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Muslims attack French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo.

The newspaper was being provacative and insulting towards Muslims, this kind of reaction by the Muslim community was expected. The newspaper was well aware that any depiction of the Prophet is strictly prohibited in Islam yet they still went ahead with their plans.

The western media is making fun of Islam and Muslims in general on a daily basis, if this was based solely on facts then fair enough it can be tolerated but nearly all these are misconceptions and exaggerations of the truth to make Islam look bad to the people of the West. Yet many many Westerners are converting to Islam, it is the fastest growing religion in the World. This growth in Islam is frightening the West hence the reason for allowing far right extremist groups to form in Western Countries.

These far right extremist groups are forming all the time as it's a very lucrative business, to gain support they are spreading lies and twisting the truth about Islam so they gain support. These groups are making a lot of money through donations, the likes of the National Front in France, BNP in the UK and now the EDL in the UK are making millions.

I have no doubt in my mind that this newspaper was following suit and trying to reach this market of people. After all the western society allows this kind of greed through capitalism.

How, By throwing Petrol Bomb???

"An eye for an eye make world blind", Today your ppl took revenge, tomorrow they will take revenge. Did Muslim's offensiveness brought change in Danish carttonist??? You can't erase hate by hate.

The western media is making fun of Islam and Muslims in general on a daily basis

Have you seen the cartoon "Family Guy". They make fun of Jew and Cristians (sometime Lord Vishnu) regularly. They are open society they don't bother what some one saying, its like

"Haathi chale Bazar, Kutte bhonke hazar"
if you dont respect someone's religion then you have to face the consequences .... dont provoke someone to cross the limits
Freedom of press and freedom of speech does not allow to disrespect any religion

Yup, I agree. Constitutional protection such as blasphemy and other such laws is necessary for such systematic disrespect to other religion.
Maybe you should teach your beloved Shiv Sena about 'turning the other cheek'

An 'eye for an eye' and 'tooth for a tooth' is a analogy of the Christians hence it's non-relevance to the discussion that we're having here. Remeber when G W Bush invaded Iraq he said he had a dream and God asked him to attack Iraq. If the world was run on the same ideology then it would be much friendlier but all non-Islamic ideologies are run on greed and selfishness. War is not about differences in ideology it's about creating power and wealth.

If you are okay with a cartoon making fun of you're religion, which should be the most respected part of your life then good for you. We are not that sympathetic, if provoked Muslims will react. The solution is DON'T PROVOKE !

---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 AM ----------

Do you think that this business model is exclusive to these untolerant Westerners alone or can this business flourish closer home too? Sounds very profitable and reasonally sustainable in the short to medium term.

You know what the capitalists say 'high risk high reward'. If you want to risk your well being for some wealth, which cannot be used anywhere then you are free to make that judgement.
if you dont respect someone's religion then you have to face the consequences .... dont provoke someone to cross the limits
Freedom of press and freedom of speech does not allow to disrespect any religion

Ya doctor09, if you want to get back at them, then make fun of Jesus if you wish. But destroying physical property is a crime under constitution. I hope they are dealt with accordingly and deported back to their own countries. West is no place for mindless bigots.
if you dont respect someone's religion then you have to face the consequences .... dont provoke someone to cross the limits
Freedom of press and freedom of speech does not allow to disrespect any religion
This is precisely the kind of brainwashed bigotry and hypocrisy that has led to fundamentalism and intolerance in Islam. Then why do people go hoarse crying "Islam is a religion of peace" if violence is the order of the day ? If the law has been broken as you say, then shouldn't the courts be approached ? Why go on a personal vendetta trying to shove your religion's rules in the very place that you earn your bread ? As Merkel has been saying, multiculturalism has truly failed in Europe because of these bigots.
Maybe you should teach your beloved Shiv Sena about 'turning the other cheek'

Re Shiv Sena, there are actually more such organizations in India that need to learn more tolerance even if they are getting there. But that is not the point. Is it?

So to address the point here.

An 'eye for an eye' and 'tooth for a tooth' is a analogy of the Christians hence it's non-relevance to the discussion that we're having here. Remeber when G W Bush invaded Iraq he said he had a dream and God asked him to attack Iraq.

In fact, historically I have read about a few more individuals who claimed that God spoke to them. Moses being one. So what can we say about that. Let us just believe that they believe and leave it there.

If the world was run on the same ideology then it would be much friendlier but all non-Islamic ideologies are run on greed and selfishness. War is not about differences in ideology it's about creating power and wealth.

Ummm... so what do you think is the objective of all parties today in Afghan war. I mean, both Islamic and non-Islamic parties?

If you are okay with a cartoon making fun of you're religion, which should be the most respected part of your life then good for you. We are not that sympathetic, if provoked Muslims will react. The solution is DON'T PROVOKE !

Or do you not think that a simpler solution might be that if there are some Muslims that cannot tolerate the intended or the unintended puns on Islam, then they should just leave such infidel country where they have migrated to + shut off the infidel internet + turn away from such infidel TV channels and also not read such infidel literature? Afterall France is not a Islamic country and hence does not understand the benign ways of this Taliban variety Islam which was exhibited via that molotov so why waste time living there?

You know what the capitalists say 'high risk high reward'. If you want to risk your well being for some wealth, which cannot be used anywhere then you are free to make that judgement.

I fear that either something got lost in the communication there or you are threatening to turn yourself in to a suicide virus and crash my system!

