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Muslims form human chain to protect Christians during Lahore mass

That's a beginning. In general most of the guys that I know condemned the attack and felt shame for what happened in Peshawar. Nobody said like you "Oh so those Kafirs got killed in the attack. Well then I don't care or well that is justified". I am yet to meet a single person like you.

You are the first one, and I am happy that you also aren't living in Pakistan.

No no one supported the attack, but they were indifferent to it as if a foreign community got hit

The same with sslman taseer, few supported the attack but the majority could care less

It's like taseer, liberals, xtians are a foreign tribe to most pakistanis
No no one supported the attack, but they were indifferent to it as if a foreign community got hit

The same with sslman taseer, few supported the attack but the majority could care less

It's like taseer, liberals, xtians are a foreign tribe to most pakistanis

Nobody was indifferent to it. Except you. But then you are not a Pakistani. :)
Any Muslim in the world is more important than these

I can say with confidence most Pakistaniss don't want to be round these people and would never eat from the same table or drink from the same cup

The destruction of our mosques in Burma or India makes the presence of their temples an insult to the oppressed Muslims in those countries

Your comments show your real hypocrisy. You live in a Non-Muslim country. You have no problem defrauding this kafir country with benefits but have problem with minorities in Pakistan.
Most were indifferent

Heck lawyers even covered that qadri bloke in flowers

Do me a favour and don't call your self a Pakistani please. Because of you Brtis think all Pakistanis are 60kg light weight wannabe gangsters with their 300k mileage Vauxhal Corsa acting all tough.:lol:
So your saying lawyers didn't cover Qadri in flowers

Pakistanis haven't just dug up some Hindu because the poor bastard got buried in the same cemetery as us

Hey man if you want to remain deluded then go ahead but don't be surprised when Pakistanis don't give a fux next time so xtian or Hindu gets lynched

These people are are our enemies
Most were indifferent

Heck lawyers even covered that qadri bloke in flowers

Most condemned it and rejected it. Even on this forum, it is only you. And nobody else. And then you are not a Pakistani. :lol:
Most were indifferent Heck lawyers even covered that qadri bloke in flowers
Most condemned it and rejected it. Even on this forum, it is only you. And nobody else. And then you are not a Pakistani. :lol:
I think you and a few other commenters are ignoring the deeper and more constructive parts of hussain0216's comments:
...When that salman taseer bloke got whacked most Pakistanis didn't care, they also don't care about the kala hindus and christisns
Your lying to yourselves
We don't sit with these people
We don't eat with these people
If one of them drank some water from one of our cups we would lynch them
At the smallest slight we will run them from their burning homes
I fo not necessarily approve of the above, but this is the reality
In short, Pakistanis might talk nice, but hussain is saying that when push comes to shove Pakistanis are bad people and are fooling themselves if they think otherwise.

To get around that Pakistanis have to get in the habit of actually behaving well. Which means you'll have to do just what the Muslims in the article did: put your lives on the line protecting non-Muslims.
IMO, Pakistanis need to grasp that civil rights are established by protecting minorities, not just the majority. Otherwise any group can be cut out of the crowd by declaring them a minority - perhaps simply because they break their eggs on the small end rather than the big one.

I am disturbed by one comment (from "kaalchakra") to the article, that "Now who can say that Islam teaches contempt for other religions and is a fount of violence in the world of religion?" That demeans these demonstrators who risked their lives to make the statement, "We Muslims stand with our Christian brethren against other Muslims who would kill them" and essentially gives a license to further religious violence - since now, of course, it can't be said that "Islam teaches contempt...and is a fount of violence -" with the implication that if violence happens in the future it can't be from Muslims or else the victims deserved it.

I'm a non-Muslim and to me Islam is what you make it, guys. If you sit back and let people blow up minorities then you're acquiescing in their violent vision of Islam. This is what the demonstrators are fighting against.

I can no longer claim that Pakistan only has brave women, but no brave men. It's a start.

Why, after all the assassinations, should Pakistan's leaders be any braver than its citizens? Demonstrate on the street in front of your PM that you want more protection then maybe he'll stop talking about fancy new roads instead.

I would add that if the politicians and the prominent citizens (after all why blame just politicians there are so many others with their hands in the cookie jar) stop eating the money and resources of the country and instead spend it where it should be spent there will be a huge improvement in the quality of life of its citizens.

With respect to terrorism until the people of Pakistan dont admit that its a home grown phenomena nothing will change and only they have the solution; which is to reject all forms of terrorism and to crush the terrorists.
STFU Brit. Stay back in the UK, you are not a Pakistani.

Any Muslim in the world is more important than these

I can say with confidence most Pakistaniss don't want to be round these people and would never eat from the same table or drink from the same cup

The destruction of our mosques in Burma or India makes the presence of their temples an insult to the oppressed Muslims in those countries

He is effing arsehole, that's what he is. Takfiri haram ka!

Most condemned it and rejected it. Even on this forum, it is only you. And nobody else. And then you are not a Pakistani. :lol:
So your saying lawyers didn't cover Qadri in flowers

Pakistanis haven't just dug up some Hindu because the poor bastard got buried in the same cemetery as us

Hey man if you want to remain deluded then go ahead but don't be surprised when Pakistanis don't give a fux next time so xtian or Hindu gets lynched

These people are are our enemies

Hello mr wanna be ******, what are you doing in an enemy state. This is a nominally Christian state. Please leave this kafir nation and go to the caves of Waziristan with your monkey brethren. I assure you, you will be a lot more happier there.
Hey ahemdi scum, Pakistan dosent even recognise you as a Muslim

Why dont you fux off to,,,, wait where do you ahmedis come from
Pakistanis don't likes these kaffir low lifes

How can we tolerate temples when the same monkey worshippers attacked and destroyed babri masjid

When that salman taseer bloke got whacked most Pakistanis didn't care, they also don't care about the kala hindus and christisns

Your lying to yourselves

We don't sit with these people

We don't eat with these people

If one of them drank some water from one of our cups we would lynch them

At the smallest slight we will run them from their burning homes

I fo not necessarily approve of the above, but this is the reality
hmmm.. i know 2 people on this forum who have told me that they dont eat food/share water with minorities.
can u tell me the reason behind this. is it the halal factor?? coz in a country like pak,i bet that halal is the only available meat.
Ḥashshāshīn;4849104 said:
Pakistanis don't want to be around them, yet you go and live in the UK, under Christian law and under protection of a Christian army :lol:

Inbred Mirpuri twat

he is from jehlum.
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