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Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

Plz answer!
Was Zardari better choice against Musharraf??

And answer should be only "yes" or "no"!

we didn't choose either of them!!!! so the question of being better cannot be asked....one was self imposed the other self elected!!!
I know musharraf did many thing wrong!
But i would stop voting him if someone better then him rises!
But in last election we only had two choices!
so you are saying NAWAZ SHARIF...currently is worse than ZARDARI....??? i can anyday feel secure about pakistan under NAWAZrather than GHADAR ZARDARI....
Anybody is better than musharraf, bloddy kakul graduate, drunk and dancing while Pakistan is burning.
:rofl::rofl:SANTRO.....are you SERIOUS...ZARDARI is better than musharraf...
Today nawaz sharif is not better then zardari, Shehbaz Sharif is better,
Bcoz i m sure that if someone ask him what do u want, stable pakistan or musharraf,
He will say Musharraf!
Gen-Mush was no saint however comparing the options we had in Pakistan he was the best we had so far!!
ANY Democratic leader.. Whether he loots 300 times more than a man sworn to defend the country over his own principles and ego.. is better.
That man is part of the system.. The democratic system. Which has never been allowed to mature by those military high ups who enjoy controlling the people of Pakistan.
There will be horrible leaders from the democratic system, but in time it will mature, the people of this country will mature. and much better leaders than those Pakistan has seen after Jinnah will come up. But the system must be allowed to grow. Ever wonder why India is soo successful everywhere...DEMOCRACY.. No military coup. Even at times when their leaders dont perform. The people are literate enough to take them to task.
ANY Democratic leader.. Whether he loots 300 times more than a man sworn to defend the country over his own principles and ego.. is better.
That man is part of the system.. The democratic system. Which has never been allowed to mature by those military high ups who enjoy controlling the people of Pakistan.
There will be horrible leaders from the democratic system, but in time it will mature, the people of this country will mature. and much better leaders than those Pakistan has seen after Jinnah will come up. But the system must be allowed to grow. Ever wonder why India is soo successful everywhere...DEMOCRACY.. No military coup. Even at times when their leaders dont perform. The people are literate enough to take them to task.

okay so next time we have election I hope you will vote for Musharraf (a civilian one).

Next time when Pakistan gets an opportunity to vote, I hope you will look at the resumes of both NS and Musharraf ... by resumes I mean the experience they have and how it is going to benefit Pakistan ...

NS had two uncomplete terms and Musharraf had one long term ... please take a deep breath and then see who is going to be a better leader for Pakistan based on their experiences.

As far as India is concerned, yes Indians have prospered but the playing field was made in their favour. When Pakistan was facing sanctions, India was getting US investment even though both had nuclear programs ... similarly Pakistan took stand against Israel and India extended friendship, this also caused forign investment and technical expertise from the Jewish lobby ...

Last but not least, India is not any different when it comes to leadership. There is nota single leader at the national level and again a govt. will be created out of many compromises.

If Indian Army had 2 million soldiers then there was a chance of a Martial Law but with large Indian borders and limitations of menpower, IA can't impose a martial law.

I can't stand when Pakistanis stand up and show pessimism towards Pakistan. I admire Musharraf because he was able to get this bloody pessimism out of our minds and gave us the slogan 'Pakistan first' OR 'sub sey pehley Pakistan'

Gen Mush. Gen Mush. Gen Mush.

I am sick and tired of listening about him
What is wrong with you people?
He was the one who broke constitution. He took control of a country. He made him self ruler. He took decisions(Good or Bad) that he wasn't suppose to. He destroyed, the already weakend state of democracy, in Pakistan.
And yet you think of him as a saint?

Are we left with such options only.

If one butcher is bad you dont take the patient to another butcher because he is a bit better. you need a doctor for the patient, for God sake .

I have been noticing people pointing out Current Government's weaknesses as an argument in favour of Gen. Musharaf's regime. This is a fallacy.

Look at the fundamentals. Was he suppose to be the one taking decisions? No he wasn't. So, the decisions he took, whether in favour or in harm, are all incorrect.
So what iz the solution??
We had only 2 choices in last election!
its all about being the lesser evil. musharraf did for this country in a mere 4-5 years what benazir nawaz or the religious parties couldnt do for more than 4 decades... taliban are a direct result of zia ul haqs (lanti) policies and ppp should be ashamed that it was zulfiqar ali bhutto who was the reason east pakistan broke up...
He was the one who broke constitution. He took control of a country.

