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Muslim of China

Why are they picking these flowers? Just for making garlands or is there any food made from these??? Just curious.!!

Hun is not the name of ethnic people, it is a territorial name for Empire of the ancient Uyghurs. Originally Kun meaning the sun empire.
The great Uyghur empire was the largest and most important empire embodying most of central Asia from the Pacific ocean to the Ural mountains with colonies and outposts throughout the central part of Europe.
The last western outposts were Ireland, Breton in France and Basque in Spain.
The southern boundaries were along the Northern boundaries of Cochin China, Burma, India and Persia, This was before the Himalayas and the other Asiatic mountains were raised. Their northern boundaries extends to Siberia, but how far there is no record to tell. Remains of their cities were found in the Southern part of Siberia.

After the Magnetic Cataclysm, the Flood and the subsequent mountain raising, small companies of Uyghurs, called Aryans today, drifted into Eastern Europe from the mountains of central and western Asia.
The Hindu aryans were the descendants of a company of Uyghurs who were marooned in the mountains of Afghanistan near the Hindu Kush when the mountains were raised.
It is unquestionable the early settlers of eastern Europe were remnants of Uyghurs that found their way out of the inhospitable mountains. This seems verified by Max Muller who wrote: " the first Caucasians were a small company from the mountains of central Asia".

Legendary history states that the Uyghurs made their first settlement in Asia, from there they extended themselves inland.
Their first exodus was to the current Gobi - Teklimakan desert.
At the time the mountains had not been raised and what is now the Gobi desert was a rich well-watered plain. Here the capital city of the Uyghurs was situated, almost due south from lake Baikal. after this records are found of them from all through central Asia to the Caspian sea. Than through central Europe to the Atlantic Ocean. written records tell us that the Uyghurs had many large cities. Today these are either washed away or buried under the sands of Gobi and surrounding lands.

The history of the Uyghurs is the history of the Aryan races descended from Uyghur forefathers. The Uyghurs formed chains of settlements across the central parts of Europe back in tertiary times.
After the Empire was destroyed by the Magnetic cataclysm and mountain raising, the surviving remnants of Humanity or their descendants again formed settlements in Europe.

It is popularly believed that the Chinese themselves developed their civilisation, but they did not. The Chinese actually inherited the civilisation of white Aryans or Uyghurs in ancient central China. Truth of Tarim Mummies and their pyramids were hidden by China.

The Uyghurs had reached a high state of civilisation and culture. They knew Astrology, mining, textile industries, architecture, mathematics, agriculture, writing, reading, medicine, ect. They were experts in decorative art or silk, metals and wood. They made statues of gold, silver, bronze and clay and this was before the History of Egypt was commenced.

"History is actually a cycle, a very long cycle it is not what we are thought in schools, what we are thought is effectively a 19th century fabrication, white supremacist, Eurocentric con job " John Anthony West

The text is from " the ancient children of Mu "," Lost continent of Mu " based on te translation of Nacaal tablets.

In volume 2 of "The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East," Baird T. Spalding makes this remark about the 'Naacals':

"The teachings that Buddha received came from the same source as did those of Osiris but in a different way. The teachings that Buddha contacted came from the Motherland direct to Burma, brought there by the Naacals. Osiris' teachings came direct to him, as his forefathers lived in the Motherland and when he was a young man he had gone to the Motherland to study."

Tablet Belgeler NAACAL TABLETLERİ (15.000 yıl)




Rediscovery of the Naacal Tablets March 2011 Update « James Churchward's Mu
Why are they picking these flowers? Just for making garlands or is there any food made from these??? Just curious.!!

the Tianshan snow daisy, sell at price of $40/kilogram, the farmer plant the flowers, this type daisy is Herbs
Chinese Tatars IN XINJIANG, MUSLIMS,( Кытай татарлары) form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the People's Republic of China, The number of Chinese Tatars is close to 5000






OK, I want give more word about Chinese Tatars, population of Tatars is only 6000, but high cultural qualities and educated.
Illiteracy rate: zero

Chinese Tatars create a glorious history, in 1913, the 8 biggest consortiums of Xinjiang in which 3 belongs to Tatars; 1910, the first Modern Education School of Xinjiang found by Tatars; 1915, the first girls school of Xinjiang was found by Tatars; 1932, the first Modern Theatre of Xinjiang was found by Tatars......

Tatars have long tradition of emphasis on education for both male and female, where Tatars live, there must be schools, If there is no, the Tatars will found one. The educator of Tatars,Shihab Abdullah said: illiterate mother never raise useful talent, so the mother must first receive education.

An eld Tatar,Elia Jarl, an educator of Tatars


the photo when he was young behand

February 2003, Elia Jarl was invited to the Russian Republic of Tatarstan by president Shaimiyev met

Tatars speak their own language at home, Elia Jarl's mother found the first girls school in Xinjiang, "when I speak other language at home, mother didn't react; here people speak Chinese, Uygur language, or Kazakh language, we only speak Tatar language with Tatars" Elia Jarl said.

