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Muslim of China

Interesting, this type of architecture is typical Iranian/Seldjuk architecture. We have similar structures in Turkey with very similar architecture.
year, all the mosques are Islam style, and all the churchs are western style
Shao Su grassland, in the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture






1300years ago, Islam went into China, there are 20million muslim in China now, about 1.5% of whole population of China, this thread is to introduce the condition and news about the muslim in China(and other minority nationality )


Those mosques are so beautiful. Hidden gems of China. :D
my own opinion

general Chinese welcome all the Religions, there are Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism and so on in China
about 100 million followers of religions, bcs we think the doctrines of most religions is to encourage people to perform good deeds and kindness, no religion encourage people to do bad thing or kill someone;

general Chinese don't care about other's religion, another interesting thing: one may be a follower of Buddhism but become a follower of Christianity several years later, he may change his religion to find one more suited to him.

and general Chinese give honor to all the religions images, there may be Taoist God of Wealth statue,Jesus portrait and Buddha in one family, Bible and the Koran stay together; Chinese will pray when we go to a church ,temple, Mosque or even Ancient Egyptian temple ruins and give honor to their statues, even he is a follower of another religon ; So we(including Chinese Catholics) are confused by Catholic and Christian, why they dislike each other?? Why followers of different religions dislike each other?? In China , Taoist priest and Monk often work together and travel together.

the reason why little number of Chinese being a Muslim, Islam has not a concrete image, as pics of Cross of Christ ,Buddha, and many gods Statue of Taoism. If Islam has a pic or statue of Mohammed in Mosque will be better. And Islam should improve with the time, Islam should be a system but not only one Koran, should have more interpretation and innovation; Buddhism and Christianity improved themselves many times ,and have more new life; no one understanding suilts all the time

more, my mother and my grandmother are Christian, but they only take the Worship as a party, they sing the song, read story in the Bible,chating and rehearse life drama program for show of the Spring Festival,this make them happy, and mothers don't care about Pope and cardinals, bcs there aren't them in Bible, belive Jesus is enough why listen to one named Pope, and they only choose the story which they think are right in Bible and don't belive all the things in Bible. I don't care about which religion my mother prefer to, she is happy and have relax when take part in the pray and I am happy

MY english teacher in middle school is a Hui muslim, here has a town of Hui in YUtai county Shandong province , we like him, three of my University teachers are Koreaner, we have 56 ethnics, my own experience,
Muslim Restaurant everywhere, all over the country, if you search "清真餐厅" means "Muslim Restaurant" in google, you will find 4,210,000 result Chinese sites ; if you search "中国清真寺" means "mosque of China" in google,you will find 4,190,000 Chinese sites

In Xinjiang, there are 9.4million muslims, 2000 mosques in 1978, but 24300 mosques now,about 400muslims/mosque
In Ningxia, there are 2.1million muslims, 3760mosques now, about 550muslims/mosque

20 million muslims in China, but the second largest number of mosques in world(more than 30000,about 40000),(first is Indonesia, 200million muslims and even 28478 only in East Java of Indonesia in 1992 )

the number of mosque in Xinjiang 6 times bigger than school
Xinjiang and Ningxia are the largest density for mosque all over the word

Iran 60million muslims, 5400 mosques , 11000muslims/mosque
Egypt 43million muslims, 17000 mosques, 2500muslims/mosque
Tunisia 7millionmuslims, only 650 mosques, 10770muslims/mosque
about 1000muslims/mosque in Middle east

So, I think that it's a waste to build new mosque in Xinjiang now, more schools are better, the best building in vallige is mosque but not school, in other place of China the best building is school; and Mosques compete for the follows now, and one or more crime related with mosque or nere mosque among 24300mosques is normal

With all due respect NO. I understand you were just speaking your mind however if you had any understanding of the Islamic faith you would understand why this is a horrible suggestion. We Muslims believe there is nothing wrong with our faith so if you think there are parts to Islam that need to be changed in order to fit you better than by all means don't even consider converting. You can't pick and choose what parts of a religion you like either you accept all of it or none of it simple as that.

