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Musharraf plans to launch own party for another shot at Presidency

if current leaders failed & Mushraff launched his party then its sure Martial LAW will not come instead Mr Mushraff will return to power
first of all no one is lettin him come back. second no one will vote for him. two of our provinces hate him coz of the military operations he carried out there. he should better stay out and serve the country in some other way. wat he is doin these days is great. tellin everyone about pakistan's point of view
i was very much against musharaf even first time ,I cast my vote just to get rid of him. but by observing incompetent Zerdari and immature Nawaz Sherif statements compel me to think what i had done, comparing the progress of Pakistan during Musharaf and present government, I am really worried how Pakistan will survive..Now I openly confess that Musharaf was far better leader than these jerks. please stop this non sense of dictatorship , we should open our eyes. Democratic governments are worst in Pakistan.
Forget about economical figures even they also proved the same I am just telling you a normal citizen observations that during musharaf govt when I used to go out every where development work was going on, when I went to Islamabad I was lost because of lots of new roads overhead crossings. Computers, tv, mobile were so cheap that daily prices were going down and down. but just see what is the atmosphere outside where are prices, even basic needs are difficult..

dont blame all the financial mess on just zardari and nawaz, musharraf played his part as well, though there is no doubt in the fact that the bigger role was played by the present setup you have. musharraf should have come down hard on the protesters when all hell broke loose through the latter half of 2007, and if that was not an option then he should have made sure that for the sake of his country he should have sat with the leaders of various political parties to calm down the whole violent movement which was the first step of loosing of investor confidence in pakistan. he never raised the electricity prices, or the petrol or diesel prices and god knows what not at a time when the landing price of crude in pakistan was any where between rs65-80(pakistani rupees) when the crude internationally was trading between 70-80dollars/barrel, and I think till the time he was around the crude had hit some 100dollars/baller, which would mean the landing price to be at around rs85-100, on top of which the taxes were put in and then the dealer margins, can you even imagine the amount of loss he caused to your exchequer the repercussions of which were seen in 2008. let me just assure you, your oil giants would have literally bled to death, and ceased to exist had there been no easing of crude prices in the international market even if musharraf would have been around. he very well knew he was going to be out of the scene and all the mess would have to be handled by the new civilian government and with time people would blame them rather than him for all the mess that is around, and that my friend is politics at its best for you. he should have made bloody well sure that no way does any one of the politicians get blown up but that did not happen when Ms bhutto to blown up into pieces, can you imagine where would have the investor confidence gone, and interestingly all this happened at the fag end of his departure from the center stage. politics and power corrupts most, and takes out the worst of the evil in any one and musharraf was no angel, he played his game and the civil set up especially the PPP got played into it, nawaz was smart and made the exit at the right time that again is politics for you.

all this contributed but as i said the bigger role was played by zardari and nawaz when some very crucial time was lost in their move to oust their common enemy, and that is the only real fault they had and this fault of their's has cost pakistan big, how big a scale is this can be debated. how can people miss out on the present economic meltdown that the world faces when even the likes of india and china have suffered, dont forget that in the last quarter china just saw a growth rate of a mere 6.8%, so if pakistan is able to do anything over 3% this year will be commendable. the 4-5 years that musharraf really performed well economically, at that point in time even the sub saharan africa came out with laurels on the economic front as the whole world was doing good, so really nothing special there my friend.

i understand as a pakistani these are extremely tough times and people would tend to get depressed and demoralised but that should not stop you from calling a spade a spade, may friend.

PS:- mind you i have focused on musharraf's miss givings more as your post sounded as if you were finding him better off, though i can very well talk at length on how the present setup messed up around with the things.
As an ex-army official and Ex-president of Pakistan he is not allowed for two year to enter politics, but then he ever cared about the law.
Its so unfortunate that few pakistanis especially living abroad (with no knowledge on Pakistan) r in favour of musharraf.
Democracy is immature in Pakistan and it will remain so unless people like Mushraff are not punished under article 6. Unless we have a continuous system of democracy we will never be able to get rid of Bhuttos, Sharifs, Mard-i-mumins etc etc.
Musharraf don't need a political party to regain power in Pakistan. What he needs is bleesings from American Jewish Lobby's support and a few friendly military core-commanders. The power-hungry politicians will fall on his feet as they did in the past.

In 2005 - Gen. Musharraf addressed a Jewish gathering in New York and promised that Pakistan would recognize Israel after Palestinian have their state. During the same visit Musharraf shook hand with the butcher of Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, Israeli prime minister, Ariel sharon, at the UN General assembly. Musharraf also, allegedly, has exchanged letters with the Zionist terrorist, Israeli president Shimon Peres.

Jack Rosen, Chairman of American Jewish Congress (AJC), who travelled to Pakistan and had face-to-face dialogues on Pakistan’s recognition of Israel, told Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) - “I am confident that the new government in Pakistan would not sever country’s dialogues with the Jews (pro-Israel). I know everyone wants to talk about Musharraf the individual, who was at the centre of the stage for a few years, and everyone wants to know what happens next. Our reason for initiating the contact, and his reason (having powerful Jewish Lobby on his side), doesn’t change with the new administration.”

Musharraf’s rule saw the first high-level contacts between Tel Aviv and Islamabad. Both countries foreign ministers met in Istanbul in 2005 and after Zionist-regime’s withdrawal from Gazzah in September 2005 - Musharraf stated that “it was time for Pakistan to engage with Israel.”
Musharraf don't need a political party to regain power in Pakistan. What he needs is bleesings from American Jewish Lobby's support and a few friendly military core-commanders. The power-hungry politicians will fall on his feet as they did in the past.

In 2005 - Gen. Musharraf addressed a Jewish gathering in New York and promised that Pakistan would recognize Israel after Palestinian have their state. During the same visit Musharraf shook hand with the butcher of Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, Israeli prime minister, Ariel sharon, at the UN General assembly. Musharraf also, allegedly, has exchanged letters with the Zionist terrorist, Israeli president Shimon Peres.

Jack Rosen, Chairman of American Jewish Congress (AJC), who travelled to Pakistan and had face-to-face dialogues on Pakistan’s recognition of Israel, told Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) - “I am confident that the new government in Pakistan would not sever country’s dialogues with the Jews (pro-Israel). I know everyone wants to talk about Musharraf the individual, who was at the centre of the stage for a few years, and everyone wants to know what happens next. Our reason for initiating the contact, and his reason (having powerful Jewish Lobby on his side), doesn’t change with the new administration.”

Musharraf’s rule saw the first high-level contacts between Tel Aviv and Islamabad. Both countries foreign ministers met in Istanbul in 2005 and after Zionist-regime’s withdrawal from Gazzah in September 2005 - Musharraf stated that “it was time for Pakistan to engage with Israel.”
Damn Right.He is a Mossad Agent.
^ If Zaid Hamid were PM we'd goto WAR simultaneously with India, Israel, America and Denmark.
denmark? why denmark? geniunely curious.

Well coz the cartoons are Danish zionist conspiracy :)
I dunno why people like Zaid Hamid, any one who believes in some many conspiracy theory is a nut case not a mature person
I just hope there is no musharaff comeback tour.......the guy left pakistan in a whole heap of trouble.
Well coz the cartoons are Danish zionist conspiracy :)
I dunno why people like Zaid Hamid, any one who believes in some many conspiracy theory is a nut case not a mature person

i am amazed why would a person like zaid hamid find such a large audiance in pakistan.

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