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'Muslim nations firm in halting Israel'

Assalam alaikum

have a nice day or night brother, yes i know what u said about iraq , i was born and raised in saudia i know many things no sir , none ever treated me bad in saudia alhumdulillah maybe coz i can communicate and can fight for my right and i didnot come on labour visa or driving visa then tried to do other thing most of the problems start from here. Brother if the arabs betryed the caliphat but i wanna ask u from where did u get this concept of khilafah?

dont mix the doing of the rulers or leader of the arab world with normal arabs ( remember we also suffer from our leaders )

there is no harm in developing good relations with non arab muslims ( as a matter of fact i strongly approve it ) but why we should loose our good relations with arabs ( remember ALLAH GAVE US AN ARABIC PROPHET PBUH , ARABIC RELIGOUS BOOK, AND ARABS BROUGHT US THIS DEEN AND SPREAD IT ALL OVER THE WORLD )

Why cos you say so? They live on american charity. And americas going bankrupt. So israels days are numbered But I know why you indians burn cos you hoping that daddy america and zionist racists will come save you when your neighbours kick ur axx so u cant bear to hear the truth

They live on American money?What did u live on,American Tax?

The point is American might go debt ridden but the Jews still have the money bro and if America goes down the first guy to go down is China,with their crazy Treasuries they have and certainly the whole world.Who taught u logic,i wonder?And Israel has balls,whether u like it or not.You guys talk talk and those guys do do,that has nothing to do with money.
You got it spot on exactly what I meant!!!!
Even though most Americans hate Arabs LOL find any Saudi Arabian online and they will be 100% pro USA pro India(not that it matters but anyways) etc
I call it Arab hypocrisy (shackled to a corpse) if we don’t
free ourselves from it will drag us back to becoming 1 in the process….

i got links which i might put up later on as threads exposing some of these arabs and their double standards but for now peace out and think wise.


It is always amazing when people talk out of their azzz.......
Top recipient of American money - Israel
Second to top recipient of American money - Egypt

If Americans cannot support Israel, they will stop supporting Egypt first. And if Egypt's daddy is not there, and Egypt is bankrupt, then who is going to attack Israel? Hizbi Mullahs?


What kind of logic are using my dear poster?


My dear boy have you forgotton our freinds the iranians. Hamas etc and you shouldnt laugh at your own jokes its not very endearing
The most easything to do is to blame arabs.and evade the responsability.every muslim in the world is responsable for the mess.Because Allah says in Quran that i wont change your state untill you struggle to change it.
as if Israel gives a shyt about the muslim nations...they can have them for lunch and dinner....lol....like they did in the previous wars against arabs....

Why do you talk like this we could say the same about china and india but i wont. Israel lives on american charity when americans go bust america will cease to exist period
Its very simple. When i put the thread i was trying to suggest if all muslim nations stick together and sort our issues out we can not only be firm in halting zionism but we can do anything. United we stand divided we are nothing!
Its very simple. When i put the thread i was trying to suggest if all muslim nations stick together and sort our issues out we can not only be firm in halting zionism but we can do anything. United we stand divided we are nothing!

I know you guys want your Caliphate but come on move on! The Islamic Empire is no more!
israel is there no matter if we accept it or not, i talked to palestines recently they were all like ready to live peacefully and all that...and soon they will then i wonder what us pakistanis are gonna do? when people we so want to support under our religion only dont even back the point...
I know you guys want your Caliphate but come on move on! The Islamic Empire is no more!

People like you said that 3 times in the past. But an Islamic Empire rose each and every time. It is not impossible to achieve we just have to fix a few things within us first that's all.
Assalam alaikum

have a nice day or night brother, yes i know what u said about iraq , i was born and raised in saudia i know many things no sir , none ever treated me bad in saudia alhumdulillah maybe coz i can communicate and can fight for my right and i didnot come on labour visa or driving visa then tried to do other thing most of the problems start from here. Brother if the arabs betryed the caliphat but i wanna ask u from where did u get this concept of khilafah?

dont mix the doing of the rulers or leader of the arab world with normal arabs ( remember we also suffer from our leaders )

there is no harm in developing good relations with non arab muslims ( as a matter of fact i strongly approve it ) but why we should loose our good relations with arabs ( remember ALLAH GAVE US AN ARABIC PROPHET PBUH , ARABIC RELIGOUS BOOK, AND ARABS BROUGHT US THIS DEEN AND SPREAD IT ALL OVER THE WORLD )


Brother I’m not trying to change your views.
You have your opinion and I respect that
Arab people and leaders are 1 , where did the Arab rulers come from????? Caves????? No they came from the people, the streets the same places where Arab log live.
And please don’t bring PROPHET Muhammad (pbh).

A guy once asked the prophet are you just appealing to Arabs?? And he replied no I’m appealing to all Muslims irrespective of nationality to come and join Islam.
He was the last prophet of Islam and as such did not regard himself just for the Arabs
So please don’t bring this argument in thx.

As you said you were born in Saudi Arabia so your views might relate to Arabs strongly.
i got nothing against north africans its only the arabs in the arabian peninsula that are a threat to mankind....
Brother I’m not trying to change your views.
You have your opinion and I respect that
Arab people and leaders are 1 , where did the Arab rulers come from????? Caves????? No they came from the people, the streets the same places where Arab log live.
And please don’t bring PROPHET Muhammad (pbh).

A guy once asked the prophet are you just appealing to Arabs?? And he replied no I’m appealing to all Muslims irrespective of nationality to come and join Islam.
He was the last prophet of Islam and as such did not regard himself just for the Arabs
So please don’t bring this argument in thx.

As you said you were born in Saudi Arabia so your views might relate to Arabs strongly.
i got nothing against north africans its only the arabs in the arabian peninsula that are a threat to mankind....

Then I guess obliterating us from existence is a very good option for you.
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