the American police forces were standing by and doing nothing?"

i am pretty sure a lot of people will disagree with you here....... how many of the muslims have had a "American Policy" how many have shook hands kissed and greeted Americans as brothers and how many of have shunned closer regional powers to befriend America and lastly how many of them has fought and bled for their political leanings......It not about "painting" a picture but taking it as it is I studied in Bahria University and was surprised to see that the number of Hindus studying there and were being supported through Bahria Schools and Bahria Colleges.A part of this initiative was to support any underprivileged family associated with Navy and to support education and development in Sind it had to include everyone even the minority......when i befriended them i came to know that even though they came from villages in Sind there family's were sufficiently educated doctors engineers etc. and we are suppose to be the biggest "Hindu haters" in the world. You have to realize that matter of religion are very close all Muslims and the such incidents no matter how regretful should be taken with regards to the collective incidents of desecration all over the world . My father can be taken as equivalent of a redneck particularly against the Shias that how he was brought up but i am shocked to learn that when his friend Barnabas died during his time at Ned he understood the conservative society we lived in and volunteered to get groceries or whatever was needed(His friend did not have any brother male relative) Easy to come here and talk **** but we Pakistanis are taking a Psychological hit both from friends and enemies coupled with political maneuvering in the name of Islam and fake self righteous ideology.. IF you put any country under sanctions do you expect no backlash..... how about letting the Royal Saudi Army station outside the Vatican City and not expecting Christians going ape ****........... if you had to take anything form this forum you wouldn't be opening such threads. i am sorry if this feels like an nonsensical ugly rant but it is what it is
pfff, like that would fool anyone! :lol:

Hell, I even substituted 'Islamist teachings' with the vague 'not so charming and honorable traditions that are upheld by small segments of society' without compromising the essence of the post too much. It still got rejected...

The comparison itself could be an insult, also if they posted some of your phobia (!), they could be targeted by religious authorities (the clergy you spoke of) for publishing it in the first place, along the grounds of defaming Islam and/or the heavenly appointed representatives. Must be hard to be a "liberal" in Pakistan. There's probably always a very fine line between what your common sense tells you and what the society expects (demands) of you.

I can't comment further on the possibility of being regarded as too Islamophobic...

But I hear you.

Also, I feel we're transgressing a bit off-topic towards a point of no return, beyond redemption.

Time for 10 hail Marys, I guess.

"When was the last time you heard of a case where 3000 American bigots marched into a Muslim neighborhood, destroying hundreds of houses and shops, plundering the few possessions of the American Muslim citizens, and getting away with it, while the American police forces were standing by and doing nothing?"

i am pretty sure a lot of people will disagree with you here....... how many of the muslims have had a "American Policy" how many have shook hands kissed and greeted Americans as brothers and how many of have shunned closer regional powers to befriend America and lastly how many of them has fought and bled for their political leanings......It not about "painting" a picture but taking it as it is I studied in Bahria University and was surprised to see that the number of Hindus studying there and were being supported through Bahria Schools and Bahria Colleges.A part of this initiative was to support any underprivileged family associated with Navy and to support education and development in Sind it had to include everyone even the minority......when i befriended them i came to know that even though they came from villages in Sind there family's were sufficiently educated doctors engineers etc. and we are suppose to be the biggest "Hindu haters" in the world. You have to realize that matter of religion are very close all Muslims and the such incidents no matter how regretful should be taken with regards to the collective incidents of desecration all over the world . My father can be taken as equivalent of a redneck particularly against the Shias that how he was brought up but i am shocked to learn that when his friend Barnabas died during his time at Ned he understood the conservative society we lived in and volunteered to get groceries or whatever was needed(His friend did not have any brother male relative) Easy to come here and talk **** but we Pakistanis are taking a Psychological hit both from friends and enemies coupled with political maneuvering in the name of Islam and fake self righteous ideology.. IF you put any country under sanctions do you expect no backlash..... how about letting the Royal Saudi Army station outside the Vatican City and not expecting Christians going ape ****........... if you had to take anything form this forum you wouldn't be opening such threads. i am sorry if this feels like an nonsensical ugly rant but it is what it is

Thank you for your input by sharing your experiences and personal thoughts. Although I do not get the part of the Vatican in this specific context.
@Juice @gambit @Solomon2 and @other Americans

Now, it could be that I'm ignorant about the matter. That my perception of American society is too brightly painted. Do you guys think that the comparison the American writer makes is in someway justified in relation to the plight of Christians in Pakistan? Do you recognize the picture that has been portrayed, of grave injustices against the Muslims in the US, that is something that resembles the situation in Pakistan?

Given the ground reality that I am familiar with regarding the US, I find this type of cultural relativism very dangerous. It basically says your society is not as dire as it seems, because there are others in the world that indulge in similar disgraceful acts, so you do not need take decisive and immediate action to correct your society.

Of course others are most welcome to comment in relation to the minority question in either or both countries. Maybe I portrayed a too grim picture of Pakistan, and I need to be corrected? Share some insights.
To 'justify' is to make right, as in saying that what we are doing have some kind of sanctions and discrimination against Muslims in America. Such is in no way sanctioned by anyone in any position of leadership -- political and moral.

Relativism have become conveniently negative when in reality it is necessary to give perspectives. It is conveniently negative when it is applied against US where principles are presented as pure black/white issues. But when Americans point out the same behaviors and criticize them, those same principles are repackaged as filled with shades of grey and that is wrong for Americans to see things in black/white or good/evil contexts.

When Christians are persecuted in Muslim countries to the extent that their homes are destroyed and families separated, the goal is to lower the US to that level of barbarity by equating a few bigoted insults by a few Americans through that black/white lens. An insult is just as bad as a hanging. One or a few loudmouth bigoted Americans is just the same as an angry mob of hundreds of Muslims.

Like it or not, the vast majority of Americans do not fall for this line of thinking. They are not as gullible as the article's writer would like US to be when he said he is ashamed of the US.

There are things in life that I am:

- Proud of...
- Not so proud of...
- Not merely 'not proud of' but outright ashamed of...

Fortunately for me personally, the last I can count on one hand. No different for a country and its society. The US have done many things that were outright shameful as well as many more things to be proud of.

The US may be 'not proud' of how some Muslims in America are treated and we do condemn such acts. However, Americans should not be ashamed of ourselves because we do live with a much higher standards and such acts are judged as aberration based upon those higher standards.
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Was your home burned down so they could confiscate your land?? :coffee:

There really is no comparison here to compare US to Pakistan.

did you not see the video where the beat a muslim american to death or may be you did not see the video where they beat muslim american man to half death, or may be where they defiled a place of worship etc, You are right their is no comparision because those that did these acts are not in jail butin pakistan the ones that did are and iam no way DEFENDING THE S!ht HEADS that BURNED THE HOUSES
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did you not see the video where the beat a muslim american to death or may be you did not see the video where they beat muslim american man to half death, or may be where they defiled a place of worship etc, You are right their is no comparision because those that did these acts are not in jail butin pakistan the ones that did are and iam no way DEFENDING THE S!ht HEADS that BURNED THE HOUSES

You are right but in the American cases when caught the culprits are brought to justice. Hate crime is a federal offense and nobody can get away from the feds once caught. Whereas in Pakistan the poor people not only have their homes destroyed but cannot even get some sort of justice because half the time the government is fcking involved in the sht that goes down.

In this particular case some politicians in Pakistan wanted the land the Christians were living on so they stirred up a rumor about blasphemy and the sheep did the work for them. Of course you do not have to believe me that is on you but all will be clear if you see who gets the land when all is done.
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