Please do not do the latter if that is what you are intending to do. I belong to a greedy, selfish religion and I give up already!
Ya doctor09, if you want to get back at them, then make fun of Jesus if you wish. But destroying physical property is a crime under constitution. I hope they are dealt with accordingly and deported back to their own countries. West is no place for mindless bigots.

What makes you say that these people are not citizens of France, where will they be deported to? Islam is worldwide my friend, not like Hinduism, which just happens to be practiced in India.

How about not making fun of anybody and teaching peace and love in the first place so these people don't provoke in the first instance
according to the same logic- what Muslims did was- they were condemning- what condemner bangla did he condemned the Muslims the same way he thought they should not condemn- even generalized the whole immigrated society for the act of few condemning Muslims- you hought i condemned only the condemner bangla but my first line did condemned the condemning Muslims way- here is where you comprehension skills failed- you assumed i condemned only the condemner bangla not the condemning Muslims- and it is obvious you failed and still are yet to condemn the condemning Muslims and the similar condemner bangla or both-
None of your statements that you wrote as far as i remembered it condemned the flamethrowers. Sheer hypocrisy and an attempt to weasel out lying about it. BTW, Who deleted the post that i first commented upon ?
What makes you say that these people are not citizens of France, where will they be deported to? Islam is worldwide my friend, not like Hinduism, which just happens to be practiced in India.

How about not making fun of anybody and teaching peace and love in the first place so these people don't provoke in the first instance

Well not many born in France are so bigoted. But I consent to your point. If they are their own citizens, then its even easier. Throw them to jail in some far flung area, never to see the light of the day again.

I find it hard to understand what is it with Muslims? I am sure Islam is not this. You blame everything you do on some provocation. When a man rapes a girl, you accuse girl of provocatively dressing. How stupid is that? Can't a woman have a right to wear whatever she wish to wear? Here is a man/organisation who exercised his/its right of freedom of expression under their constitution. You can do the same without resorting to violence. Its not Pakistan you see, for a religion to get protection under constitution. By supporting them, you are telling us that you are just as bigoted.

Re Shiv Sena - yes there is a point, sort your own back yard out before complaining about the so-called mess next door.

Haha you're comparing the PROPHET Moses to G W Bush, you're just too funny !

What is the objective in Afghanistan you say - the west have put a puppet Government in place, who want power and wealth through capitalism and then you have the people of Afghanistan who want to live in a sharia compliant society free of greed.

Islam is a global religion, Muslims can practice they religion where ever they wish. Sure the double standards and hypocrisy is rife but no religion including the religions in the west tolerate hate and injustice so to counter this hate the world needs to work together. The west needs the rest of the world to steal their resources from so why can't people like me live in the west.
nice people you are great ..... you dont condemn when someone disrespect our religion in the name of freedom of speech and freedom of press .... and when someone reacts then you came to support that newspaper ..... this is your hypocrisy
we want to live in peace with other religion and we dont disrespect Jesus but they do and you people have Islamphobia no doubt in it ....
Well not many born in France are so bigoted. But I consent to your point. If they are their own citizens, then its even easier. Throw them to jail in some far flung area, never to see the light of the day again.

I find it hard to understand what is it with Muslims? I am sure Islam is not this. You blame everything you do on some provocation. When a man rapes a girl, you accuse girl of provocatively dressing. How stupid is that? Can't a women have a right to do whatever they wish to wear? Here is a man who exercised his right of freedom of expression. You can do the same without resorting to violence. By supporting them, you are telling us that you are just as bigoted.

I agree if they have broken the 'law of the land' then they should be punished.

This story is being glorified because someone attacked the newspapers offices, do you think we would've heard anything if the offices weren't attacked and the newspaper published it's newspaper provoking Muslims. What do you think about the provocation?
What makes you say that these people are not citizens of France, where will they be deported to? Islam is worldwide my friend, not like Hinduism, which just happens to be practiced in India.

Well so start with, they do not seem to be showing any respect to the non-monotonous culture of the hosts. About Hinduism not spreading, I agree with you. It is a funny religion, Hinduism. Very stuck in past and old practices and funnily it seems that the only way to be a Hindu is to be born a Hindu and no other. Does not sound a very forward looking religion at all, I must say.

How about not making fun of anybody and teaching peace and love in the first place so these people don't provoke in the first instance

You mean like how Ahmadis are not made fun or and the peace and love and tolerance that is extended to them? Or how the peaceful Qadri behaved?
Well so start with, they do not seem to be showing any respect to the non-monotonous culture of the hosts. About Hinduism not spreading, I agree with you. It is a funny religion, Hinduism. Very stuck in past and old practices and funnily it seems that the only way to be a Hindu is to be born a Hindu and no other. Does not sound a very forward looking religion at all, I must say.

You mean like how Ahmadis are not made fun or and the peace and love and tolerance that is extended to them? Or how the peaceful Qadri behaved?

I don't know about Ahmadis being made fun of and what Qadri are you talking about?

All Muslims are not connected by the hips you know, Islam is not responsible for what a Muslim does you should get that in your skull. There are wrongs in every community, society and religion hence the reason I was telling you to look at your own back yard
so here i got Indians point of view : when someone disrespect Islam and when someone sabotage the rights of muslims then its all fine BUT when someone react then it all goes wrong ...... keep it up ..... heights of hypocrisy
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