Tatars efforts for their own language also attracted the attention of the international community.In 2003, Elia Jarl was invited to the Russian Republic of Tatarstan by president Shaimiyev met, President was very surprised for the Tatar elderly speaking a pure Tatar language ,he spoke highly of Tatar's efforts to keep their own language and culture , and invited Chinese Tatars to send students to the Tatarstan for free higher education. Until now, the training courses have already been select three batches of students to enter the Higher Academy of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan. "The national language is the root of a nation, must never lost"
Niu Jie (Ox Street) is a cramped road running north-south in the Muslim Quarter of Beijing, about a mile directly west of the Temple of Heaven. In addition to the signs in Chinese, you can see signs in Arabic as well. The street is lined with Muslim restaurants, halal meat shops and vendors selling fried dough rings, rice cakes and shaobang (muffins), and you can see men wearing white caps and beards.

During our family vacation to China, we visited Niu Jie neighborhood where Beijing's main mosque is located. It is believed that Islam was first introduced in China in 616-18 AD by Waggas (Sad ibn abi Waqqas), Sayid Wahab ibn Abu Kabcha. Sad ibn abi Waqqas was the maternal uncle of Prophet Muhammad. Wahab ibn abu Kabcha (Wahb abi Kabcha) might be a son of al-Harth ibn Abdul Uzza (known as Abu Kabsha). These pioneers were companions of Prophet Muhammad.

As we entered the mosque, we were warmly greeted by a bearded gentleman wearing a white cap who said Assalam-Alaikum. As we walked around, we saw signs in English indicating that the mosque was constructed in 995 by two Arab Muslim Imams who are buried within the mosque compound. Throughout the Yuan, Ming and Qing periods (13th-19th C), it underwent several alterations and since 1949 it has been repeatedly restored. Unlike the traditional mosque architecture in Muslim nations, the Niu Jie mosque has a Chinese style roof with no minarets. Its traditional Chinese roof design has animal figures found on the corners of the temple roofs in China.

Most Hui Muslim Chinese are similar in culture to Han Chinese with the exception that they practice Islam, and have some distinctive cultural characteristics as a result. For example, as Muslims, they follow Islamic dietary laws and reject the consumption of pork, the most common meat consumed in Chinese culture, and have also given rise to their variation of Chinese cuisine, Chinese Islamic cuisine. Their mode of dress also differs only in that adult males wear white caps and females wear headscarves or (occasionally) veils, as is the case in most Islamic cultures.

Haq's Musings: July Vacation in Beijing
Niu Jie (Ox Street) is a cramped road running north-south in the Muslim Quarter of Beijing, about a mile directly west of the Temple of Heaven. In addition to the signs in Chinese, you can see signs in Arabic as well. The street is lined with Muslim restaurants, halal meat shops and vendors selling fried dough rings, rice cakes and shaobang (muffins), and you can see men wearing white caps and beards.

During our family vacation to China, we visited Niu Jie neighborhood where Beijing's main mosque is located. It is believed that Islam was first introduced in China in 616-18 AD by Waggas (Sad ibn abi Waqqas), Sayid Wahab ibn Abu Kabcha. Sad ibn abi Waqqas was the maternal uncle of Prophet Muhammad. Wahab ibn abu Kabcha (Wahb abi Kabcha) might be a son of al-Harth ibn Abdul Uzza (known as Abu Kabsha). These pioneers were companions of Prophet Muhammad.

As we entered the mosque, we were warmly greeted by a bearded gentleman wearing a white cap who said Assalam-Alaikum. As we walked around, we saw signs in English indicating that the mosque was constructed in 995 by two Arab Muslim Imams who are buried within the mosque compound. Throughout the Yuan, Ming and Qing periods (13th-19th C), it underwent several alterations and since 1949 it has been repeatedly restored. Unlike the traditional mosque architecture in Muslim nations, the Niu Jie mosque has a Chinese style roof with no minarets. Its traditional Chinese roof design has animal figures found on the corners of the temple roofs in China.

Most Hui Muslim Chinese are similar in culture to Han Chinese with the exception that they practice Islam, and have some distinctive cultural characteristics as a result. For example, as Muslims, they follow Islamic dietary laws and reject the consumption of pork, the most common meat consumed in Chinese culture, and have also given rise to their variation of Chinese cuisine, Chinese Islamic cuisine. Their mode of dress also differs only in that adult males wear white caps and females wear headscarves or (occasionally) veils, as is the case in most Islamic cultures.

Haq's Musings: July Vacation in Beijing
ox street of Beijing is a muslim street, famous for muslim food
Eid al-Fitr in Niu Jie mosque




The ninth Hami melon festival opened on July 12 at Hami city of Xinjiang, 128 kinds of melon fighting , welcome to eat


Mayor of Hami, Mo Ahmat · Ni Yazi, Uighur






Flower county, China's largest lavender planting base
A farmer harvested lavender flowers in Ili, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. China's largest lavender planting base, located in Huocheng County of Ili Prefecture in Xinjiang, enters its harvest peak. Thousands of hectares of lavenders are in full bloom and charming with enchanting fragrance. With a planting history of 40 years, the base also produces fragrant products, such as lavender flower bag, lavender essential oil, lavender gel and so on with a vast market in both home and abroad. Lavender planting has not only brought more income for the local farmers, but also helped boost the regional tourism industry. Reputed as "China's Lavender Town", the Ili River Valley now owns a total planting area of 1667 hectares and produces 95% of the country's lavender sub-products


blossom Lavender plants in Ili Valley in northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.(photo by QiuLingling)
Attracting Tourists


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