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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

something about depression? so now you want to be my therapist. :laugh: :laugh:

seriously dude? i could care less for how long you've been following my posts; i dont even know who the heck you are and didnt even know you 'existed' on this forum until an hour ago

quit asking stupid questions and acting like a shmuck, and maybe you'll be taken a bit more seriously
For starters there is a difference between reading and Following. What need will it serve for me to follow ur posts? Not very bright of you.
I haven't met U ,seen U , don't know who u really are... And u want me to get bothered if some member on a forum I spend half an hour a day takes me seriously. Pls don't be delusional.. Ur giving too much of an importance to yourself.
Light travels faster than the sound as they say.
Height of delusions.....even thou Mushy was knocking the life out of that pompous anchor, the ticker was trying to mislead viewers as if they all are deaf. :rofl:
For starters there is a difference between reading and Following. What need will it serve for me to follow ur posts? Not very bright of you.
I haven't met U ,seen U , don't know who u really are... And u want me to get bothered if some member on a forum I spend half an hour a day takes me seriously. Pls don't be delusional.. Ur giving too much of an importance to yourself.
Light travels faster than the sound as they say.

cool story bro.....thanks for your time

What a cheap hore this anchor proved to be....when he couldn't reason with Mushy on facts, he started being brusque with Mushy........another smudge on indian hospitality.:sick:
Wrong thread title, indians are already goof, he merely helped them to come out in the open.
Mushi brawo... I would like to see you back as soon possible.
he suffers from oral dioherrea

off course he is a Pakistani general not a sissiy indian general

our generals don't shout but their actions are louder not sissiy actions like hiding behind Kashmiri freedom fighters(terrorists) and by not accepting soldiers of your army.
INDIAN ANCHOR WAS SO so confused .................. well done , truth is always bitter ,
indians don't have moral courage to digest truth ...........

our generals don't shout but their actions are louder not sissiy actions like hiding behind Kashmiri freedom fighters(terrorists) and by not accepting soldiers of your army.
what about bangladesh ........what u did , what u doing in balochistan ? cool down baby, u r face is more durty than is ours , only difference is of make up ...........
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