Well you can't blame the guy in the Avatar for that one. Now the guy that goes on vacation with his family to Europe while his country gets flooded. I think i could blame that guy. In fact did it not get to the point where Islamic extremist groups started giving out aid ?
Jokes aside, I agree with you here.
I may make light-hearted comments from time to time, but I dearly love the people of Pakistan, and my heart weeps at their plight. It is a nation whose fertile potential has been wasted over the decades by its leaders, both military and civil.
The reason I speak out as I do is primarily because of my fears that the risks to the long-term viability of the State have reached crisis proportions for some time now, and those who still have the responsibility to respond to these risks appear to be totally oblivious to them.
Please note that I am blaming them all - the civilian politicians and the military dictators - for their roles in this sad saga, as well as the elites - brass, feudal, industrial, intelligentsia - for failing to realize how pervasively their moral and intellectual corruption has eroded the very foundations of Pakistani society.
I came to this realization coming about two decades ago, when I made the gut-wrenching decision to leave the country.
Please also note that I accept my own share of the blame too, but in my defense I did try my level best, for as long as I could to improve whatever I could, before I was made to realize the futiity of my efforts.
Having said all that, I still have lingering hopes that others may succeed where I admitted failure.