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Musharraf’ nomination papers rejected

Elected governments have a much harder time trying to get constitutional amendments through compared to arm-twisting dictators. Evil seeds planted by dictators grown into might huge trees over the years for feeble democracies to cut. Usually they can only prune, and everybody suffers, just like the present situation.

But who will remove them? The evil acts of dictators live on and on because those who come after them are too weak to do what is right.

Previous government had a fair chance to amend this moronic article - actually lawmakers are afraid of mullah based repercussions.
Its strange. Very strange. Nawaz's papers were accepted and Musharraf's rejected. I dont understand the logic.

Jamshed Dasti sent to jail for a crime which should be recognized as crime. But three years term is a bit harsh. However, life ban from politics or seeking any office is very legitimate penalty.
That is why I said that previous governments could be given benefit of doubt. But this government had absolutely no hurdle to pass an amendment on this law. They legalized all their looting in a matter of days, they have plundered the coffers, so why can't do just one good thing?

Power seems obscene only when in others' hands. Human nature.

Previous government had a fair chance to amend this moronic article - actually lawmakers are afraid of mullah based repercussions.

Please see my reply above.
This election commission should rename itself as the Zardari commission. Since coming on and pretending to be impartial it has danced to the tunes of PPP and I don't expect this ECP to conduct free and fair elections.

Fakhru bhai - you have a career as a belly dancer in Zardari's court!

No way will these corrupt 5 men, ever allow overseas Pakistanis to even vote. PPP has no overseas vote. PPP's votebank is jhahil gawaar or the corrupt.

The PPP has been accusing the ECP of taking orders from media and SC...you accuse them of PPP orders?

Yeh khula tazaad nhn? :P
I beg to differ - it's only the government of Pakistan which can file a case of treason under the article 6 & the hearing authority is apex court not some session court. Besides you can't reject one's nomination without already established conviction.

agree but The SC has already termed the acts of 3rd November as Treason, The responsibility of the Federal govt is to punish him. "Whether he has committed treason or not" is something courts have to decide and they have already done that. And since its established that he has committed treason he surely cant participate in the elections
shameless man like him who takes dollars and brings other peoples war to his own country deserves much more......taxpayer raised him up as child for 30,40 years....made sure he ate well,wore good,had the best weapons to do the job,made sure his work place dident ran out of electricity while taxpayer himself suffered 14-16 hour of loadshedding.......taxpayer ensured that he had a starter and a sweet dish too with all his meals.....taxpayer did all he could for his well being but but but

when time came to defend and protect the taxpayer....this characterless man sided with the american taxpayer and brought their war to his own country and alienated his country's taxpayer who had raised him as his own child.....

fate has brought this man back.....he has yet to answer the crimes and atrocities that he has committed for 10 long years turning his own country into a mess.

Previous government had a fair chance to amend this moronic article - actually lawmakers are afraid of mullah based repercussions.

law makers are actually afraid that a characterless secular like yourself will come into power and country will suffer another 80 billion dollar of loss and 40 thousand more civilians and soldiers dead.
agree but The SC has already termed the acts of 3rd November as Treason, The responsibility of the Federal govt is to punish him. "Whether he has committed treason or not" is something courts have to decide and they have already done that. And since its established that he has committed treason he surely cant participate in the elections

Had court declared him a traitor he (Musharaf) wouldn't have been moving freely in the country. The verdict does not address Musharaf directly, court had asked government to launch the proceedings against perpetrators behind that unconstitutional act of November 3rd. In short, he wasn't convicted - if he was then Mr. Ahsan Iqbal would have made his conviction the basis of his today's petition.
Yesterdays pakistan tv was so funny i could not stop laughing.

We had a fake degree holder crying on telly before he was sent to jail
A mullah having to sing the national anthem
A guy having to spell...economics
Another having to go through verse of the koran and kept get getting it wrong.

It went form the sublime to the ridiculous

The best bit of pakistan tv i have watched in years.

Previous government had a fair chance to amend this moronic article - actually lawmakers are afraid of mullah based repercussions.

Weak excuse......the mullahs have never been in power but secular parties that have power along with the army from day one.
The PPP has been accusing the ECP of taking orders from media and SC...you accuse them of PPP orders?

Yeh khula tazaad nhn? :P

Tell me anything REAL of the SC they have implemented?

This is the era of Noora Kushti in Pakistan.
Had court declared him a traitor he (Musharaf) wouldn't have been moving freely in the country. The verdict does not address Musharaf directly, court had asked government to launch the proceedings against perpetrators behind that unconstitutional act of November 3rd. In short, he wasn't convicted - if he was then Mr. Ahsan Iqbal would have made his conviction the basis of his today's petition.

I will try to find the court order but thing is discussed in media that courts declared mush "GHASIB" even yesterday in Tal Tak this thing was being discussed.

And he can move freely in country, the only institution who can stop him is federal govt. They are responsible to prosecute him
I will try to find the court order but thing is discussed in media that courts declared mush "GHASIB" even yesterday in Tal Tak this thing was being discussed.

And he can move freely in country, the only institution who can stop him is federal govt. They are responsible to prosecute him

No sir, justice choudhry is not that generous to allow him move freely in the country. Declaring his act unconstitutional and declaring him a traitor are two different things.
No sir, justice choudhry is not that generous to allow him move freely in the country. Declaring his act unconstitutional and declaring him a traitor are two different things.

lets agree to disagree :)
Yesterdays pakistan tv was so funny i could not stop laughing.

We had a fake degree holder crying on telly before he was sent to jail
A mullah having to sing the national anthem
A guy having to spell...economics
Another having to go through verse of the koran and kept get getting it wrong.

It went form the sublime to the ridiculous

The best bit of pakistan tv i have watched in years.

Any link? Wouldn't mind some 'time pass'.
Tell me anything REAL of the SC they have implemented?

This is the era of Noora Kushti in Pakistan.

The present era of noora kushti started in Pakistan with Gen Zia's famous "referendum" to declare himself "elected" President, and it has been downhill ever since in this regard.

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