"And Islam should improve with the time, Islam should be a system but not only one Koran, should have more interpretation and innovation; Buddhism and Christianity improved themselves many times ,and have more new life; no one understanding suilts all the time"

I agree with you Islam needs to evolve.

Umm, no I don't know if you are Muslim or not but if you see any problems in Islam by all means you do not need to follow it. To say Islam needs to evolve is blasphemous the faith is without fault, maybe it is the people who need to evolve and stop believing everything crazy mullahs tell them and go open a Quran for themselves to see what Islam is really about.
man if chinese think like this to everyone they will have a tough job , relations are built by two countries how can it be one sided

Agreed his way of thinking is very confrontational.

I've been to one called "清真马家馆" (Halal Muhammad restaurant) in Bay Area, which is really really good. :woot: Always piled with people, some of them from Middle East, I did a quick check and notice there's one with the same Chinese name in LA area (Montery park), you can check it out:

China Islamic Restaurant
7727 E Garvey Avenue, Rosemead, CA
(626) 288-4246 () ‎ · chinaislamic.com

We have a lot in NYC (Brooklyn/Manhattan) area, if people are interested they should definitively check it out. I love Chinese food. :smitten:

My pleasure, ok, I can post the word "pork" now, I thought talking pork or let muslims to see the pork accident may make them unhappy before, so when I must post the word 'pork' I said "(sorry to say this) "; general unmuslims Chinese will block the pork with newspaper or something else if we think there are muslims nere;

another interesting thing happened in a public bathing church, one unmuslim Chinese talking about why Huis didn't eat pork, he said again and again, he didnt' think there was one muslim taking a bath in the bathing church; the muslim went out and called for 110 police, and the unmuslim was invited to the police station to apologize; So many Chinese want to know but never ask with each other

That is a funny story. See you learn new things everyday and no mentioning pork is not an insult. My best friend is an atheist who eats pork all the time no biggie.

Ahhhh, that's my favorites, it is called 香葱芝麻饼 (Scallion Sesame bread), really good, the best one I had is actually in a Taipei night market, just out of the stove...



I love you the Pineapple bread you guys have in most of your bakeries they are so tasty and only 80 cents. :smitten: :D


If they are not working less, how could most of their economic conditions do not get better. You think those Han Chinese from Henan, Sichuan and etc going to Xinjiang to pick cottons are rich people???

It is just like those blacks in U.S. complain how unfair or unequal U.S. is and how they do not get enough work opportunities.

However, at the same time, Chinese and other east asian country people get ahead by working a lot harder while they are complaining. Do Chinese and other east asian country people face the same unequality and injustice??? You bet.

Are you serious thinking China should do more???

You have kurdish separatists, do you see China support those kurdish separatists and funding their struggles in China against Turkey???

On the contrary, you have supported the Uighur separatists and funding their terrorist activities against China. You even dare to tell me here that China need do more?

I bet China can do more to invite Kurdish separatists from Iraq and Turkey together to set up similar organizations Uighurs have in Turkey.

You need to calm down buddy you are derailing the thread.

Is it possible that lack of economic opportunity or jobs is making them go into restaurant business and also some into pick pocket gangs?

That is what I concurred from his post as well.
Umm, no I don't know if you are Muslim or not but if you see any problems in Islam by all means you do not need to follow it. To say Islam needs to evolve is blasphemous the faith is without fault, maybe it is the people who need to evolve and stop believing everything crazy mullahs tell them and go open a Quran for themselves to see what Islam is really about.

This was exactly the point OP and Atanz were making. Islamic Faith does not need to change its doctrines (like other faith changed ...e.g ..Christianity) ...but its understanding by the people needs to be "evolved". Muslims don't really know their own Qur'an..They follow strict Mullah's interpretation..which is wrong...Muslims need to open up their Qur'an and read it by themselves and decide!

