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Musharraf to be tried for 'Treason' | Nawaz Sharif

offtopic & reported!
bechari noora league,s nooray loog, with thier nooraa minds?:lol:
nooray dey naray waj rehen aya?:lol:
awaaya hi awaaya noora, jawaaya hi jawaaya noora jawaaya!:lol:

hasnain0099@ .... Donot bother ....... u r wasting ur time .... all statements of everyone donot change facts about Mush (The bush of George W. Bush):

1. He was a traitor to the Nation.
2. He was traitor to the Constitution like Ayub Khan and Zia-ul Haq.
3. He traded Pakistan and future of Pakistan for a few Dollars
4. He killed innocent women and children in Red Masjid incident.
5. He brought this so called war on terror onto pakistan ... which has led to billions of USD expenses .... Loss of more than 40000 innocent lives ...... and not to mention hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghanis.
6. He is an absconder and phattooooooo .... he ran away from the country to hide ....... and he returned with assurances and promises of his masters which they did not keep.

He should be tried as per our constitution by Nooras, Mooras and anyone that is in power so as to set an example that this should never happen again.... Insha Allah it will be done.

The facts will not change by anyone comments ... they will remain what they are......
offtopic & reported!
bechari noora league,s nooray loog, with thier nooraa minds?:lol:
nooray dey naray waj rehen aya?:lol:
awaaya hi awaaya noora, jawaaya hi jawaaya noora jawaaya!:lol:
kiu kaya himat nahi sach bolny ki? i really feel for you and kusuri :)
taklo should be hanged for saying it... he is using judicary to take his revange ..due to this cawodly act no one even respect judiary now .. CJ has lost his reputation and credibility ..
hasnain0099@ .... Donot bother ....... u r wasting ur time .... all statements of everyone donot change facts about Mush (The bush of George W. Bush):

1. He was a traitor to the Nation.
2. He was traitor to the Constitution like Ayub Khan and Zia-ul Haq.
3. He traded Pakistan and future of Pakistan for a few Dollars
4. He killed innocent women and children in Red Masjid incident.
5. He brought this so called war on terror onto pakistan ... which has led to billions of USD expenses .... Loss of more than 40000 innocent lives ...... and not to mention hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghanis.
6. He is an absconder and phattooooooo .... he ran away from the country to hide ....... and he returned with assurances and promises of his masters which they did not keep.

He should be tried as per our constitution by Nooras, Mooras and anyone that is in power so as to set an example that this should never happen again.... Insha Allah it will be done.

The facts will not change by anyone comments ... they will remain what they are......
with all that crap prapoganda, musharaf is still standing tall facing everything against him, just bring it in courts!
no you cant cause its, all crap which will never be proven?:lol:
instead those hving dreams making pakistan become talbanistan, will be crying in thier dirty graves!

kiu kaya himat nahi sach bolny ki? i really feel for you and kusuri :)

where is article 6, kiss ki bolti band hoo gayi hai, chodri nisar ki yaa, nooray tind ki?
taklo should be hanged for saying it... he is using judicary to take his revange ..due to this cawodly act no one even respect judiary now .. CJ has lost his reputation and credibility ..
thanks for telling the truth!
see peoples are not fools to know , who is patriot & who is not!
where is article 6, kiss ki bolti band hoo gayi hai, chodri nisar ki yaa, nooray tind ki?
Article 6 is just one of the problems, abi to BB aur Bugti key murder cases bhee chal paray hain ;).

taklo should be hanged for saying it... he is using judicary to take his revange ..due to this cawodly act no one even respect judiary now .. CJ has lost his reputation and credibility ..
Even IK himself said that he didn't mean SC in judiciary, either PTI youth is a bunch of idiots or IK is doing munafiqat.
Article 6 is just one of the problems, abi to BB aur Bugti key murder cases bhee chal paray hain ;).

Even IK himself said that he didn't mean SC in judiciary, either PTI youth is a bunch of idiots or IK is doing munafiqat.

noora mentality is going to take noora back, where he belongs, & this time there would be no plan with any prince would be waiting?:lol:
all these cases are fake, he isnt worried a bit about them?:omghaha:
but hang on, watch BBC,CNN live & just think about morsi, eygpt army?;)
its comming to crash the noora,s i am telling you that!:azn::police:
noora mentality is going to take noora back, where he belongs, & this time there would be no plan with any prince would be waiting?:lol:
all these cases are fake, he isnt worried a bit about them?:omghaha:
but hang on, watch BBC,CNN live & just think about morsi, eygpt army?;)
its comming to crash the noora,s i am telling you that!:azn::police:
Aah this dream would have made you change your nappy :D :D
Aah this dream would have made you change your nappy :D :D
offtopic, reported!
ASK NOORAY BADSHAA, i guss he will slap your little dirty face, with full force, cause he would be the one taking all that alone, not you with your NOORA LAPTOP & milk jalabi?lol
its comming! its comming to get him!;):police:
Forums are good platform to discuss issues rather then making more issues. Discussions on forums provides an opportunity for members to evaluate story from different angles. With this preamble, here are my two cents.

