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Muslim youth in India dissociate from terror: Sufi cleric

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So in short pakistanis think to be a true muslim one has to associate with terror!!!

WOW, I'm sure most of these specimens must be donating to terror organisations as part of their religious duty.

Pakistan deserves their reputation every single bit, a nation that has misused the name of islam for personal gain and $$$ for 65 years and brought only disrepute to a religion that has existed in india as long or longer than in today's pakistan is passing judgement on the faith of 180 million india muslims is a big big joke.

However they really mean that, when the pakistani terrorists in mumbai hotel shot dead 60 indian muslims but let go unharmed two turks because they were ''muslim''.

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damn how doesn't some pakistanis members here, never get banned.

So many offensive words that I seen in the first 3 pages of this thread only. Should be deleted irrespective of the green flag their have.
A shining example ? Sir; its not even close. When i look at Pakistan, i see a nation at war with itself. Vast majority of your population insists on their ethnic and regional superiority over others. A Muslim country ? No sir, it is not. A country where shia and Sunni jump at each others throats , a country where the worth of a Muslim is determined by his skin color, a country where mohajirs who sacrificed everything, still continue to be looked through suspicious eyes, a country where minorities are not afforded the least bit of self respect; no sir, it is not a Muslim country. It is a hypocrisy. India may be a better "Muslim country" in comparison.

I am an Indian and a Muslim. I have faith in my people. For us the sun of freedom has already risen; with national growth many have chosen to reform themselves. The free Indian nation will continue to rise and ALL Indians will continue to take pride in it. Hindu, Muslim, Christian....or even a goddamn wiccan.

Well said ..
But we will always be said as brainwashed by Pakistanis .

Some 5 Indian Muslims have replied in this thread with the same tone ..
Pakistanis should stop living in a delusion that we are brainwashed . There is something more to it :D
A shining example ? Sir; its not even close. When i look at Pakistan, i see a nation at war with itself. Vast majority of your population insists on their ethnic and regional superiority over others. A Muslim country ? No sir, it is not. A country where shia and Sunni jump at each others throats , a country where the worth of a Muslim is determined by his skin color, a country where mohajirs who sacrificed everything, still continue to be looked through suspicious eyes, a country where minorities are not afforded the least bit of self respect; no sir, it is not a Muslim country. It is a hypocrisy. India may be a better "Muslim country" in comparison.

I am an Indian and a Muslim. I have faith in my people. For us the sun of freedom has already risen; with national growth many have chosen to reform themselves. The free Indian nation will continue to rise and ALL Indians will continue to take pride in it. Hindu, Muslim, Christian....or even a goddamn wiccan.

Did you even bother to read before you replied, or were you just too eager ?

rahman converted to islam and said that the sufi tradition of islam attacted him due to a peer who helped his family.
god bless him and people like him
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Live in NY, never met any Pakistani try to call themselves Indian.

Obviously smartass , there are millions of pakistanis in NY , have you met all of them. Obviously common sense is not common anymore.
Here ... See this



They will never have success .....
Guess why ?
Wrong .. My grandparents had no land/property .
They didn't migrate coz they were poor and couldn't afford transport
The same is the reason why many Muslims didn't migrate ..

And my point is proved by high number of Muslims located in underdeveloped states like UP and Bihar .

Lol .. I thank my grandparents now that they didn't migrate :P

See, Those who migrated to West Pakistan ended up in daily street fighting against Sindhi-Pashtuns and those who migrated to Erstwhile East Pakistan ended up in Geneva Refugee Camps. But still our Pakistani neighbours won't stop Praising Two-Nation Theory when even Muslims can't live with Muslims in their own country. :hitwall:
Here ... See this



They will never have success .....
Guess why ?

who are these? why do you assume they are all muslims in the top photo.. bottom foto is in pakistan.. you are a nutcase, confirmed.. guys dont respond to this bozo who brings a bad name to islam, doesnot know or understand islam and will get you all banned,
Did you even bother to read before you replied, or were you just too eager ?

I believe you didn't read mine. I was refusing your assertion that Pakistan was actually working on repairing itself. Your hallmark achievement is that fact that your leaders managed to single-handedly unite a nation and convince it to work towards its own demise.
no !
it is 150 million fools who think they are muslims because they have muslims names.
they know that they serve a non muslim regime; but still pretend that they are msulim.
they are the worst scum of earth.

I asked you a question which you seems to be conveniently ignoring..I ask again

There are a a lot of muslims in china(some 2 or 3 in this forum itself),serving a regime that bans kids under 18 from attending Jumaa.They are all patriotic towards their mother land even though ruled by communist system.Does that make them scum too..?please reply salman108..
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