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Musharraf ruined PAF project, says ex-air chief

:enjoy::pakistan::china:I agree with General Musharif's anticipation on a battle field you need to diversify your options don't depend on just one strategy you need multiple option

The reason why he must have requested this step is because, imagine a case when the sweedish company , gives trade secrets to indians thur espionage - and the pakistani awacs are deeded useless all 6 of them ...

but if Pakistan still has two chinese ones flying in air it may be a war saving tactical move -

Since its double as hard for enemies to decode two different platforms -

Just look at how Israelis were able to neutralize Syrian air defences in their Air strike vs Syria ... do you think these western technology firms do not sell the sensitive ... info to ally armies and spies

This is why General SAID .. DON'T OVERDEPEND on 1 option diversify
PAF defends charges but a probe is needed

Thursday, June 11, 2009
By Ansar Abbasi
ISLAMABAD: Defence deals of the Pakistan Air Force in recent years, worth billions of US dollars, need a public scrutiny amid growing reports of kickbacks, procedural violations and compromise on technology.

While a former air chief, Saadat Kaleem, has already accused General Pervez Musharraf of ruining the PAFís $1.2 billion Saab Surveillance System deal by adding the Chinese technology with the Swedish for possible kickbacks, producing a mismatch, some insiders insist that the situation is worse than what the former air chief has hinted at.

A credible source said that the PAFís Air Board had been bypassed in quite a few defence deals during the recent years owing to pressures both from within and outside the force. The PAF spokesman, however, insists that the contracting of various items is the prime responsibility of the concerned branch of the Air Headquarters and is not required to be discussed and approved by the Air Board.

Before the last major PAF deal worth $1 billion for the first consignment of JF-17 aircraft, an influential Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) pilot having close association with a key ruler in Islamabad was seen visiting the top offices at the Air Headquarters in Islamabad. Following these visits towards the end of January 2009, the $1 billion deal on JF-17 moved on a fast track. The same PIA employee interestingly travelled to China, along with President Asif Ali Zardari, in February this year to obtain a one billion dollar loan.

PAF spokesman Group Captain Tariq Mehmood, however, did not respond to the question about the strange visits of strangers to the Air Headquarters before the loan contract was signed. Mehmood said that the JF-17 serial production contract was being negotiated since December 2006 and was almost finalised in June 2008 but could not be concluded due to non-release of funds by the government.

This delay, he said, was adversely affecting the operational capability of the PAF and the work at the PAC Kamra. ìSince then, efforts are being made for the arrangement of funds,î the PAF spokesman said in a note that he gave to this correspondent in response to a number of queries e-mailed to him. For quite some time, the spokesman was hesitant to respond to The News queries but later came up with his response on selected questions, still requesting to delay the story by a few weeks.

A source disclosed that the March deal of $1 billion was not presented before the JF-17 projectís Board of Directors for approval, but the PAF spokesman said: ìThe JF-17 Board of Directors was regularly updated on the status of the JF-17 Serial Production (SP) contract.î

He said that in January 2009, a presentation was given to the president, the prime minister and other cabinet members following which the federal government directed the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance to take up the matter with the Chinese authorities for concessional credit. ìSubsequently, with the efforts of Pakistanís ambassador to China and the PAF, the seller (CATIC) offered a sellerís credit facility for the SP Contract.î

The spokesman said that on the instructions of the prime minister, the offer was subsequently negotiated by a joint team of the PAF, JF-17 project representative, the Ministry of Finance and the Pakistan Embassy.

He said that the case was finally put up for the governmentís approval, which was later approved. An agreement was then signed for a credit of about $1 billion to be payable over seven years at a cost of around $100 million (approximately at the rate of 1.4 per cent per year).

The PAF spokesman did not clearly respond if the JF-17 BoD and the PAFís Air Board approved the proposal too. He dispelled the impression that the loan had been obtained at an extraordinary mark-up. Sources said the prevalent rate in the world was less than one per cent.