1. He was a traitor to the Nation.
2. He was traitor to the Constitution like Ayub Khan and Zia-ul Haq.

What is treason?
By academic definition Treason is
1. The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
2. The action of betraying someone or something.

Did Musharaf overthrow Nawaz's government? The answer is No.
Did Musharaf do something which was detrimental to sovereignty of Pakistan? The answer is No.

Did Nawaz do something which can be termed as betrayal or against sovereignty of Pakistan? Answer is Yes. Not allowing an airplane carrying serving COAS, returning from an official visit, to land in Pakistan and asking the pilot to divert the aircraft to an known hostile country is certainly treason.

President of Pakistan is Supreme Commander not Prime Minister. In the light of this fact removing a COAS from his position in absentia and making a new COAS by passing all the existing service regulation does come under inflicting injury to sovereignty. This if anyone has to be charged with Article 6, it should be him first.

3. He traded Pakistan and future of Pakistan for a few Dollars

This is a political and journalist statement, who in most of the cases give sweeping statements. Was there any options available to him after 9/11? In my opinion No. India had already offered its bases to US for operations in Afghanistan. Had he not agreed for cooperation, US would have over flown Pakistan to strike Afghanistan. In such scenario Pakistan would have to engage American fighters over flying or keep quite. Engagement would have resulted in both American and Indian jets pounding Pakistan. Logically speaking Pakistan would not have been able to resist for long due to their numerical superiority. In today's warfare numerical superiority has a value. On the other hand keeping quite would have amount to compromising sovereignty of state. If Musharaf gained some benefits for Pakistan in this catch 22 situation, he should be given credit for that. I will not enumerate benefits which Pakistan received, but fact remains that we traveled supersonic.

4. He killed innocent women and children in Red Masjid incident.

Again a sweeping statement. Those killed in Lal Masjid have been buried AMATAN. It has been five years Musharraf is no more in power. Why to date no exhumation of graves not been sought to verify who all were killed. It is the most simplest of the things to do. Apply to court and get exhumation orders, find out who all are buried and how many.

5. He brought this so called war on terror onto pakistan ... which has led to billions of USD expenses .... Loss of more than 40000 innocent lives ...... and not to mention hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghanis.

Afghans are fighting their own war and on their own stance, why should he be blamed for it. And start of this so called war on terror was Afghan government's refusal to cooperate with USA in extradition of OBL. That is another topic who was OBL, how did he end up in Afghanistan, his background, etc.

6. He is an absconder and phattooooooo .... he ran away from the country to hide ....... and he returned with assurances and promises of his masters which they did not keep.

He is a bold person who unlike other leaders is in the country when not in power and is facing courts, though in my opinion he is being vicitmised. Even if he has returned with blessings of his master, he is unlike those who ran away under the blessings of their masters when ousted.
off topic abusive reported!
ask your mom, she will tell you right who was the one changing your dippers, but never mind keep calling me uncle, your dady is jst not home yet like ever!:rofl::rofl::azn:
Chalo ab time table he dedo army kay anay ka.....lagta hay tumhain to kayani sahib khud "milnay" atay hain :)
@batmannow ..... yeah yeah ... its all crap ... The constitution is crap ..... the take over by force was crap ..... The killing of innocent pakistanis women and children in Lal Masjid was crap ..... NO ..... actually u know what is crap:

- ur all comments are crap and they are senseless .... you need a psycholigist..... argument for the sake of argument .... nothing else but all crap

Keep jumping, screaming and writing crap (may be your US of A ---- All Mighty will come to rescue of this traitor) ........ I have Good News for Pakistanis The Traitor Mush (the bush of George W. Bush) .... has been charged ..... he will stay under house arrest again till December 23rd - 2013 .... u know why because everyone is enjoying making him suffer.... he will die living under house arrest only......

with all that crap prapoganda, musharaf is still standing tall facing everything against him, just bring it in courts!
no you cant cause its, all crap which will never be proven?:lol:
instead those hving dreams making pakistan become talbanistan, will be crying in thier dirty graves!

where is article 6, kiss ki bolti band hoo gayi hai, chodri nisar ki yaa, nooray tind ki?
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@batmannow ..... yeah yeah ... its all crap ... The constitution is crap ..... the take over by force was crap ..... The killing of innocent pakistanis women and children in Lal Masjid was crap ..... NO ..... actually u know what is crap:

- ur all comments are crap and they are senseless .... you need a psycholigist..... argument for the sake of argument .... nothing else but all crap

Keep jumping, screaming and writing crap (may be your US of A ---- All Mighty will come to rescue of this traitor) ........ I have Good News for Pakistanis The Traitor Mush (the bush of George W. Bush) .... has been charged ..... he will stay under house arrest again till December 23rd - 2013 .... u know why because everyone is enjoying making him suffer.... he will die living under house arrest only......
offtopic, unhumman, terroistic, post reported!
does constitution of pakistan saved pakistan in 1971?
just after its birth? by the hands of a landlord called ZAB, the so- called fake socialist?
giving PAKISTAN ARMY CHIEF TO INDIA for the trial of KARGIL wasnt was the crime itself, y deneying him to land in pakistan on his arival from srilanks?
the investigation report of LAL MASJID just arrived back, a couple of weeks before by the commite odered & constituted by SC, under the dirty highness ship of mr, iftikhar chodri?
in which it was clearly stated that, there was no women & childerns got killed durring the commando opreation on LAL MASJID, ohh just become too so blind or you are just a mullha tora bora , who just got his frist computer?
he came here to see all this, he is a dare devil commando himself, just be scared if the green brigade comming to get you then, this whole stupid little dirty , croupt, bad smelling , damocrazy gets hurt, with a big heavy boot on your torabora face!
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offtopic, unhumman, terroistic, post reported!

@batmannow --- Ohhhhhhh.... I am scared now ...... keep it up ...... :help: ..... lolzzzz.....

does constitution of pakistan saved pakistan in 1971?

Read History ... No one is here to teach u ...... its way way above ur little sadistic head and enslaved thoughts..... :angel:

just after its birth? by the hands of a landlord called ZAB, the so- called fake socialist? just after the Birth wow ... 1947 till 1965 .... u need to go to a primary my friend and start learning mathematics again ... it was after Traitor Ayub and Yahya ... read historical facts....

giving PAKISTAN ARMY CHIEF TO INDIA for the trial of KARGIL wasnt was the crime itself, y deneying him to land in pakistan on his arival from srilanks?

- That by no means justifies taking over pakistan ..... there are other options available .... and this is not a fact that he was being handed over to india ..... NO WRONG

the investigation report of LAL MASJID just arrived back, a couple of weeks before by the commite odered & constituted by SC, under the dirty highness ship of mr, iftikhar chodri?
in which it was clearly stated that, there was no women & childerns got killed durring the commando opreation on LAL MASJID, ohh just become too so blind or you are just a mullha tora bora , who just got his frist computer?

talk with reference to context ... from where did u read that ... may be day dreaming again....... medication ... i understand

he came here to see all this, he is a dare devil commando himself, just be scared if the green brigade comming to get you then, this whole stupid little dirty , croupt, bad smelling , damocrazy gets hurt, with a big heavy boot on your torabora face!

Lolzzz..... really ....... dare devil really he is a phattoooo of highest order (it my brigade it my people and we are working to put things ... dont worry u can carry on ... but things will improve) ........ U wish tooooooo hard .... like i said u need to revisit the history again ..... and read some good writers .... u really need help..... i understand .... how vcan u know democracy when u dont even know how to spell it even rightly .....

No more wastage of time with you ... when u grow up and have full knowledge please come back with facts and figures ..... :closed:
Lolzzz..... really ....... dare devil really he is a phattoooo of highest order (it my brigade it my people and we are working to put things ... dont worry u can carry on ... but things will improve) ........ U wish tooooooo hard .... like i said u need to revisit the history again ..... and read some good writers .... u really need help..... i understand .... how vcan u know democracy when u dont even know how to spell it even rightly .....

No more wastage of time with you ... when u grow up and have full knowledge please come back with facts and figures ..... :closed:

crap, crap , crap all thts wht you got?:lol:
nothing proven. nothing of bieng gulity?:azn:
its you my darling , needed to hve the dam facts & figures?
but you still goes with that meaning less crap in your tora bora mind?:rofl:
your peoples working on the destruction of the state called pakistan just to create a talbanistan?
while my peoples who love him, just want it to take back our pakistan. just feel the difference a bit coward
you gona regert it anyway?
on some fine friday. with you been the darling of that night mullha faza ullha?
keep joying it, thats what you can do best!
i promise you, there would be no charges against him, no tereson, no murder ones, the day he is walking free in the land of liberated ones from your bunch of thuggers, at that fine day you ill be all FAZAL ULLHA the sawati, s darling with stupid pian full, tears!;):rofl:

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