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Musharraf moved to Karachi

Well, according to media he filed petition to see his ailing mother. His petition is denied. L et's see any point he leave the country and refused to come back....

you hve a shyt case, whole nation knows it that elections were fixed?
even the chief election commisionor accepted it?

Really, so how many cases are there running in the courts against such open fraud? Who allowed this fraud, shall we blame Zardari as he was the head of state at that time? Why were the people of Pakistan not on the streets, protesting against this stolen election?
i guss you are noora boy living in a noora land worshipping noora ga ja tindo king 24/7?

Now for FYI, I don't give a damn about any political party.
Just to remind you it was Mushy's NRO that allowed Sharif and Zardari back to Pakistan. Seems like they both deserve each other.
Really, so how many cases are there running in the courts against such open fraud? Who allowed this fraud, shall we blame Zardari as he was the head of state at that time? Why were the people of Pakistan not on the streets, protesting against this stolen election?

Now for FYI, I don't give a damn about any political party.
Just to remind you it was Mushy's NRO that allowed Sharif and Zardari back to Pakistan. Seems like they both deserve each other.
iftikhar monte carlo CJ, & fakkar j IBRAHIM, aka fakharu bhai, some intelllectuals like sehti, & yes the finanaces from friends of nawaz sharif are th most responsible reasons , causing a fake election in which going govt & comming govt all were part of the crouption?
tahir ul qadri shb went to supreme court against illegale composition of EC, which was the root cause of , this mega fake elections, he was denied to even listen his pettitions?
yes, just wait, when a grand marshall revolution took place, you will see, hanged bodies in the army prade grounds, & its comming soon!

iftikhar monte carlo CJ, & fakkar j IBRAHIM, aka fakharu bhai, some intelllectuals like sehti, & yes the finanaces from friends of nawaz sharif are th most responsible reasons , causing a fake election in which going govt & comming govt all were part of the crouption?
tahir ul qadri shb went to supreme court against illegale composition of EC, which was the root cause of , this mega fake elections, he was denied to even listen his pettitions?
yes, just wait, when a grand marshall revolution took place, you will see, hanged bodies in the army prade grounds, & its comming soon!
NRO means national reconcilliation ordinance?right?
it was tried & tested around the world south africa is good example?
through that ordinance, pakarmy tried its best, to give a chance, to these politicians to come back & do thier politics in the larger intersts od the nation, so the rebulilding process , would be made faster, & unity smong its peoples?
but unluckly, these political croupts came back & conspirated against the country for the sake of thier never ending croupt rule?
sorry, thts the last time, you are watching them, after that you ill just remember, the thugs with in thier dirty graves?
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