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Muslims form human chain to protect Christians during Lahore mass

Pakistanis don't likes these kaffir low lifes

How can we tolerate temples when the same monkey worshippers attacked and destroyed babri masjid

When that salman taseer bloke got whacked most Pakistanis didn't care, they also don't care about the kala hindus and christisns

Your lying to yourselves

We don't sit with these people

We don't eat with these people

If one of them drank some water from one of our cups we would lynch them

At the smallest slight we will run them from their burning homes

I fo not necessarily approve of the above, but this is the reality

I promise you your pakistani hindus will regret they remained in Pakistan

What happened mirpuri smacked you about

There, there, it's okay brother......we understand your frustration.......infertility is a genuine medical problem, it's not your fault.......And don't listen to the people who tell you that you are any less of a man, just tell them that you are not a man at all.......nor a woman. You're just an insignificant little impotent being who will never have an effect on anything.

The only sad thing is that your father was not infertile.

I think you and a few other commenters are ignoring the deeper and more constructive parts of hussain0216's comments:
In short, Pakistanis might talk nice, but hussain is saying that when push comes to shove Pakistanis are bad people and are fooling themselves if they think otherwise.

To get around that Pakistanis have to get in the habit of actually behaving well. Which means you'll have to do just what the Muslims in the article did: put your lives on the line protecting non-Muslims.

Bro, you went so deep that it's not even kosher anymore.....or sensical.....

hmmm.. i know 2 people on this forum who have told me that they dont eat food/share water with minorities.
can u tell me the reason behind this. is it the halal factor?? coz in a country like pak,i bet that halal is the only available meat.

The Halal factor only comes in when the utensils have been used for something non-halal and then not washed properly. But some, like my self, don't like using plates, etc. in which non-halal meat had been used regardless of having been washed or not. On the other hand anyone can use my utensils as long as it is not for non-halal stuff.
When will the sarkari musalmans form a human chain outside an ahmadi mosque? I've never seen them come anywhere ahmadis mosques. Infact as far I remember, sarkari musalmans in Lahore were giving out mithai after hearing of attacks on ahmadi mosques. Hai yay sarkari musalman.
hmmm.. i know 2 people on this forum who have told me that they dont eat food/share water with minorities.
can u tell me the reason behind this. is it the halal factor?? coz in a country like pak,i bet that halal is the only available meat.

Are you seriously asking for reason? This nothing but effect of caste system even after converting to Islam. I doubt they would eat with dalit converts muslims let alone christians.
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