He is not only one who changed consitution and he got it approved by an elected Parliament. This Parliament which was elected by the people of Pakistan. If his decissions were wrong then PML-Q shouldn't have got the third highest number of seats! End of the lousy argument of a rubber stamp Parliament - majority of the people didn't come out in streets against the same Parliament.

He made him self ruler. He took decisions(Good or Bad) that he wasn't suppose to. He destroyed, the already weakend state of democracy, in Pakistan.
And yet you think of him as a saint?.

Utter nonsense! Musharraf was brought in power by the Army command with full support from Pakistan's bureaucracy.

Benazir Bhutto, Imran Khan and Qazi sahib all supported Army's decission to take over. Why don't you write against these folks??

Don't blame Gen. Musharraf as he had fuull support from politicians to the agencies.

Last but not least, Ch. Iftikhar took oath from the same Gen. Musharraf becoming one of the first Supreme court judges to take oath on PCO under Musharraf regime.

Click the link below for a pretty pic!


Are we left with such options only.

If one butcher is bad you dont take the patient to another butcher because he is a bit better. you need a doctor for the patient, for God sake .

Yes, he is the best option given the current options from Pakistan's political leadership.

PPPP: Zardari and Bilawal Zardari - there is no electrol system in PPPP and the entire senior leadership has been sidelined for thugs and novices!

People in interior Sindh are even tired of Zardari now!

PML-N: Javed Hashmi goes to jail and suffer for years but NS keeps all powerful seats for himself and his family. Ran from the country when his party needed him the most! SHAME ON HIM!

I have been noticing people pointing out Current Government's weaknesses as an argument in favour of Gen. Musharaf's regime. This is a fallacy.

Fine! bring some serious data of all the work done in NS and BB govts include present Zardari govt and lets compare.

Look at the fundamentals. Was he suppose to be the one taking decisions? No he wasn't. So, the decisions he took, whether in favour or in harm, are all incorrect.

Yes he was suppose to take these decissions per the PCO which majority of the Parliament approved! End of the lousy argument of a rubber stamp Parliament - majority of the people didn't come out in streets against the same Parliament.

That was the policy of the Parliament at that time if this Parliament think that PCO was wrong then repeal it!
how selfish!
just because you met him in person and shook hands with him...you like him?:what:
if I were you..I wouldn't be overwhelmed by the presence of a President/CoAS and overlook how during his reign he gradually sabotaged the country/country people and we disdn't even realise and then one day we woke up just to discover that the entire country was dilapidated!!! Yes we had way too many expectations from him ,we trusted this man blindly......and it's not the half of it.It had its after effects...that are reverberating everywhere untill now.O please! now don't start compring him with Zardari and others.Don't tell me he has learned from his mistakes.Look around you..are we in a state to take anymore chances.No!

Nice to see that you feel comfortable labling somone "selfish", you know noting about me or what i am. So Please do not lable me. I have not personally attacked you, so i would appreciate the same ammount of respect in return.

Despite what you say, in my opinion the General was a brilliant leader then most can imagine. I dont give two hoots about "Ghadari", did i even mention him in my post...?

I dont need to tell you anything, but from your rant it seems you have a lot on your mind, go ahead and spill it out. The truth shall set you free.
He is not only one who changed consitution and he got it approved by an elected Parliament. This Parliament which was elected by the people of Pakistan. If his decissions were wrong then PML-Q shouldn't have got the third highest number of seats! End of the lousy argument of a rubber stamp Parliament - majority of the people didn't come out in streets against the same Parliament.
Major General Ehtesham Zamir (head of the political wing of the ISI directorate) has admitted his guilt of manipulating the 2002 elections, and has directly blamed General Musharraf for ordering him to do so.

This certainly bolsters the 'lousy' argument of a rubber stamp Parliament.

In addition to that, even Shujaat, Mushahid, Sheikh Rasheed and many other PML(Q) members have accepted that their party acted as rubber stamp for Musharraf.

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