Like , let me give you one example , Mullah make Muslims to follow a VERY "rigid" form of Islam...which is actually against the very soul of Islam. In many Islamic Countries , sex before marriage (not adultery but fornication) is a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG taboo and family's honor is at stake if a girl have a relationship with any guy before marriage (not so much is the case when it comes to the boys ...mmm see anything here? :meeting: ) .This is due to the fact that many Muslim societies have tribal roots and these Mullahs follow TRIBAL TRADITIONS and justify it by using 'Islam' .. Now in Islamic Law , sex before marriage is 'sinful' ....but it is not even a big deal...Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explicitly stated that backbiting is WORSE than fornication..which is understandable...but have you EVER seen any Mullah preaching this? Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explicitly stated that "LOWEST" form of "Riba" (People's exploitation by costing them more interest than they actually deserve on their loans) is WORSE than "HIGHEST" form of Zina ....but still.... you don't see any hue and cry over these issues....which are prevalent in Pakistani society..whereas , if anyone's girl is found out to be dating some guy....ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE! and the family will lose its "honor" ...which is ridiculous...In today's age....girls and guys should be able to meet and talk to each other before marriage...but people want us to remain in tribal traditions forever.

"THIS" is where 'Islam' need to evolve..that is...Islam doesn't need any reformation...but the way Muslims see Islam and practice Islam need radical reformation...

Hope you get the point...

Plus : Fornication examples was used for no particular reason...there were SEVERAL other such examples...

This was exactly the point OP and Atanz were making. Islamic Faith does not need to change its doctrines (like other faith changed ...e.g ..Christianity) ...but its understanding by the people needs to be "evolved". Muslims don't really know their own Qur'an..They follow strict Mullah's interpretation..which is wrong...Muslims need to open up their Qur'an and read it by themselves and decide!

Like , let me give you one example , Mullah make Muslims to follow a VERY "rigid" form of Islam...which is actually against the very soul of Islam. In many Islamic Countries , sex before marriage (not adultery but fornication) is a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG taboo and family's honor is at stake if a girl have a relationship with any guy before marriage (not so much is the case when it comes to the boys ...mmm see anything here? :meeting: ) .This is due to the fact that many Muslim societies have tribal roots and these Mullahs follow TRIBAL TRADITIONS and justify it by using 'Islam' .. Now in Islamic Law , sex before marriage is 'sinful' ....but it is not even a big deal...Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explicitly stated that backbiting is WORSE than fornication..which is understandable...but have you EVER seen any Mullah preaching this? Prophet Muhammad (SAW) explicitly stated that "LOWEST" form of "Riba" (People's exploitation by costing them more interest than they actually deserve on their loans) is WORSE than "HIGHEST" form of Zina ....but still.... you don't see any hue and cry over these issues....which are prevalent in Pakistani society..whereas , if anyone's girl is found out to be dating some guy....ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE! and the family will lose its "honor" ...which is ridiculous...In today's age....girls and guys should be able to meet and talk to each other before marriage...but people want us to remain in tribal traditions forever.

"THIS" is where 'Islam' need to evolve..that is...Islam doesn't need any reformation...but the way Muslims see Islam and practice Islam need radical reformation...

Hope you get the point...

Plus : Fornication examples was used for no particular reason...there were SEVERAL other such examples...

Bro while I respect your views I would like you to reread xuxu post about the situation. He was asking about introducing pictures of our Prophet into the faith and making different versions of the Quran. You can see why I would be against his suggestion and if you reread your own following post you seemed to be agreeing with him on those points or introducing fitna into our religion. That is what I meant when I posted in reply to your remark xuxu was talking about changing the religion not how people interpret it which is why I said maybe people should start reading the Quran instead of taking crazy mullahs word on it. That was my objection, regards.
year, all the mosques are Islam style, and all the churchs are western style

there is not just one 'Islamic' style, there are many different styles in different countries :)

for example Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia all have totally different architecture.
there is not just one 'Islamic' style, there are many different styles in different countries :)

for example Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia all have totally different architecture.
yes, but you can distinguish the s tyle, but hard for Chinese to distinguish the styles of them, for us them are Islam style or Arab style, when building them, will not only reference one style of one country.
Mongolian costume contest kicks off
A contestant displays traditional Mongolian dress during a Mongolian costume contest in Manzhouli City, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, July 4, 2012. A total of 65 delegations including contestants from China, Mongolia and Russia attended the event in Manzhouli on Wednesday.








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