ìThis is the most economical credit facility ever negotiated,î said the spokesman, adding after the formal approval of the government, the contract was signed by the JF-17 PMO and the PAC Kamra on March 7. ìAll principal staff officers at the Air Headquarters and the Chinese ambassador witnessed the signing ceremony.î

Tariq Mahmood said that the JF-17 contract was signed on highly favourable terms that included transfer of technology for airframe manufacturing immediately and avionics package next year. The contract, he said, heralds the realisation and commitment of both Pakistan and China to turn their cherished dream of co-producing a modern fighter into a reality and beginning of a new era of aviation industry in Pakistan.

According to a source, besides the latest deal, the PAF Air Board was also ignored in a few other deals worth $800 million struck with Brazil, South Africa, Russia and Italy in the last few years for purchase of different technologies for the PAF.

Tariq Mehmood, however, explained every case was not supposed to go to the Air Board for approval. He said the vice chief of the air staff, who manages the PAF budget, allocates funds for all such contracts and hence is always in the loop for such authorisations by the Air Headquarters. He said once the proposal was approved by the Air Headquarters, the ministries of defence and finance do further scrutiny, hold negotiations and finalise contracts. ìThe process is totally transparent and above board. The Air Board is periodically apprised of all these issues,î he claimed. The sources said in the coming few years, defence deals worth $8-10 billion were expected for which the government should evolve a mechanism so that right purchases were made for the countryís air force without any chance of kickbacks.

PAF defends charges but a probe is needed
Ex-air chief asked to appear as witness

ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly’s standing committee on defence has convened former air chief Saadat Kaleem as witness to publicly scrutinise the multi-billion dollar defence deals by the Pakistan Air Force.

The committee took up the matter when a news item appeared in this newspaper regarding non-scrutinised deals of the PAF worth billion of dollars having procedural violations and compromise on technology.

Syed Haider Ali Shah, a member of the committee, told The News that a meeting of the NA Standing Committee on Defence has been convened for June 27 (Saturday) and the former air chief Saadat Kaleem has been asked to attend the meeting as a witness.

The former air chief when contacted said that he would not offer any comment to the media. He neither denied nor confirmed whether he had accepted an invitation from the Standing Committee on Defence to appear as witness.

However, a committee member told this correspondent that the former air chief had conveyed to the committee that he would appear before it only after getting permission from the chief of the army staff.

Saadat Kaleem had accused General (retd) Pervez Musharraf of ruining the PAF’s $1.2 billion Saab surveillance system deal by adding the Chinese technology to the Swedish for possible kickbacks, producing a mismatch.

It was reported that the PAF Air Board had been bypassed in quite a few defence deals during the recent years owing to pressures both from within and outside the force. This newspaper reported that before the last major PAF deal worth $1 billion for the first consignment of JF-17 aircraft, an influential Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) pilot having close association with the holder of a high office in Islamabad was seen visiting the top offices at the Air Headquarters in Islamabad. Following these visits towards the end of January 2009, the $1 billion deal on JF-17 moved on a fast track.

The same PIA employee interestingly travelled to China, along with President Asif Ali Zardari, in February this year to obtain a one billion dollar loan. According to the report, besides the latest deal, the PAF Air Board was also ignored in quite a few other deals worth $800 million struck with Brazil, South Africa, Russia and Italy in the last few years for purchase of different technologies for the PAF.
Hi Folks

You guys are lamenting for air force, he has ruined whole country:what:
Hi Folks

You guys are lamenting for air force, he has ruined whole country:what:

but dont you worry, Iftikhar Chaudry is back now. he is going to save the day and solve all problems with his eyes closed.
Hi Folks

You guys are lamenting for air force, he has ruined whole country:what:

Why must you be so ignorant?
He has taken this country further then any other leader in the past decades.
Though not perfect, it was far better then what Pakistanis had received before his time.
PAF will always be handicapped by the fact that india gdp and therefore potential military spend is upto 8 times the size.

throw western sanctions and it appears india,s greater clout/inflence in america and europe.russia mushraff did the right thing in my eyes.

j10 & j17 AND CHINEASE HELP guaranteeing decent tech and very low cost and in nos that can a least challenge the indian air force over pak air space .
Why must you be so ignorant?
He has taken this country further then any other leader in the past decades.
Though not perfect, it was far better then what Pakistanis had received before his time.

I am so sorry for being ignorant.
There was no land mafia with his foot prints
There was no stock exchange scandal with his finger prints
There was not even a single person kidnapped by agencies or held with out any charge.
There was no “saga” of missing persons, those idiots fled their homes after some family disputes
Whole country was bubbling with joy and prosperity also average income went to sky high
He was the best among all before his time. You can also see this on youtube, In one episode of drama “Wilco call the duty” his picture is in parallel Quaid-i-Azam’s picture. It should be well above his picture. After all what Quaid has done for us , just left a geographically imbalanced country. On person like Mushraff has corrected this geographic imbalance. “Sir Mushraff” has also allowed all FM radios in northern parts of Pakistan where scholars like Sufi Muhammad we preaching religious harmony and tolerance.
Thanks a lot for pulling me out of ignorance
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Why must you be so ignorant?
He has taken this country further then any other leader in the past decades.
Though not perfect, it was far better then what Pakistanis had received before his time.

I am so sorry for being ignorant.
There was no land mafia with his foot prints
There was no stock exchange scandal with his finger prints
There was not even a single person kidnapped by agencies or held with out any charge.
There was no “saga” of missing persons, those idiots fled their homes after some family disputes
Whole country was bubbling with joy and prosperity also average income went to sky high
He was the best among all before his time. You can also see this on youtube, In one episode of drama “Wilco call the duty” his picture is in parallel Quaid-i-Azam’s picture. It should be well above his picture. After all what he has done for us just left a geographically imbalanced country. On person like Mushraff has corrected this geographic imbalance. “Sir Mushraff” has also allowed all FM radios in northern parts of Pakistan where scholars like Sufi Muhammad we preaching religious harmony and tolerance.
Thanks a lot for pulling me out of ignorance

I would like to see some credible evidence, because I think you just made that up or heard something on the internet regarding Musharraf.
Are you happy with our current bunch of leaders?
They came into power with your beloved democracy right?
Why so disrespectful towards Musharraf? I think you have absolutely no clue. Atleast show some respect for the achievements we have made under his leadership.
I would like to see some credible evidence, because I think you just made that up or heard something on the internet regarding Musharraf.
Are you happy with our current bunch of leaders?
They came into power with your beloved democracy right?
Why so disrespectful towards Musharraf? I think you have absolutely no clue. Atleast show some respect for the achievements we have made under his leadership.

Watch some Pakistani tv channel and you will see the challenges this nation has taken after his lordship left.
I would like to see some credible evidence, because I think you just made that up or heard something on the internet regarding Musharraf.
Are you happy with our current bunch of leaders?

Current leader ship credibility is entirely different issue. If they are corrupt and not upto people’s expectations electoral process would wipe them away. You have seen some with Mushraff did not ever lose election till 2008. Now, dear you have brought up entirely different issue. If we look at constitution, Mushraff is “the strongest candidate” for article six:guns:
They came into power with your beloved democracy right?
Yes all came through our beloved democracy, if this democratic process is tainted with some inside games then with the passage of time whole process will become clean. We should struggle and pray for this. This is the process which “Our Father “ Quaid-i-Azam thought for Pakistan.:pakistan:
Why so disrespectful towards Musharraf?
I am not disrespectful towards Musharff.
His being president is a child who has physical existence but its parent were married or not , that’s the main issue.
Atleast show some respect for the achievements we have made under his leadership.
Whole country is bubbling with the achievements we made under his leader ship:taz:
Watch some Pakistani tv channel and you will see the challenges this nation has taken after his lordship left.
My dear friend Interceptor

Why you advise these people to watch some Pakistani tv channels. These are filled with “idiots” who spreading depression.

Please check this link about his activities at the when Pakistan was deep in deep trouble
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This is private life & mind you it was the popular demand of the populace to bring their own race, creed & language speaking leaders ..

He does not have a magic wand that he will recitify every problem of Pakistani without killing people, or without hanging people.

However, now that all that what everybody had been claiming has returned .. what has changed in the country ! What new and good governace has brought or rather what Islamic values have been brought by our the Islamists too ...
This is turning out to be a political threadinstead of focusing upon the intital issue.

My take on the debate -- history is history -- let us see what is this lot will end up doing. My only caution -- the same set of players have started negotiating with France which has been the master of payouts for defence contracts in the past.

New defence deals out of the US Aid or FMF gambit will be the order of the day.
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